

I past the Jonas's house, and slowed down. The lights were on, and you could see them having dinner through the window. Just as I thought, Miley was there. She was sitting next to Nick and both of them had the biggest smiles on their faces. My eyes started tearing up, even though I thought that I wouldn't be able to cry anymore today. I ran away even faster. I knew exactly where I was going, and only one other person knew this spot existed.
tHe NeXt DaY!
I woke up on the hard wooden floor of the treehouse. It was in the middle of the woods behind a park, and Nick and I had found it when we were 7. We used to always hang out in here together, or go here when we wanted to be alone. I spent a lot of time here when my dad died.
I checked my phone, 0 New Messages. I don't know why that doesn't surprise me though. Maybe they think I'm coming back. My stomach growled, and I realized I hadn't brought much food. There were 3 Nutri-Grain bars at the bottom of my bag from basketball season, which just recently ended. I ate part of one and layed back down. I grabbed my iPod and found the song I was looking for. The opening beats came on and I listened to my best friend sing.
"Got the news today, doctor said I had to stay, a little bit longer, and I'll be fine..." The song continued on and somewhere in the middle of it I fell asleep again.
I woke up to my phone ringing, but by the time I reached for it, I had missed the call. Apparently, I had missed more then one call though. I looked at the call records and saw 7 missed calls.
2 from home. 1 from Danny. 2 from Kris....2 from Nick. I didn't know if I wanted to call any of them back yet, so I just set my phone back down, though it immediately went off again. The caller ID said Nick Jonas, but I just pressed reject. If he really wanted to find me, he would look here.
I spent many hours in the treehouse, not being able to go on my labtop because it died, stupid me for bringing my chargers, no electricity in a treehouse. My iPod was still fully charged, along with my phone, so I planned to use those as little as possible.
Night came rather quickly. I saw the sun begin to sit, and a cool breeze filled the air. I grabbed a sweatshirt out of my bag, and threw it on over my t-shirt. I put another one of my sweatshirts on the ground, and put my head on it. I planned to have a better sleep tonight then last night. I ate the last few bites of the first Nutri-Grain bar, then once again fell asleep.
I felt a little shove. I ignored it at first, but eventually I opened my eyes and stared right into the chocolate colored eyes of Nick Jonas. He actually looked somewhat sad for me, and I don't know what caused me to do it, but I burst out crying. He sat next to me and hugged me, and just let me cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you are still reading this, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I don't get on here very much, but when I do I update the stories :)