Welcome To My Life - Complete


Roxy Grant has moved twenty two times in total, lived in fifteen different countries and four different continents. So whats so different about Montreal compared to all the other places she's lived?

Maybe it's because here she's found a small group of friends that have welcomed her into their lives.

Maybe it's because she might discover the family she thought she'd lost.

And maybe, just maybe, it's because she's found the one person she never knew she'd been waiting for.

Follow Simple Plan and one or two of their friends in this series as they grow up from being 17 year old teenagers with big dreams to the men they are today, including all their ups and downs inbetween. Watch as they find themselves partners that show them the meaning of true love; see how they react as various people harbour dark secrets; and observe as five boys with an ambition fulfil their greatest shared wish.

Friends, relationships, choices, real-life problems, the past... they all affect who we are today - and not always in a good way.

Authors Note: This story, and its sequel, are also on my quizilla account (emmz992), but this version will be edited and contain minor changes.