Welcome To My Life - Complete

It's our time now

Seb’s POV

“Wait, let me get this straight.” David said, pacing around Pierre’sliving room, tugging one hand roughly through his dark hair. “The reason Pierre ran off at the airport, was so he could get his dad and ask if Roxy could live here?”

“And then go to the airport to see if they could persuade Roxy’s mum that that’s the best thing for Roxy, yes.” I finished, biting my lip nervously.

“And do you think it’ll work?” David demanded.

“I don’t know.” I replied honestly.

“Don’t get your hopes up Skippy.” Chuck said gently. “If it doesn’t work out you’ll only feel worse.”

David half groaned, half wailed, sounding almost like a wounded animal, flinging himself on the couch beside Ally. She curled up beside him, hugging him and resting her head on his chest as he rubbed her back tersely. To anyone looking in on us, they might think that those two were dating, but they’re more like brother and sister. Ally was the first to befriend David when he moved here from Sept-Ils, and it was he she went to when her dad died in a car crash. So now, whenever something bad like this happens, they use each other as a rock to pull each other through.

Maybe this is why I’m finding waiting so unbearable. Roxy is like my rock, like my twin sister or something. We’ve been through everything together, the good parts, the bad parts and even the so-scary-never-ever-want-to-repeat parts, like when she almost died a few years ago. God, that was awful. I really did think she was going to die. Everyone did, even the Doctors. I still couldn’t believe she was stupid enough to actually take the stupid –

“Guys? Are you in there?” Pierre called as he opened his front door.

“Living room!” Pat yelled impatiently. Pierre appeared in the doorway, looking serious.

And trust me, Pierre hardly ever does serious.

“So? Did it work?”

“Did you get there in time?”

“Do your parents want Roxy to live with you?”

“Does Roxy and her mum wanna live with you?”

“Is she staying?”

Pierre held up a hand to stop the constant flow of questions, and we lapsed into a tense silence.

“We got there in time.” He said slowly, choosing his words carefully. “Just. And our dad explained my idea… but Roxy’s mum didn’t like it. She started yelling and caused a huge fuss.”

“So…?” David asked quietly, the silent question hanging painfully in the air.

“So I said ‘screw you’ and never looked back.” Roxy said softly, appearing in front of a now-beaming Pierre.
We were having a mini party at the Bouvier’s house to celebrate Roxy staying in Montreal. Everyone was happy and over excited, so I think I was the only one who noticed when Rox sidled out of the room. I followed her as she made her way into the now dark garden. She tried to call someone on her mobile, but obviously didn’t get through, throwing her mobile to the ground in distressed frustration.

“Rox?” I called softly.

“Hey Seb,” she replied without turning around.

“You okay sweetie?” I asked, picking up her phone and handing it to her.

“Yeah,” she sighed, sounding exhausted. “I’m just really pissed at myself. I hurt my mum so bad Seb, she won’t even take any of my calls.”

“It was pretty bad at the airport then huh?” I murmured, hugging her.

“Yeah. She kept yelling at us. Saying stuff like ‘Richard you can’t do this! You haven’t been in her life for the past sixteen years, what gives you the right to full custody now?’ and then dad got really mad and said at least he would be here for me everyday, unlike her. It kept getting worse, until Pierre told them both to shut up and ask me what I wanted… when I said I wanted to stay, my mum just yelled ‘Fine!’ and stormed off to board the plane without even saying goodbye or… or anything.”

“Shhh honey. She’ll come around.” I replied soothingly. She nodded doubtfully, then attempted to smile.

“I guess we’d better go back to the party, they’re gunna wonder where we’ve gone.”

“C’mon then.” I smiled encouragingly, taking her hand and leading her inside.

Roxy’s POV

The party had ended about an hour ago, and everyone but David had gone home. He was spending the night, like me, on Pierre’s bedroom floor, as the Bouvier’s spare room hadn’t yet been set up for me to use.

Now I was just staring at Pierre’s dimly lit ceiling, listening to him snore gently. I thought about my mum and wondered if I’d made the right choice.

“Roxy? Are you awake?” David whispered from his own makeshift bed.

“Yeah.” I sighed, turning to face David.

“Missing your mum?” he asked softly, his moonlit features sympathetic.

“Mmm,” I admitted. “Sort of ironic, huh?”

“Nah, it’s natural.” David shrugged.

“This has been so surreal,” I said. “I’ve gone through so much in the past twenty four hours.”

David gazed at me for a moment thoughtfully, before climbing out of his bed and squeezing into mine, slipping under the duvet next to me.

“I’m just glad that at the end of these twenty four hours of madness, you’re still in my arms.” David murmured, curling his body around mine. I cuddled close to him.

“Me too. Goodnight David.”

“Sweet dreams Rox… I love you.” David said softly.

“I love you too.” I whispered in his ear. I saw his face light up as he grinned, kissing me on the lips before settling down beside me.

That was when I knew I’d made the right decision.

The End
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sequel coming soooooooon stay tuned :D comment me what you thought of this one :)