
Three Ghosts in a Lighthouse...

Screams were all around me. People in a panic were rushing by me, not knowing what to do.

"Damien!" I yelled. "We have to leave! Grab all the things you can and let's get out of here!" We took what we needed while there was still time. The city was going down in flames. Damien and I were going to escape to the seaside.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming," he said as he rushed down the stairs with a couple bags in hand. I only had one bag I was bringing with me. We quickly left the house and got into the car.

There was a storm in the distance. The wind breathed warning of its imminence. There was a lighthouse five hundred yards down. I pointed to it as we parked our car somewhere and got out. "We'll be safe there."

I paused, recognizing the beach and lighthouse all too well.

"Cynthia? What's wrong?" Damien came over to me and touched my arm lightly.

"Nothing...Well, it's just...this place brings back memories." I stared up at him. "When I was little I came here with my family. I loved to play with the fish in the water. But when it was time to go, my family left without me. I started to panic and I almost drowned." I looked down and stared at the pale sand and rocks around our feet. "That's when I heard her song."

"Whose song?" Damien asked.

"The ghost in the lighthouse," I answered solomnly. "Her lover was a sailor.
She went and she waited in the lighthouse. The door locked from the outside. Her lover never arrived so she sings there, soft as a siren luring the ships off their course. She saved me when I was drowning." I took a deep breath.

He put a hand under my chin and angled my head up. He opened his mouth to speak but a crash of thunder cut him off. He looked at the sky then back at me.

"Come on," he said, taking my hand and pulling me to the lighthouse. The city was burning as the ocean was turning. We went in and climbed up the stairs of the lighthouse.

We looked out at the discolored sky and the vibrant colors of the flames swallowing the city whole and spitting out the remains as ashes. I heard the door slam behind us and the click of the lock. Locking us in from the outside...

I turned around and ran down the stairs. "No," I shouted. I got to the door and tried pulling it open. It was no use though. "No, no, no, no, no!" Damien followed behind me and banged his whole right side into the door. It didn't budge.

Our breathing was turning into quick and panicked pants.

"This can't be happening," Damien said quietly, still slamming his body into the white wooden door.

"Help!" I screamed, tears in my voice. My throat felt clogged; I wasn't getting any air into my lungs. I pounded my fists against the wall. I started crying. I leaned against the wall and slid down so I was sitting on the hard rock floor. We weren't getting out of here.

Three ghosts in a lighthouse.
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My writing here sucks. Sorry about that. =/
Anyway, here's a link to the lyrics of the song:

"Lighthouse" by The Hush Sound
It's a beautiful song, but when you actually listen to the lyrics it's quite creepy.