
Chapter 18

Aimee's POV

I quietly eased myself out of the chair, careful not to wake Frank. I glanced at him. He looked so peaceful lying there. I envied the way he could just do that, just forgetting everything wrong that happened.

I looked around the room. It was really artistic looking. The walls were black and had silouhettes of trees in dark blue. The ceiling had to be the best of them all. The dark blue backround made it look like night, with a dark green hill at the bottom. If you looked closely enough, you could see two people sitting on the hill holding hands. Glittering silver stars lit up the sky. It was amazing.

I made my way over to the book shelves. There were paints lined at the top, going in order of the rainbow colours. Paper sat on the second shelf, neatly in piles of different sizes. The third shelf had about a hundred paintbrushes, leading from shortest to largest. The last two shelves just had briefcases on them. I guess it must have been their drawings in it.

I don't think this is Frank's house anymore...

Beside the shelves is a small wooden table. I peer down at the many photos standing. Most of them have two young boys sitting beside each other. The one at the front is a guy with his arm around a girl. Wait a minute. I rub my eyes. This was Gerard! Aww, the pictures must of been of him and Mikey. I bend down to get a closer look. I pick up the biggest frame sitting amongst them and look at it. They must have been having a water fight. Mikey is protecting himself, while Gerard is laughing and squirting water all over his face. I silently laugh.

"Have a nice sleep?"

I jump in surprise and turn to see Gerard standing at the door. Whoa. His short, black hair was ruffled in a mess and he was squinting in the light pouring into the spacious room. All he had on was a Wolverine vest and his boxers. I nearly fainted there and then, but saw he was waiting for a response.

"Umm hi." Was all I could manage to say.

Oh no. Did I have a crush on Gerard? I couldn't. How awkward would that be?

"This your house?" I quickly changed the subject.

"How'd ya guess?" He smiled. God, he has a cute smile. No Aimee, stop!

"It's really nice. Did you design it yourself?"

"Yeah, got bored with normal." He scratched his head, "Hungry?"

I nodded and we made our way into the kitchen. He gestured for me to sit on a stool.

"Soo, what do we have today?" He opened a cupboard and looked through about 30 different cereals sitting there. "Like any of these?" He took them all up, lining them along the table.

"Umm," I looked through the never-ending line, not knowing what to choose.

"You can always have waffles or something." He giggled as he noticed my confused face at the cereals.

"Okay, thanks Gee."

"Gee? I've never heard that one before." He looked up at the ceiling, as if pretending to think about it. "I like it. I like it a lot."

I smiled. If someone was to tell me a year ago that I would be in Gerard's kitchen, laughing along with him and having waffles in his house, I would just look at them.

"Thanks for letting me stay here," I looked up at him, in between a mouthful of waffles.

"My pleasure." He smiled again, and stood up from the table, heading for the fridge.

He quietly opened it and took out a can of squirty cream. I just stared at him.

He put his finger to his lips, and motioned for me to follow him.Putting the half-eaten waffle down, I walked out of the kitchen. I looked around the hall when I saw him in the lounge.

Tip-toeing in, I stood beside him. He was standing above Frank, who was still sleeping.

Carefully, he bent down and shook the can.

At first I didn't have a clue what he was doing, but then I caught on.

Having sprayed the gooey mess into Frank's hand, he walked out again. He re-entered with a feather duster.

Giggling, he tickled Frank's nose. Suddenly, Frank's hand reached out and hit his nose. The cream was all over his face. Gerard quickly sprinted out of the room. I followed him.


Uh oh.