
Chapter 62

Mikey's POV

"What about this?"

Gerard and Frank turned around sharply. They focused their gaze on the shelf I was pointing to. A small blue box sat there, shaped like a bear.

Frank squinted his eyes and came forward, so his nose was just centimeters away from it.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

Gerard picked one up and inspected it closely. He was about to put it back on the shelf, when he noticed the price tag.

"Hey, it's only ten dollars! Who cares what it is, it's cute!" He shouted excitedly, like a little kid, and threw it into the cart, which was now piled high with things we were buying to decorate the new nursery.

We had already found brightly colored paint, a baby wardrobe, a cot, a travel cot, a changing table, a rocking chair and we hadn't even made it to the second aisle yet.

Frank rolled his eyes at Gerard's excitement, but he couldn't help to let out a giggle as Gerard gasped over-dramatically at something shiny at the end of the aisle and ran wildly to it, sliding on the linoleum floor.

"Are you sure he's not the pregnant one?" Frank joked as Gerard smiled broadly, hugging a toy giraffe to his chest.

I laughed along with him, until things got a bit more serious.

"This is really good, what you're doing for Aimee." I said to Frank.

He shrugged. "It's the least I can do. I just want her to be happy, you know?"

I nodded in response.

"Maybe this baby shower can cheer her up a bit. I just can't believe Sean. It just makes me so angry to think he could do this to her..." His face tightened in anger, as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey. Don't worry about it. Aimee's not alone in this, and she knows that. She's got you. And all of us. Now, if you ask me, that's a whole lotta loving for this baby."

Frank thought for a minute and nodded. "Thanks, Mikes." He smiled.

"So should we go and try to find Gerard, before he gets a little scary?"

We only walked a few feet, before I felt my cell vibrating in my pocket. I took it out.

Ray calling.

I slid it up, and immediately knew something was wrong.

"Hello?" I spoke into the receiver.

I could hear heavy breathing on the other end. "Ray?"

Oh, Mikey." He sighed, his voice stricken with fear.

"What's wrong, Ray?"

He didn't answer, but I knew he was still there.

"Speak to me." I told him clearly.

He sighed again. "Is Frank there?"

I turned around, Frank catching my eye, grinning happily at me. "Yeah. You want him?"

"Oh. No. Erm, is he in a good mood?" Ray's voice was hardly audible.

"Ray, what is it? You're starting to scare me now...."

"It's Aimee. She's in hospital." He almost whispered.

"What?!" I nearly shouted, but didn't want to worry Frank before I knew why she was in there.

"What happened? Is she okay? Where is she?" I asked, forgetting about what I had just reminded myself not to do.

Frank stopped what he was doing and looked up at me, his eyes widened.

"Belleville hospital. Ward 12. Come as soon as you can." He replied.

"Okay. We'll be there soon." I slid my cell shut, and fought from screaming in confusion.

At that minute, Gerard ran around the corner, hitting me with the overflowing cart. He tutted loudly and scrambled to pick up the mass of toys and baby clothes that had spilled out the sides.

He held up a tiny black dress with white skulls on it and the smallest black converse I had ever seen. "Look guys. How cute is that?" He grinned.

But nobody looked at him.

Frank walked over to me. "Mikey, what happened? Where's Aimee?"

I sighed. "She's in hospital, Frank..."