
Chapter 7

I shiver in the cold.

I must have fainted because I soon wake to see Frank placing a blue wooly blanket over my cold, shaking body.

"Aimee? You okay sweetie?" I suddenly feel warm as his beaming smile greets my face. "Guys, she's awake!" He cries and suddenly Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Bob, Anna and two policemen all come running at once.

The police men then proceed to ask questions like "How long has this been going on?" and "What has he done to you?" To all the questions I remain silent, not saying a word.

"Come on, Aimee. If you tell us now, your dad will be put in prison and it'll all be over." The rounder police man cooes.

I burst out crying, thinking of Dad in prison and me being alone again. Nice going, tubby.

"I think you should leave her. She's obviously not ready to answer questions yet, she might be ready tomorrow." Frank says, as he ushers them to the door.

"No, no, Mr umm...." The thinner one stays still.

"Iero." Frank tells him.

"Mr Iero, come this way," Frank heads out the door with the two men as Anna comes over to sit on the couch where I'm lying.

"Why did you lie to me, Aimee?" She looks at me, her blue eyes filled with concern.

I don't say anything and just lie there, staring at the wall. This night's been a bit of a blur, and I'm still waiting to wake up.

Soon Frank and the two policemen come back, Frank beaming like a little child. He crouches down, eye level with me so I'm no longer looking at the wall, but into his beautiful eyes.

"Aimee, what do say to staying here the night?"

What kind of question was that? Of course normally I'd do anything for him to ask me that, but now it didn't really feel like the time.

"I want my dad." For the first time since I'd woken up, I spoke. My throat felt dry and sore.

"Well hunnie, your daddy's at the station." One of the police men crouches down and talks to me like I'm a baby. "But for now, you can stay with Mr Iero, here."

I look up to see Frank staring at the man in disgust. "She's not a baby." He knows me so well. I start laughing quietly, strange at a situation like this.

"Umm, okay, well now that you're okay with this Aimee. We'd best be getting off." The policemen make their way out of tour bus quickly.

We all laugh histerically then. Maybe this won't be so bad...