Filthy little things


I walked in the house and it was dark. I closed the door and threw my keys on the mail table and leaned agaisnt the door.
Everything was silent except for the grand father clock.
"Buddy?" I heard my bestfriend call from the living room. "Bud, is that you?" I leaned my head on the door and pinched the skin between my eyes.
"Yeah." I opened my eyes and saw him coming from around the corner. His nose was bright red and he sniffed. "How was it." -sniff- he rubbed his nose. "I mean..are you okay?"
I sighed and took a long look at him. It was clear he was doing some sort of drug which made inside of me explode.
I paused. " I'm fine." I lied. "What do you have?"
A smile cam across Jacks face and he pulled me into a hug. "It's gonna be okay." He let me and started walking away. "We have...Bash, Bennies, Black Tar, Blow, Special K, Doves and my favorite mother fucking lady.. Mary Jane." Something about Jacks voice was excited. I walked into the living room where he was and saw the table. Filled with bags, powder, needles, pipes, bowls, bongs, razors, mirrors and dollar bills. I looked at him.
"Dust." I said quietly.
"Needle or smoke?"
"Niether. No fucking needles." I couldn't stress that enough.
"Powder...powder. hmmmm." He searched the table and twiddled his fingers over the table" hmmmm, powder, AH HA!" he picked up a baggie filled with powdered heroin and smiled at me. "Ehhh? Fucking sweet isn't it."
"Oh yeah,'s the bee's knees." I hide a smile and sat down on the couch, pulling the table closer to me and taking off my jacket. I snatched the bag out of Jacks hand and poured it out into a line on a mirror. Breaking the all ready powdered heroin into a line.
"Been out of the game for long, Luke? It's already broken up."
I closed my eyes tight and waved my hand. "Sorry..I'm out of it."
"Totally understandable, bud." Jack sat down across from me on the floor and pulled his sleeve up, wrapping a rubber band around his biscep, tying it tight. I was rolling up a dollar bill and I looked up at him and scoffed.
"Shooting up, bro? You're gonna kill yourself one of these days." I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"That is the first smile I've seen since Tay"
"Don't fucking say it man..please."
"Yeah, I should have known. I'm sorry." He poured already melted heroin into the needle. He must have been working on this while I was going to visit Taylor's room..Fuck I miss her. Thinking about her made the nerves in my head bunch up, and my eyes water. No, I can't do this. Fuck..
I leaned down and touched the lower end of the rolled up dollar bill to the powder lined up on the mirror, and the uper end on my nose. I heard the 'Tap tap tap.' of Jacks finger tapping the needle to get the air out. I stopped and muttered. "One of these days, buddy you're gonna kill yourself. Then all my loved ones will be dead." I huffed and could tell Jack felt awkward that I said that.
I waved my hand and took a deep breathe in, taking the line into my nose.
All thepain in my body from emotion pain and physical was quickly replaced with the pain in my nose. My eyes became a little watery and the only thing I can compare the feeling to was when I used to get chlorinated pool water in my nose when I would swim. The pain was so far beyond that though that the comparison is hardly accurate.

All of a sudden the pain disappeared. I started to feel good. The feeling became very intense,a whole body orgasm. I wanted to embrace the feeling as long as I can, and I did. Feeling a smile creep up as I leaned back on the couch. The couch wasn't doing it for me, so I crawled to the floor, laying flat on my back. As soon as my body came to rest on the floor the bones in my spine, knees, and hips simultaneously popped, as if being relieved from extreme pressure.

The different muscles in my back spasmed at different times for seemingly the next minute. Then a warmth fell over me. My body relaxed completely. Every muscle, even my eyelids felt to give up the concern and the care they had carried for so long. I lay there and could not think of anything, no thoughts, no ideas, no concerns, no Taylor, nothing. It was as if someone had disconnected my brain from my entire body and then physically massaged it. I only recieved that feeling when I was laying in her arms.

My eyes closed but I was awake, as awake as I could. I slowly looked at the clock one last time while my eyes were being able to open. It felt as if minutes were going by so slow.
One...two....three...four... Then thoughts of her rushed in my body.

I was high off blow and I was watching tv on the couch. I was watching an commercial of Billy Mays and I smiled, unaware of what I was watching and I heard the door slam and someone come up behind me and slap my head.
I touched my head, so fucked up on cocaine my face didn't change expressions. I turned around slowly and looked at my angry girlfriend, face beat red and a bag in her hand.
I paused for a long moment. "Watching the Sham Wow commercial by that crazy fucker Billy Mays. Take a seat."
"You fucking asshole, you're stoned right now, aren't you?!"
I looked around and looked back at her, hiding a smile. "Nooooo, I don't know what you're talking about. Wow, you look angrrrrrrry!" I said "GRRRRRR" and smiled.
"STOP ACTING LIKE A TWO YEAR OLD, LUCAS! I'm not kidding around!" Her voice getting louder and louder. I knew I had to stop acting so stupid, but it wasn't me speaking. It was the cocaine. She threw the bag in her hand at me, and powder came out of it and spilled all over me. It was my heroin stash.. How did she get this? I picked it up and looked confused.
"Yeah, you're dumbass left your jacket at my house, and you being as stupid as you are you left your fucking stash in the pockets. You promised me you would stop. You said we would work on this together.." She was crying.
I wasn't paying attention to anything she was saying..All I was hearing were the insults. I knew I should have comforter her, but I couldn't go sober.
"Whoah..calm it down with the insults. Chill the fuck out."
She went in front of me and slapped me so hard. "Me chill the fuck out? And how do I chill the fuck out? How do you and your asshole friends, 'chill out"?! By getting high?!"
She was so angry.
"Obviously." That pissed her off. She paced out of the living room and banged on Jack's door. "Open your fucking door, Jack!"
I sat on the couch and felt the inside of my cheek with my tongue. It still stung from her hand, and it burned. Seconds or minutes later, I don't know which she came into the room dragging Jack by his hand. In his other hand was a needle.
"He wants me to chill out, Jack. I don't know how to do this. I need you to do it..Please." Jack looked at me then back at Taylor. My face was blank. I should have screamed no.
"I SAID DO IT, RIGHT NOW!" She was ripping up her sleeve and tapping her elbow. "PLEASE, JACK!"
Jack looked at me and I touched the side of my cheek and waved my hand. He took the needle and placed it in her vien, and shot her up.
"See baby...I can chill.."

"LUCAS, LUCAS BUD WAKE UP!" Jack was shaking me awake.
I felt sick,and groaned. "Ughhhh, don't shake a person thats fucked up!" I smiled at him and he placed his hand on my chest and smiled back at me.
"I thought I lost you for a second." He was hitting a bowl full of weed and offered it to me. I took it and hit it.
"I wish you could have lost me.. I saw Taylor.." Then exhaled.
"No man..I promise. I'll die right next to you in the end."
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Bash= Hash.
Bennies = Speed.
Black Tar = Heroin.
Blow = Cocaine.
Special K = Ketamine.
Doves = Ecstasy.
Mary Jane = bud.