Living a love life all your life isn't always lovely

Dreaming Isn't Always Fun

I awoke in a familiar setting; my room. I had dark purple walls that were covered in posters from favorite bands. The Maine, Amber Pacific, Escape the Fate, Nevershoutnever, I had them all. I tried to remember what happened last, and I remembered falling asleep in Jack’s car. Now the question is, how the hell did she get me in here? I know for a fact that she can’t carry me up here, what with her being so small. And if she dragged me I’m sure I would’ve woken up. So what the hell? My eye brows burrowed in concentration, as I came up with possible explanations. She could be a super hero in disguise, or she could have had Manya takeme up. Nah, Jack isn’t good at keep secrets, she couldn’t possibly be a super hero. Unless that is all pat of the trick. She acts like she can’t keep a secret, which makes people illimunate the super hero idea, but in reality, she is the most powerful being on the planet!!!! Nah, she isn’t smart enough for that. Manya couldn’t have carried me up because she is to....petite, and I weigh a lot.
I decided to stop my ranting in my head, and look for Manya, see if she knew the answer. I walked into the living room, and saw Zack. Huh? What the hell is going on?! My eyes grew wide as I saw that he was in a white t-shirt and boxers. A boxer guy, not bad. I thought. Shut up Ravigne! No! I like seeing him in boxers! Whoa, where did THAT come from? I don’t know, I don’t know. Whatever, just stop with the nasty thoughts! How do YOU know what I’m thinking? I AM YOU!!!! Oh, yeah sorry. Ugh!!!! I’m leaving! Good! Good! Ugh! Ugh! Bye! Bye.... I shook my head and noticed Zack smirking at me. WTF??? I looked down at my attire, and noticed I was wearing a silky, sexy, black night gown that barely covered my ass. I blushed in embarrassment. His smirk grew wider as he noticed.
“Hey sweetie, how was your night? I know mine was good.” He purred. Ew. I don’t even want to know what that meant. I shuddered, but I guess he took it as a shiver. He came to me and rapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. I choked on air.
“Can’t......breath.......need.......air!!!!” He instantly let go, and I took a deep breath.
“Sorry.” He apologized sheepesly. I nodded, still catching my breath. After a moment, I realized something, A HOT GUY IN BOXERS IS HUGGING ME IN MY HOUSE WHILE I AM ALMOST NAKED!!!!! I almost screamed at the realization.
“Um.....what are you doing here....Zack?” He wore a confusedlook on his face, as did I.
“Honey, Rave, I live here.” My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Live here? Double ew. And I hate the name Rave.
“Why?” I asked a little creeped out by the answer. He frowned.
“Rave, we have been going out for two years, you asked me to move in just a week ago. Don’t you remember?” I decided to get my answers later, wait one more question.
“What did you mean by you had a good night?” I asked. He looked like he was concentrating on something until realization dawned on him. He smirked that creepy sexy smirk once more.
“Oh, you know.......I had a good night because of the hot, steamy, sex we had last night.” I choked again, and my jaw dropped. I began hypervenalating. I’m not a virgin anymore?
“I’m not a virgin anymore?” I spoke aloud. He looked at me weirdly.
“Um, we’ve had sex every other night for as long as we’ve been going out. I count that and say you aren’t a virgin.” He chuckled. I almost threw up at the thought. I knew I thought he wassexy before, but the thought of even kissing him seems disgusting. I mean....EW!!!!! I began hypervenalating again until.........
“Ravigne? Ravigne wake up!!! Damn it RAVE WAKE UP THIS INSTANT!” I jolted awake in shock. I was sitting in Jack’s car in front of my house. I sighed. It was just a dream. Good. I yawned and stretched.
“Sorry Jack. Thanks for taking me home.” She nodded then giglled suspicously.
“What?” I asked. She giggled again.
“No seriously what?” She shook her head and burst into a laughing fit.
“I’ were your....sleep and......said weren’t a virgin....anymore.....hahaha!” I blushed and put my head down. She glared at me.
“No I didn’t, it was just a weird dream.” She looked at me funny.
“What kind of dream?” I she wiggled her eye brows suggestively. I laughed.
“Nothing like that....I’ll tell you some other time.” She shrugged.
“Whatever, I’m going to pick you up tomorrow for school tomorrow k?” I shook my head.
“Nope, you’re walking with me.” She groaned.
“Come on Ravigne! My feet will kill!” I rolled my eyes.
“Then wear some decent shoes. I have to go, bye.” I walked to my front and ran upstairs to my room. I checked for any messeges.......and I had 83. Are. You. Serious? Damn!!! I had 30 voice messseges to! I looked through them and saw one name that caught my interest most. Zack. Ew. I deleted his number from my phone. After that dream, there is no way I am going to even consider being friends with him! The rest of the voice mails and what not I deleted.
I was became hungry, and went down stairs. Manya put a nice bowl of chilly on the counter with corn bread on a separate plate. I sighed content. I took the bowl and plate and began eating. The spices and sauce blended together perfectly, and I finished in about five minutes. I ran upstairs to my room to take a shower. I stripped from my jeans and and blue t-shirt, and steped inside, the steamig water soothing me immediatley. A knock on the door took me out of my bliss. I groaned in annoyance.
“What?!” I yelled angrily.

“Ravigne, there is someone on the phone for you!” I rolled my eyes.
“Who?” I asked. I heard talking on the other side of the door.
“Some one named Zack.” I huffed.
“Tell him I’m.....asleep!”
“No!” I sighed.
“Ignore the call, say I’m sick, say I’m phoneophobic, I don’t know hang up!” She huffed, and muttered a, “Fine!”, and stomped down the stairs. I went back ot my shower.
Once I was done, sleep over came me, and I collapsed in bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay......that was a weird dream! So.....yeah, the interesting stuff comes in the next chapter!
<3 Ellly