

The next day, Matt and Amelia were sitting, eating their breakfast. Well, actually, Matt was eating breakfast while Amelia was scolding him to hurry up, for he was, once again, late.

"Matt, do you ever think of reaching there early, or at least on time?" Amelia asked, her hands on her hips, watching as Matt ate his scrambled eggs. Matt grinned.

"Amelia, I balance things. If I don't reach late, who will?"

"That's utter bullshit,"Amelia said with a laugh. Matt nodded, laughing as well.

"Yeah, but think of it this way, the guys give up on waiting for me in the studio long ago," Matt said, finishing his breakfast. Amelia handed him his cup of coffee.

"There, you're finished, now go!" she said. Matt chuckled and got up. Already dressed, Matt turned to leave but stopped. It was his only chance.

"Wait, I forgot something," he said and faced Amelia.

"What—,” Amelia was cut off by Matt’s lips pressed against hers. Matt pulled away and grinned like a schoolboy.

“That,” he said.

“Um, Matt,” Amelia called out, stopping him. Amelia kissed him again, “Thanks, and can I use your phone to make a call?”

Matt stared at her. He barely heard her question since the only thing running through his mind was She kissed me!

“What –oh, yeah, sure,” he replied. Amelia nodded.

“Okay, thank you,” she said. The two stood still, just looking at each other, “Oh what the hell,” Amelia shrugged and grabbed Matt. Matt grinned into the kiss, kissing her slowly.

“I should go now,” Matt said, kissing Amelia. She nodded, but both made no indication of stopping, “Really.”

“Yes, you should,” Amelia said and broke the kiss. She lightly kissed Matt’s cheek and said breathlessly, “Now you can go.”

She waited a few seconds after Matt left the house and then realised she had to make a call. Upon hearing her best friend's, Clarissa, voice, Amelia immediately began speaking in French.

"Clarissa! Oh dear, I've missed you!" Amelia said her voice fluent and sounding just as graceful in French like it is in English.



“Amelia! I told you to not leave! Why don’t you listen to me? Why?” Clarissa scolded, her accent flowing into her French; an accent that Amelia missed.

“I’m sorry, stop scolding. But I met this man! He is amazing! He’s smart, funny, a great singer and his friends are so amazing. Clarissa, he likes the same music as me, and he practically burns water! And his dog is so adorable!” Amelia ranted. After a few minutes of silence from Clarissa, Amelia got worried, “Honey, are you there?”

All of a sudden, Amelia heard a squeal from the other end and she pushed the phone away from her ears, afraid that Clarissa just might deafen her.

“Stop hurting the baby whales!” Amelia teased, referring to Clarissa’s squealing. Instantly, the squealing stopped.

“Funny. But wow, you’re in love! That’s so great—”

Amelia stopped Clarissa, “I am not in love. I can’t be in love, I’m engaged to be married to some person, remember? Besides, I can’t love Matt and he, me; he doesn’t even know I’m Amelia Delaney, princess of Sybillia.”

“A true love story,” Clarissa said, dreamily. Amelia rolled her eyes.

“Would you stop that?” she asked irritated.

“Fine, but I’m glad that you’re safe,” Clarissa said. Once again, Amelia rolled her eyes, picking under her fingernails. Amelia’s eyes glanced and saw Matt by the door. Her eyes widened, and suddenly, she was extremely glad that her entire conversation with Clarissa was in French.

“I thought you left,” Amelia said. Matt nodded.

“Yeah, but I forgot my car keys,” he said and chuckled grabbing the keys from next to Amelia, “I’m going now.”

“Alright, bye,” Amelia said, with a weak smile.

Matt walked outside to his car. He sat behind the steering wheel and thought hard. He rang up his mother hoping to confirm his thoughts.

“Hello?” his mother’s voice rang from the other end.


“Matt!” she said, excitement clear in her words.

“Hey, I need to ask you something.”

“Ask away darling,” her voice almost musical. Matt smiled, shaking his head at his mother’s cheery tone.

“The woman I’m betrothed to; what’s her name?” Matt asked.

“Princess of Sybillia, Amelia Delaney, why?” his mother asked. Matt smiled.

“I knew it,” he said to himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to the following who commented, I'm sorry I basically kinda neglected this story :

Ultraviolet Light