
The Plan

"I'm going to America," she repeated. Clarissa blinked a few times before opening her mouth, only having to close it due to lackof words.

Clarissa sighed, "First of all smart one, how the hell are you going to go to America without everyone finding you? I mean even if you change your appearance, you'd need your passport.

"Secondly, where the hell are you going to stay? And lastly, why do you honestly assume I won't tell the king and queen?"

Amelia rolled her eyes, "Well, I figured you and I would go on the private plane, saying how we're going for a short trip, then when we reach a certain place, you'll help me fix how I look. Afterwards, you just hop back on the private plane and return to America."

"I don't think it's that easy Amelia!" Clarissa shouted.

"Shush!" Amelia said quickly. Clarissa sighed.

"With a friend like you, I wouldn't need children to make my hair go grey."

"I love you too Rissa."

"Oh shove it!" she said. Sighing, Clarissa turned to Amelia, "Promise me you won't follow through with your plan as long as I'm here?"

Amelia looked at her bestfriend, "Alright."

"Really? You give up? Wow, I was sure that I'd have to go on my knees and beg," Clarissa said increduously. Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, you're amazing. Now leave, I'm sleepy," Amelia said in a monotone voice. Clarissa smiled at Amelia.

"Of course princess."

Amelia watched as Clarissa left. She then waited two minutes, then opened the door to peek out to see if Clarissa was still there. With her friend nowhere in sight, Amelia shut the door and opened her drawers, pulling out several tops and pairs of jeans. She quickly packed her bag and flung it over her shoulder.

"Clarissa isn't here right now so technically..." Amelia said to herself, smirking.

Minutes later, Amelia changed out of the yards of material that people call dressses, and into a pair skinny legged jeans, black tank top and a dark purple hoodie. She felt like a Bond Girl, having to always look to see if people were coming. Firguring that the coast was clear, Amelia walked straight but ended up colliding with someone.

"Where are you going like that?" a rough voice asked. Amelia looked up and smiled sheepishly at her father.

"Oh hello father. I was- I'm just--"

"Running away?" he guessed. Amelia's eyes widened then she looked down smiling.

"I can never get anything past you, can I?" she asked. Her father laughed.

"Darling, you're my daughter. The day you get something past me is only because I allow it."

Amelia sighed, "So am I going to march back up to my room and unpack?"

"Do you think that?" he asked. Amelia looked at her father, his hazel eyes filled with mischief.

"Nope, what I think is that you're going to let me go."

"Honey, there's a private plane with a pilot who has been ordered to take you anywhere you want to go. He will then leave you with adequate money, return to Sybilia and never utter a word to a certain queen."

Amelia kissed her dad's cheek, "Thank you daddy."

"You're welcome pumpkin. It's obvious that you need a vacation of sorts."

"I love you," she said and turned to walk away.

"Oh and Amelia," her dad called out, "I think you should cut your hair short."

"Already planned it out!"


"Princess Amelia," a soft voice said, interupting Amelia's dreamless sleep. She awoke to see the pilot.


"We've reached California, just as you requested," he said. Amelia blinked and stood up.

"Oh, okay."

"Yes, and the king sent this for you," he said and handed Amelia a plain black wallet and a bunch of keys. Amelia raised her eyebrows.

"Well, in the wallet has quite an amount of money and the king said that his daughter should have a car to venture out into a new world with."

"Typical," Amelia said, grinning. The pilot, too, grinned, "Well thank you so much sir, I guess I might as well leave now, there's no use in delaying your arrival back at Sybilia."

"Oh princess, I don't have a specific arrival time," he said. Amelia looked at him.

"Sir, do you have any family?"

"Why yes. I have a beautiful wife and two lovely younglings,"

"Then, sir, you do infact have an arrival time," Amelia said with a smile, "Au revoir."

Amelia stepped out of the plane, switching from the cooled air transport to automatic heat. It was probably four in the afternoon, Amelia guessed in her mind. She walked on the gravel, approaching a van. She pressed the keys and there it was, blinking in response. A black van, very sexy. Thank God for father, Amelia thought jumping in her car.
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Okay so thank you bloodravyn, A7XLover and IdiotDorkGeek commenting. It's very appreciated.