My Chemical Romance & the Randomness

Shorties R' Us

Gerard's POV:

"Hey guys, wanna go shopping?" I asked the guys and they all nodded their big heads... well, Ray's is EXTREMELY big because of that damn fro. It gets into you're eyes and nose and mouth... ewuh. Disgusting.

"Yeeeah... what for?" asks Mikey. He's my lil' bro. I love him to death. Ahhh... oh. Where was I?

"Foooooor.... i'm not gonna say until we get there."

"Fine. But Gerard, if we're going to the toy store again, i'm gonna smack you."

"Dude. I quit going to the toy store." That was a bullshit lie.

"Riiiiiiight. Anyway, Bob... Ray... you coming too?" Mikey's a puhretty inquizitive guy.

"Haha. Yeah. I'm coming." Ray is such a big doofus. (Yes, Gee did call Ray a doofus in this here story.)

"Okay... what about you, Bob?" Bob. Quiet Bob. Silent Bob. HAHAH! Silent Bob. Clerks. Ahhhh... I love those movies.

"Naw. I'm gonna go back to my house anyway. My mom wanted me home a half an hour ago."

"Alright Bobster. See you later."

"Yeah. Okay. And Gerard?"

"Sup Bobby."

"Never call me Bobster.... EVER again."

"Okay okay. Don't have a BF." (Quoted from White Chicks. I <3 that movie)

Mikey, Bob and Ray gave me a look that told me they didn't know what a fucking BF is.

"Bitch Fit. BF. Got it?"

"Oooooh. Yeah." Ray is officially the dumbass of the group.... but it's okay. Still gotta love him and his poofy fro.

<<20 Minutes Later>>

"GERARD! Stop singing along to Girlfriend! Change the damn station!" Mikey always has to ruin my fun.

I stuck my tongue out at him and said, "Hells Naw!"

Hey hey, you you.
I don't like your girlfriend.
No way, no way.
I think you need a new one.

"I'm agreeing with Mikey here. Please, change it. Avril's gonna make me wanna slap the living shit outta you!"

The only thing I did was sing along even more.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Mikey was reeeeeally hating this song.

"Okay. Fine. I'll change it." I tuned it to 94.5 The Buzz. (My local radio station here in Texas. Non-stop Rock music rules the world.)

Suddenly, we hear "I'm A Fake" by The Used come on.

Mikey practically bawls his eyes out.

<<10 Minutes Later>>

"We are heeeere!" I screamed that out too loud, I think.

"Whoa. What IS this place?"

"Mikey... this is Shorties R' Us. We are gonna buy a midget. (No offense to the smaller people on here.)


"Dude. Calm down."

We walk inside and see some other people in here.

"Name please?" Damn. I like this place.

"Gerard Finkledumpsterstein."

Mikey whispers in my ear, "Gerard, WTF?"

"Chillax, Mikes."

"Okay. Come right this way." She walks us through the main hallway and into a room. A HUGE room.

"Pick any one of these beautiful creatures here and just press the buzzer on that table when you're ready."

Wow. So many amazing ones here. But, one of them caught my eye.

"Hello there."


"What's your name?"

"Frankie. But people call me the F-Man too. I hate that though."

"Well Frankie. I think we're gonna take you home with us."

"Really? No one has even LOOKED at me since I got here."

I walked over to the buzzer and pushed it.

The lady from the front desk came up to me.

"Ready to take him?"

"Yes. I am."

After about 10 mins. of signing stuff, we we're ready to go home.

<<In The Car>>

"Umm.... Gerard."

"Yeah Ray?"

"I think Frankie here just pissed on your seat."

"OH MY GOD! Oh great. Now he's SHITTING on it too!"

I hope you peoples liked that. These are gonna be one-shots probably. I'll tell you later.