Status: hiatus

What Did I Do To Your Heart?


Special chapter, Chapter 9 of the 31st December 2009

I had been well aware of the way Nick has been acting around me. I could feel myself burn as his gaze landed on the back of my head. We haven't spoken a word to each other for weeks and everyone had kept out of our business, which I was highly grateful for. Our American tour had run over smoothly as did our Europe tour. We met Mcfly, and Leanne and I couldn’t stop squealing like the crazed fan-girls that we are. But who are you to judge?

I rested my head against the cold window of the plane, we were on a private jet, courtesy of Bianca, heading off to Australia for our final destination of the tour. It will be good to be back home, our first concert is at the Acer Arena where I made my first appearance at the Jonas Brothers concert when I was new to the music industry.

"Ruby?" Asked a very tired Leanne who was occupied by Kevin. I was listening to Into your arms by The Maine. I pulled our my earphones and raised an eye-brow at her. The plane was currently occupied by myself, Leanne, The Jonas Brothers, Apathetic Era and Olivia.-shudders- Luke was using the bathroom so I took this opportunity to steal his ipod touch, cause I'm totally the best girlfriend ever.

"You have to show and give us a personal tour of Sydney!" Exclaimed Leanne and leaned her head against Kevin's chest.
"Yeah of course, first I shall take you bridge climbing on the Harbour Bridge" I said and winked at her, Leanne was scared shitless of heights, especially if she was over water. Her face instantly paled and Kevin tried to calm her down. I smiled and went back to playing Tap Tap on Luke's itouch.

As I was about to drift to sleep, I heard Luke's voice exiting the bathroom.
"Ru, I'm bored!" He whined as he strolled over to me and sat on my lap. I let out a painful yelp and attempting- but failed miserably- at pushing him off of me. This boy has muscle, and I wasn’t complaining.
My legs started to get numb from his weight and Luke eventually got off of me. Thank you dear lord!
"Luke, could you be a doll, and hand me my laptop please?" We were still over a hundred miles away from Australia and I was bored out of my wits!
"Sure thing babe" He said and I saw Nick and Olivia make a disgusted expression at this. Like they weren't any better, those two practically call each other pet names all the time and it is seriously annoying.

"Here RuRu" Luke said and handed me my Mac pro. I logged onto and scanned the site for any recent blogs about myself and Luke. The world has literally gone crazy with us being a couple, but Nick and Olivia were known as 'Hollywood's cutest teen couple'. Oh gag me with a spoon Sherlock, they should be classified as 'Hollywood's disgustingly gross teen couple'. Ever since fan-girls of AE found out that I was dating Luke, I have never felt so hated in my life.

Hollywood scoop of the day

Well I guess you're all wondering, what's the big SOTD and boy do I have the dish for you! So it all started a few hours ago when I was reading a magazine and saw that Nick and Olivia have been featured on the front page, as you may all know, they are Hollywood's sweethearts, but what was also very intriguing that I discovered, there was a small feature article on Luke and Ruby! We've all heard of AE (Apathetic Era), and Ruby Jones…so it wasn’t a surprise that this article read, and I quote:

"Is Ruby Jones trying to seek revenge on Nick Jonas by dating his girlfriend's brother?"

I have never thought of it that way and I 100 per cent agree. Of course Ruby Jones is trying to get back at Nick and what better way than to do that by dating his girlfriends sister? Poor Luke, he isn't even aware of what Ruby is doing to him, I suggest we all should roll that bitch and teach her a real lesson, why would she even dare try to hurt Luke, he is totally blind. Luke Sutton and I should totally date, on second thought, he's going to be my next boyfriend but first I have to get rid of his slut. You better watch your back Ruby Jones, no one uses Luke and gets away with it.
Hot Topic's latest entry September 8 2009. 9.03pm

I. was. Furious. Okay, I've heard a lot of shit about me, but this was crossing the line, going way beyond it in fact! Tears of rage rolled down my cheeks and I gripped the laptop hard it almost broke until Luke stopped me.

"Ru, don’t worry. I'm here for you baby" He said and gave me a peck on the lips. Hot Topic, you're going down. I will not ever lose without a fight. You better watch your back, because it's time to play dirty.
♠ ♠ ♠
IT'S BACK! I'm back! I have just figured out the plot of the story and so now I can write it again. Not much detail because it's new years eve and I'm celebrating! Happy NEW YEARS EVE! This will be my last chapter for 2009, I'd just like to say thank-you to all you wonderful readers and subscribes, I could not continue this without you! And expect more drama in 2010!
As I bid my farewell to 2009, it was one of the worst and best years. A lot of celebrities died this year, may you rest in peace, Michael Jackson, Brittany Murphy and Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan. But I have gained so much knowledge this year and achieved things I never thought I would achieve such as receiving my Principal's award! Hell yeah!

Well Au Revoir 2009. Bonjour 2010! Laters to the 2000-2009 decade! Let's us enter the future.

My new years resolution: LIVE LIFE, because we only live once and I've taken so many things for granted.

p.s. SYDNEY FIREWORKS ROCK THE WORLD! I suggest you come to Sydney next year just to watch the fireworks display, it is the bomb. Literally.

Au Revoir everyone,
Love always, Mademoiselle.

©2009 Mademoiselle Productions.