Traitorous Commitment

Chapter one - Zacky's POV

Zacky’s POV

"Zacky?" hearing Brian’s voice whisper in my ear, I groaned loudly turning over in the process, I snuggled into his side, feeling his chest vibrate as he chuckled "Brian!!" I whined softly, as his chuckling increased, I hated being woken up so early how could anyone be so awake at this time, glancing at the clock briefly I was suprised it was 12:00am normally Brian would have me up at the crack of dawn, complaining that he was hungry. OH I forgot to mention the names Zacky 18 years old, I love playing the guitar and I’m a lycanthrope as well. So are Brian, Jimmy, Johnny and Matt (the alpha). Some people call us werewolves which technically sounds true but no! We don't turn into big hairy beasts and howl at the full moon, we change at will whenever we wanted. Feeling Brian’s arm drape around my waist I turned over, looking into his brown eyes a smiling playing at the corners of his mouth. As I yawned loudly, stretching my body as the joints clicked in the right places, my stomach suddenly convulsed as Brain trailed his fingers lightly against my side "HANER, DON’T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" I tried to sound threating, but failed as Brain began to tickle me, crying with laughter I kicked the covers off the bed as I struggled against his attack there was a loud knock on the door, causing Brian to stop and growl slightly. "Bri? Zacky? You guy’s up yet? Matt wants to talk to everyone downstairs. Like now!" hearing the tone of Johnny's voice. We both knew instinctively that something was wrong.

10mins later Brian and me finally made our appearance in the living room, Matt was pacing up and down his face twisted in pure rage. “What part of I need to talk you now. Didn’t you two get?” he growled as he continued his pace. Truth is Brian decided it would be funny to steal my trousers and me being a dumbass decided to fight him to get them back instead of grabbing a different pair. Mentally kicking myself, it was Brian who spoke first bowing his head “we apologise Matt, it won’t happen again” “you better hope not, or next time I won’t be as patience” baring his teeth, he finally stopped pacing and glared directly at me. What happened next took me by complete surprise!

“Seeing as no one has realised what day it is today, I’d like to ask Zacky a question” getting curious to what Matt was getting at, as a smirk played on his lips, it hit me “Zacky! Jimmy and me have decided to take you out for your birthday! We’re going to take you to where ever you want to go” gawking like a idiot I didn’t know what to say, opening and closing my mouth like fish, I finally resorted to an awkward grin (its not every day an alpha takes the out cast of the pack out). “Well are you going to say any thing?” Jimmy enquired from his position on the couch, “Thank….you? Erm aren’t Bri and Johnny coming?”, sighing slightly as Jimmy shook his head. Matt had disappeared from the room, returning moments later with a box in his hands, grinning evilly “Zacky we got you a little present to, seeing as its not everyday you get to be 18” taking the box as he held it out, I lifted the lid carefully. Falling backwards as a small bundle of fur attack me I landed on my backside painfully, my cheeks began to burn as the room filled with laughter and small yapped barks. Finally acknowledging the small dog sat on my lap, I look up “ got me a puppy?” stuttering, I saw Brian clench his Jaw as Matt whispered in his ear.

Looking away from the scene before me, I stroked the dog gently behind the ears, gaining a appreciative growl of content. I began to wonder how long I’d be able to keep the puppy before Matt or Jimmy claimed it as theirs, nothing seemed to last forever, after all the years of abuse I received from them, they pull this stunt “what are we going to do with you eh! Ichabod!” talking to the puppy, it watched me curiously, tilting its head to the side wagging its small tail happily as if it understood me it was only a dog…….ha only a dog well that means I haven’t got much to say!
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forgot to say this follows in POV form ^_^

this will get better hopefully lol
second chap soon :)
