Traitorous Commitment

Chapter Five - Jimmy's POV

Jimmy’s POV

“So Billie, we gon-na Sort that little fuckin creep out then or we gonna let him get a-away” Splurring my sentence a lot, Billie patted me roughly on the shoulder nodding his head vigorously “I want to get the first hit in” “sure sure, lets go find that bastard” scanning the club, we soon pin pointed the scrawny git who had insulted me, splitting up me and Billie approached him from both sides unnoticed. “Alright Mate, you want insulting more or just here to apologise for jumping at me” ignoring his cockiness I walked closer, I could feel my muscles quiver as I held back my anger. “No but if your feeling brave enough I’d like to take this outside” almost laughing as his face dropped. He finally noticed Billie stood behind him, grinning evilly. Grabbing hold of his shoulders, we practically dragged him through the club “hey where are you taking him?” ignoring his friends out burst, we continued towards the door “Pete what’s going on…I’m going to get some help” Pfft as if anyone would help half of the population in here don’t know what we are, and this Pete will make a good snack, hearing my stomach growl at that thought I smirked.

Once outside the bouncers looked at us before going back to what they were doing. See what did I say about no body wanting to help out someone as pointless as this Pete. Throwing him to floor as we got into the alley by the club, we froze as he yelped out, oh this was going to be interesting! “Billie he’s one of us, how the hell did we miss that” laughing as Billie looked at me confused, I approached Pete, grabbing his hair I lifted him off the floor roughly. “So you going to make this easier for us, or you” “wha… do you mean?” laughing as he stuttered I dropped him, kneeling down I growled in pain as my muscles tried to stretch “you can either stand there and be ripped to shreds, or you can defend yourself” turning my head as a dark brown wolf stood by my side. Pete looked horrified “your…your…” he never finished the sentence as Billie pounced at him, he had managed to roll out of the way. Snarling as I finally changed, my fur rippled as yelp of pain came from Billie, Pete had changed as well the smaller wolf was having an advantage of avoiding the slightly larger wolfs attacks. Pounding over, my jaw clamped around the back of Pete’s neck, tightening my grip as he tried to pull away, I noticed Billie backing away as padded foot steps approached followed by growling.

Letting go of Pete's limp body I pressed my ears back whining as the large two – toned Grey wolf approached followed by a just as big lighter brown one with a black mane down its back. Instantly realising it who it was, I lowered my body to the floor keeping my eyes and ears down, Billie had disappeared leaving me on my own. “Matt I…” “ I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT JIMMY” shuddering as his voice filled my head I looked up from the floor, seeing the two-toned grey stood over me teeth bared growling loudly “DO YOU REALISE HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU CAN GET US IN”. Flinching as he snapped in my face, I knew my position in the group was going to change. “Jimmy you are no longer allowed to come into my club” turning my head to look at Pierre as he spoke I nodded, getting to my feet I jumped away as Matt snapped at my feet, salvia hanging from his hackles, fur on end “Matt I’m..sorry, he had it coming” hanging my head as he turned away, I decided it would be better to get out of his way, I was in serious trouble when we got back.
Walking away through the alley I stopped pricking my ears as I heard an inaudible moan coming out of a room that was part of the club, sniffing the air the scent hit me, Pierre has a female that’s in season and someone’s having a bit of fun I can so hold that against him and his all my girls are fixed claim…Brendon has always been after getting his placed closed down and he can use this little incident to his advantage if that female has offspring. “Z.z.zacky I’m” freezing on the spot altogether I strained my ears, did I just hear that right? It can’t be Zacky, Zacky no one shows interest in an out cast must be someone else, shaking my fur and stretching I resumed the journey back home. Yes I stayed in my wolf form, you can’t expect me to walk home naked, or can you.
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ok this is abit lame
think of it as a bit of filler

having a bit of writers block atm >.<
