Traitorous Commitment

Chapter Six - Matt's POV

Matt’s POV

Pacing around the alley, my blood boiled “Matt try to relax” tensing as Pierre spoke I growled. “Pierre please just …don’t talk I need to calm down …in my own time” willing myself to change back I leant against the nearest wall completely exposed but that didn’t phase me. Breathing heavily I tried to focus on anything that would distract me, Pierre was sat opposite observing me closely his fur dancing as a breeze blew through the alley, the smell of rain and blood lingered. Getting to my feet I began to feel awkward as if he had read my mind Pierre disappeared, returning moments later fully dressed holding my clothes out for me “what are you going to do about him?” he asked casually as if nothing had happened “about who? Jimmy? Well he’s getting what coming to him when I get back” pulling my clothes on, Pierre shook his head and pointed “I mean him” looking to where he pointed I groaned in frustration. Watching the small wolfs sides heave as it gasped for breath I knew it was too late to do anything for It, approaching carefully it growled eyes rolling to watch me “its ok I’m not going to hurt you”. Crouching I place my hand on its neck running it along the fur till I felt a sticky substances and a pulsating sensation, Jimmy had got an artery. Moving my hand off the wound I lifted it up examining it, as the blood trickled down to my wrist.

Closing my eyes, I kept my emotions from showing one of us was going to have to kill him and I wasn’t prepared to take a life when it wasn’t necessary. Hearing Pierre voice I looked up from the ground, one of the bouncers had heard the commotion and came to investigate, making eye contact with him, he backed away slightly keeping me in view. After what seemed like an age, Pierre sent the bouncer away and crouched next to me. The small wolfs breathing had become ragged. “Pierre I can’t kill him” “I wasn’t going to ask you to, I’ll get Tobin to sort it out, but were going to have to get him out of the way, help me get him out of view of pedestrians at least, I don’t want the police hanging around”. Lifting the wolf up onto my shoulder, I flinched as it whimpered in pain, following Pierre as he walked down the alley. An open box was in view, rags from who ever previously lived there laid on the floor, feeling the shift from fur to flesh I lowered the man down carefully the wound on his neck looked ten times worse, the blood flowed more freely running down his shoulders and chest.
Taking in his features as I laid him down, he grasped my hand feebly “WH…ere’s .pat?” His voice was hoarse “he’s somewhere, I’m sure he’ll be here soon” moving my hand away, his gaze fixed staring at the top of the box, his chest unmoving “fuck” reaching down, I pulled some of the rags up I covered up his exposed body and face. How could Jimmy do this? When I get hold of him he going to receive the same treatment I did till he wished he was dead, I’m going to treat him the old fashion way. Standing up I Grimaced as my knees cracked. Right time to find Val and Zacky.

Heading through the main doors of the club, the whole place seems quiet…. A little too quiet its obvious some of them had been told about what happened but others just looked just as confused as the rest. Locating Val at the far end, I made my way through the crowd “Val if you’re allowed, please come back with me” keeping my voice low as the club started to regain life, Val looked at me concern written all over her face “what’s wrong? What happened?” dropping my gaze I refused to answer. “Matthew!” Hearing the annoyance in her voice I finally made eye contact “Jimmy killed someone” it was barely a mumble, taking in her features as she raised her eyes brows, I pulled her towards me and whispered in her ear “jimmy killed someone” hearing the small laugh escape her lips. I frowned she didn’t believe me “Val I’m telling the truth…. Look” lifting my hand up in view of the whole club, she gasped, the blood that caked my hand flaked off as I formed a fist. “P..p.pierre I’m going to leave a little early if that’s ok with you” I hadn’t noticed Pierre return behind the bar until Val spoke to him, and his response didn’t help matters “Val you still have one more show to go I’m sure what ever Matt has planned can wait” “Matt doesn’t have anything like that planned, cause Matt knows where he stands, because Matt knows he’s going to need someone to be there with him, when Jimmy gets what’s coming to him, and Pierre you ought to think twice before hiring some ones Mate! Without their permission” after referring to myself in the third person for a whole sentence the “mate” part caught him completely off guard “you never…you never said you had a mate!! You lied to me you Bitch” “ you never asked! And don’t call me a bitch ” I was impressed by the snarl that escaped Val as she glared at Pierre, Val isn’t a female to be messed with and that’s why I love her! She can stand up for herself!
“You know what..You’re FIRED and you your BARRED. I don’t want to see you or any of your pack in here…you got me?” The vein in Pierre neck throbbed as he growled we both knew he had to have some control especially around customers, he’d most likely take it out on his mate or daughter after closing time. Which reminds me I haven’t seen her or Zacky for awhile. Hmm.
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OK this writers block is really getting me down =[
i promise the next chap will be alot better!
