Traitorous Commitment

Chapter Seven - Johnny's POV

Johnny’s POV

“BRIAN PUT ME DOWN” crying out in horror as Brian lifted me off the ground his eye twinkling with amusement as he dropped me roughly back onto the floor “out of all the people to get stuck with, I get stuck with you”. Rubbing my aching backside as I got off the floor, Brian pouted “aw you don’t love me Johnny?” “No” sticking my tongue out as I reply I was tackled to the floor arms pinned roughly above my head. “BRIAN LEMME GO” struggling to get out of his gripped he laughed evilly lowering his face to mine his tongue flicked out. I squirmed as it connected with my cheek trailing upwards leaving a salvia trail to my eyebrow “you dirty bastard get off or else” “or else what? Your not in the position to make threats” hearing him laugh, I smirked “ok, but what would you do if I told Zacky about your “little” problem with him?” “You wouldn’t?” the smile was completely wiped off his face now “well if you get off me I won’t, but if you don’t I will” feeling the weight shift I breathed in and looked up, Brian was starring at me like I had just punched him in the face “Bri? You know I wouldn’t tell anyone, even if you are a git at times I was messing” I felt guilty for using that against him now. Brian has had enough problems then Zacky comes along and makes them worse. It’s hard for someone to imprint on someone who doesn’t feel the way. “Hey Bri how would feel if I made you an ice cream surprise?” watching his expression lighten up at the mention of ice cream I laughed ice cream makes everything better, but its even better when there’s a surprise were big kids at heart. Getting off my ass once again I headed into the kitchen locating the freezer I grabbed the tub of chocolate fudge ice cream, leaving on the counter I started my hunt for the other required items that would make it a surprise. (Waffles, gummy bears, chocolate chips, toffee and chocolate sauce, sprinkles and cream). Grabbing a spoon out of the draw I headed back to the living room, jumping slightly, as the backdoor slammed open as a ruffled up two-toned grey wolf walked in “Matt or Jimmy?” I could never tell those two apart they both were two-toned greys getting a glimpse of the blue eyes as the wolf walked pasted ignoring me completely I knew it was Jimmy. “Look who has ice cream” walking into the living room, Brian looked away from the TV and clapped his hands gleefully “yay!!! Ice cream for Bri Bri” “what the fuck was that about dude?” Handing him the ice cream he shrugged his shoulders and laughed. I’m starting to think he has a screw lose somewhere.

“Johnny…JOHNNY” jerking awake I hadn’t realised I fell asleep. Crying out as Jimmy’s face loomed into focus I sat up quickly his hand clasped over my mouth “ssh you don’t want to wake Brian up”, following his finger as he pointed over to the other sofa I couldn’t help but laugh at the site before me. Brian was a sleep with his face in the cushion, his hand dangling in the bowl of ice cream I had given him which had now melted. Ok I might have drugged the ice cream a little bit but he was annoying me. “wha mu mant mimmy?” Rolling my eyes as he gave me a funny look he removed his hand from my mouth “what was that?” “What do you want?” “Can’t remember” shrugging as he stood up I growled, “you woke me up for nothing, honestly, pfft” “I did have a reason, I just forgot” he growled back louder his authority was having no affect, usually I’d be hiding in a corner begging him not to hurt me. Tilting my head in confusion, he looked at me blankly, his expression suddenly turned to pure rage. Leaving the room quickly as Jimmy screamed in anger I saw the change from flesh to fur dodging out of the way as the large wolf barrelled towards me I fell to the floor as it turned it growled loudly before bounding out the backdoor. “JIMMY” chasing after him, I felt my clothes tear as I changed, dark grey fur erupted around me as my body finally altered ignoring the pain that shot through my limps I continued to follow Jimmy’s scent which was getting further away. Panting heavily I sniffed the air then the ground snorting every so often to disrupt the dirt and pick the scent back up. Whining loudly I continued to sniff around. “Mummy, mummy look at the doggie” freezing suddenly as I heard a small voice from behind me, I lifted my head up as a gasp followed, turning around I bared my teeth and backed away. Normal people have just seen me I’m in so much trouble if anyone finds. The only law we have is to kill who ever sees us I couldn’t bring myself to do it, not when a child was involved to them I’m just a dog but to the adult were a threat. Narrowing my eyes I saw the mother tug the child’s hand, she crossed the road quickly keeping her gaze fixed on me as I stood there watching. Hearing an animalistic roar of howl erupt from the distance the woman picked the child up quickly and ran as fast as she could disappearing around the corner without a glance back.

Picking up the scent again, I ran following it as it led me in the direction of the howl. Slowing to a stop I saw Jimmy with a sandy coloured Alpha pacing up and down, staying to the shadows I got closer, the Alpha’s expression changing every so often as him and Jimmy communicated. I only thought we were able to communicate with our own packs obviously not. Lying on the ground unable to hear what they saying to each other I started to drift off, not noticing three large wolves approaching me till it was too late.
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hey i know its short :/
been busy sorting out holiday stuff so i haven't had much time to write
but i promise that by the time i get back from my holiday i'll have 2 new chapters for you
but thats only if i get

5 comments by the time i get back lol
cause i dunno whether to continue this or not
