Status: Complete :)

Ain't Life Just Wonderful?


Where to start?

My life is good. I have good family and friends, I go to school, and I do my homework. I rarely get in trouble. Yet, something is missing. What? you may ask. Love. Yes love. I have loved many people, and after my heart was broken the last time, I said to my self, I won't fall in love again. But guess what? Yup, I fell in love. With who? Someone who might as well be a vampire. He's hot, cute, funny, nice amazing. And it's not that it took a while for me to fall in love.

We've been in school a month, and it happened sometime during that period. I fell fast. Yet, would you believe it if I said, I fell for a gay guy. It's true. He has a boyfriend. So, what to do, what to do? Nothing. I can't do anything, except wait. Sooner or later, he'll realize how I feel, or I'll just let go of him. I've let go of many people, and I think this would be the hardest. I fell too fast for my own good.

So I ask myself now, why? Why did I fall for this kid, knowing well enough he's gay. Well, I guess.. I have no idea. I don't know how I feel. I suppose I should feel rejected, but I think it's comforting knowing that I like someone who will never know that. It's not like given the opportunity I'd be allowed to go out with him. My parents won't let me date, and it drives me insane. What harm would a boyfriend be? None, because I know how not to get my heart killed. I'm not stupid enough to kill my self if he dumped me. Knowing my self, I might even be the one dumping him.

He's my Edward. As in the vampire. I'm obsessed a bit with Twilight, but seriously, this kid could be Edward. he's that hot and perfect and yeah. You get the point. He's quiet, but heck, if he can read my mind, I'm dead. I think about him all the time. ALL THE TIME. It's sad.

'But My God It's So Beautiful When The Boy Smiles'

Yes it truly is a miracle when he talks to me, or smiles at me, or even acknowledges me. I love everything about him. Everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eek. It seems so random.