Status: Complete :)

Ain't Life Just Wonderful?


So Ryan doesn’t live in a mansion, nor on the streets. He lives in an average two-story house. It’s messy, but what do you expect with four boys living there? I was surprised at the state of his room. It was relatively clean.

Anyways, we mostly talked for the three hours I was there. About everything really. I find it easy to open up to guys, easier than to girls.

At one point, his brother Jeff walks in; looking for something or another. Ryan got so mad. I’m not even sure why, but he totally blew up. And obviously, I started laughing. I couldn’t help it. Here’s this totally laid-back, chill guy, yelling at his older brother for no apparent reason. Not that I felt bad for Jeff, I don’t really like him all the much anyways.

After all that, we just went back to talking. We covered pretty much every topic under the sun. My mom came to pick me up and I didn’t want to go. I had had such a nice afternoon. She forced me to leave anyways.

When we got home, there were five messages on the answering machine from Cory, all wanting to know where I was. For some reason I think he thinks that we’re still together. Doesn’t he understand I don’t like him? Obviously not, or this wouldn’t all be happening.

I called him back, it is the polite thing to do. He answered the phone on the first ring, and promptly began yelling at me. He definitely doesn’t have that iron-clad grip on his emotions that he says he has. Liar. I can’t wait till he turns eighteen in a couple months, then I can get a restraining order on him. I don’t want him bothering me anymore.

Ok, there’s this guy. His name is Keion. I met him at this youth retreat at the end of the summer. He asked for my email, so I gave it to him. It’s been three weeks and he still hasn’t emailed me. I’m starting to get impatient. He was a really cool guy, and I’d love to get to know him more than we did during the three day retreat. If only he’d email me…
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Wow, ten chapters already. Longest story that I've done alone, so far of course. And it'll keep growing. :D