Status: Complete :)

Ain't Life Just Wonderful?


Other guys? Certainly, he's not alone. One kid who's in yearbook with me, who's really nice and all that, and well, maybe another person, but the first first one, the homosexual is the prime one. All the time, I see him like five times a day. And we barely ever talk. We might as well not know each other at all, but we do, so I notice him everywhere.

She's annoying. She's more then annoying. I could easily hate her, but I can't. Well, maybe I can. Always wants to know answers. ALWAYS. Always criticizing me when I'm wrong. Takes my explanations as her own. Math class is torture. She can't freaking answer the questions. And she thinks she's smart. She's gonna get kicked out after term 1. And she won't be back. It's true that we all are stupid to some extent, but this is utter clue-less ness. I don't see how she got into enriched math, it's just too hard for her simple mind.

His birthday's in a few days. I found out from a friend that he's gonna be there, at school. Now I just have to get/make/bake him a gift. Probably chocolate cake. When my friend told me, I went more hyper then I already was. I was like jumping up and down, and twirling down the hallways. Then, I wandered the school, and saw him in the cafeteria. and I think he saw me looking at him. I'll live though.