Status: Complete :)

Ain't Life Just Wonderful?


Why does he make me feel this way? WHY!? I hate it! He makes me all happy inside, but I go absolutely CRAZY! WHY!?

So he found out what my email is, via Facebook, I assume, and added me this evening. He started the conversation. I have this habit of adding everyone who adds me on MSN, so I didn’t particularly notice who it was. It totally blew my mind away.

“Hey, it’s Ryan. You know, from lunch today,” he had written. I totally freaked out when that happened. I was like, spazzing at my computer.

Eventually, I could sensibly answer him back. Eventually. More like, five minutes later, after him asking multiple times if I was there or not.

Yeah, so we spent about two hours talking, and the entire time, I’m sitting at my desk freaking out. On more than one occasion I shrieked or screamed. Most times into pillow so my parents wouldn’t think something was wrong.

Eek, he makes me go absolutely crazy inside. Abso-freaking-lutely crazy.
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hehehehe I had to put something out :D