Status: Complete :)

Ain't Life Just Wonderful?


As if my life couldn't get any worse. Cory is trying to get back together with me. Does he not understand that I don't like him and do not want to be with him? Just because he saw me in town doesn't mean we're tight again. That idiot.

There is no way that I'm falling for his lies again. He must have one of those diseases. One where he has to tell lies, no matter what. Even when he says he's going to tell me the truth, I can pick apart his answer and find a bunch of lies in it.

I won't let myself fall for him, or even let myself be friends with him. He hurt me enough the first time. I know in my head that he'll just hurt me again, but my heart pains for him. He's told me he's had a hard life, but how much of what he said is true?

I was doing perfectly fine forgetting him, not caring about him. Then he just had to say 'Hi' when he saw me. Couldn't he have just walked by like I didn't exist? That wouldn't hurt nearly as much as this does.

Two months ago, he decided he didn't want to hear from me again, because of our past and memories. Now, he's totally going against that wish and trying to win me over again. Doesn't that seem wrong to anyone else? I totally think he should get checked out for multiple personalities. Aren't there pills or something that can help with that?