Status: Complete :)

Ain't Life Just Wonderful?


So now he wants to see me. To "explain everything." Pshh, yeah right. That idiot is just trying to manipulate me again. Doesn't he know what I don't want to hear about it? I thought I made that clear when I point-blank told him I didn't believe him.

I don't want to freaking give him a chance to explain. I don't care about him anymore. Sure, back two months ago, I would have gone for it. I would have asked him everything I could think of. But now, having not been in contact with him for two months, I don't give a damn what he says.

He said, in one of his emails after we saw each other, that he wanted to chance to explain anything I wanted to know. He'd truthfully answer all my questions. Well sorry, but I don't have any questions anymore. I don't need any answers. Just because it'll make him feel better, doesn't mean I'll feel any better. Heck, I'll probably feel way worse.

On one side, I want to go see him. I want to be able to have control over what we talk about. But on the other hand, I don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he can still manipulate me.

I know my sister would pretty much kill me if I went to see Cory. She hates him too, so I guess that right there should tell me something. It takes a lot for my sister to hate someone as much as she hates Cory. She got really mad at me when I first befriended him, so I'm positive she's be furious if I fell into his trap again.

That's it. There is no way in hell I'm going to see Cory again. Never, never, never. I hate his ways, I hate him manipulative-ness. I'm not even sure why I wanted to see him. It's just so stupid. He's so stupid, for thinking I'd fall into that trap again.
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I'm pretty much writing these chapters on-the-spot. The story is now merging into almost non-fiction...