Status: Complete :)

Ain't Life Just Wonderful?


Ugh. It's raining. Of all days, why today? The one day I actually wanted to go outside and do something, it rains.

I wanted to walk to the library. I haven't been there in a couple weeks, and I need more books to read. I'm going away this weekend, so I need something good to read. My imagination can only go so far. After I got my books, I was then going to walk over to the post office and then come home. Obviously now I can't do any of that, so I'm pretty disappointed.

It wasn't raining this morning. I would have gone out then, but the library doesn't open until the early afternoon. Why is it that libraries always have such strange hours? Compared to other stores and stuff, it's really weird.

Plus there's not good food in the house, so I've resorted to making pancakes. Typical me. Also, I need to get real food into me before I collapse. Breakfast was a while ago, and I don't think cake batter is very healthy. If anything, it makes me feel worse. Stupid cramps.

On top of everything else, I have this really weird feeling that I'm being watched. But seriously, who would want to watch me? Probably Cory, actually. After I said "Adieu" to him, hopefully for the last time, I don't think he's had high regards for me. He's probably looking for something to be able to blackmail me with. As if that would work. I know enough about him to totally ruin his plans. He's an idiot for thinking that he can control me.

Worst of all probably, is the fact that my jeans don't fit me anymore. I haven't gained that much weight, have I? I like to think I'm normal sized, but that's becoming more and more difficult.

On a happier note, I'm getting together with Ryan next week. I'm going to his place, something I've never gotten to do, and I'm super excited but nervous at the same time. What if it's a mansion and he's super rich? Or what if he's on the brink of living in the streets? Now I'm just making myself even more terrified. I'd better shut up.
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Hehehe, I like letting my imagination run wild. It's very entertaining :D