An Arranged Marriage To The Mafia...?

like violence...

Hatred, it thrived in every nerve ending within my entire body. Rage, it burned through my very core as my small shoes shifted along the carpet, my hands toying with the small security key pass and my body forcing its way inside my father office.

"How dare you!" My voice spat across the over-sized office at the very sight of my father's back, his body turning slowly at the sound of his voice.

"Amelia," He attempted to calm me with his tone as he walked in my direction, "You know better than any the precautions we take in our family"

"I'm not talking about what you've done to Ethan, I'm talking about you lying to me, letting me believe he was having an affair!"

"Oh," His eyes shifted toward to floor in thought before returning to my own. "That"

"Yes, that" I mocked his under tone and stared loosely up at him, "How could you? You let me believe this was all real, that Ethan was sleeping with Penelope, you had me run away, move back home. You told me it would all be okay. And in reality it was all a scheme so you could earn more power and get your hands on more of Vegas." I stared at him waiting for his response.

"It's hardly an affair Amelia, you aren't even married yet-"

"And if we were, if I was in love with him-"

"In love with him? He's a boy Amelia."

"If I were in love with him, would you have told me?" I stood tall, eyes glaring and temper flaring before him.

"No." His answer shocked me, "No I wouldn't have, because this form of business doesn't concern you-"

Without hesitation I had lunged forward, my open palm smacking the side of my father's face with a deafening slap, my wrist immediately brought back and waist secured by a muscular arm. One of my father's men had grasp me the sheer second I had physically managed to get at him and had restrained me appropriately.

"Mason, take her back to her room." My father raised a hand to his flaring cheek, but is eyes remained glaring down at my struggling body.

"You're unbelievable." Tears burned in my eyes, before I pushed off of Mason, turning my back quickly and storming from the secure doorway, I heard the latch click once more behind me and automatically I was aware of Mason following me along the halls, most likely at my father's order. Instinct over came my entire body and I felt my legs move faster almost coincidentally I heard the rush of Mason's body hurrying behind me. Adreneline tricked my mind into fear and before I knew it I was sprinting down the hallways, Mason eagerly only paces behind.

In the split second it took for my head to turn behind me I glimpsed the shiny metal of an automatic hand gun, fear drove through my veins like wild fire and I whimpered exasperated fear, though my whimper turned to a delicate cry and scream once my body collided with another and the wind was knocked easily from my suffering lungs.

"Amelia?" Ethan's hands grasped my shoulders and gently shook me, my focus returning in front of me rather than behind.

"Ethan," I sounded desperate, clinging to his buttoned shirt for dear lift.

"What- what were you doing? Who were you runing from?" His vision turned upward over my head to peer at the hallway behind me.

Slowly I turned my gaze around, expecting to face a red faced and angry Mason in the middle of the hallway, I expected him to mutter something about my display in my father's office and I was sure that they would find it all humilliating and amusing. Yet what I didn't expect was to find the long hall completely empty; which is, exactly how I found it.

"N-nothing..?" I didn't sound convinced and I was sure Ethan could hear the trepidation in my voice. "I... I thought I heard somebody following me..."

"Thought" He raised an eyebrows, though it wasn't in amusement. "You're completely trembelling."

I opened my mouth, though words seemed pointless and useless in my situation. "Its just.. it's nothing." I sighed in defeat, no matter how I worded it, the fact of the situation seemed idiotic, useless even.

Ethan didn't press any longer, though his eyes remained eagerly arched for a moment longer before his arm wound effortlessly around my shoulders, guiding me back in the direction of the elevator doors. I turned slowly, my face over-looking Ethan's protective grasp to stare blankly in confusion at the hallway behind us, it's bleak empty walls making my head spin.

I was more than certain that Mason had been sprinting up behind me, his gun drawn from it's holder, I was certain there was murder in his eyes and a lust for my own sweet spilt blood upon my father's carpets. Though surely, my father's surveillance would have seen this? Surely he would have called Mason off? Surely he would have acted to step in and save his own daughter from cold-blooded murder? Surely.

Then why hadn't Mason backed off? Why hadn't he ceased running or he himself been ambushed by my father's more trusted men? Why had it been up to the sheer stupid luck of Ethan coming to my father's office to drag me away that saved my life?

If only the power of forseeing the future had been bestowed on me rather than an illict surname I would have been able to note the shifting changes of our world, I could have felt the foundations that made my life what it was shift and churn from underneath me and I could have very well forseen that this would not be the last time a divide would worm its way between good and evil; right and wrong; my father and my fiance.
♠ ♠ ♠
Can’t count all the eyes that stare,
can’t count all the things they see,

it's about a million degrees celcius outside.
but i'm about to go to the beach and i'm praying it rains while i'm there =]
i tried making this one longer.. the last was so short.

so, there's definately some massive chaos about to unfold... and has anyone else realised they haven't even started to plan the wedding!! ahaha, i admit i actually did forget about that a bit. I don't know when to stop this... i'm considering the wedding... and maybe a sequel... yes, im already considering a sequel.

i just love amelia and ethan's completely obvliously chaotic and lusty relationship.
i don't know if they'll ever fall into a sappy mix of love...

thansk for all the love once again.
i'm overwhelmed at how amazing people are out there.
i love you all.

chapter title & song credit: Blink 182- Violence