The King

Epilogue: Happily Ever After

It was a beautiful spring day. The flowers in the gardens were in full bloom, showing off vibrant pinks and oranges and blues, and the castle was bustling. it was the day of the king's coronation ceremony, and everyone in the king's court was getting things ready for the grand ceremony.

As Brian sat in his chambers being groomed by his hand servants, he couldn't help but think back to the night of his ball. With the way everyone was hurrying about it was almost identical to the atmosphere of the beginning of the night.

Nearly three years had passed since then, and so much had changed recently in the kingdom. After Bartholomew's death, Brian had unofficially taken the throne, and slowly began getting the kingdom back in order. He had found a rather large stockpile of gold hidden away in the castle, presumable that Bartholomew was keeping as his own. Brian figured in order to help the kingdom get back on its feet economically that the gold should be evenly split between each household and business. Slowly the community began to prosper once again.

And now that things were back to their rightful order, it was decided that Brian should officially be named king.

The entire kingdom had turned out for the occasion, pouring into the grand hall, the rest in the courtyard outside. At noon the procession down the corridor to the grand hall began, and soon Brian was looking out at all of his people. He was in awe by how many smiling faces were looking up at him. He even caught a few of the older women with tears in their eyes and felt very endeared.

After a few moments of silence, Brian was called to stand before his mother, who held the crown in one hand and the royal scepter in the other. Kneeling, he felt his hearth pounding through he knew he had no reason to feel nervous.

"Is your Highness willing to take the oath?" Suzannah asked, standing above her son.

"I am," Brian answered.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the peoples of this kingdom according to their respective laws an customs?"

"I solemnly promise to do so," Brian answered.

"Will you to your power cause law and justice, in mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will."

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel?" the Queen then asked.

"I will," Brian responded once more. With that, the queen leaned down to her son, placing the crown upon his head as he bowed it toward the ground. Brian then stood, feeling pride in knowing that crown once rested upon his father's head. Taking the scepter from his mother, Brian then turned to face the massive crowed before him. His heart swelled when every last one of the attendants bowed graciously to him.

"The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep," Brian called out, thus ending the crowning, and making him the rightful king. The congregation then erupted in applause.

Looking over at his mother, Brian smiled. She came and stood beside him, looking out at the people as well.

"What would you like to do, as your first duty as king?" she asked him, and Brian thought about his answer for only a second. He saw Lyndsey standing along the side of the stairs, near the top with her mother and Zach and Matt. Smiling, he strode over to Lyndsey, pulling her toward him by the waist.

"The first thing I'm going to do, is make you my Queen," he said before swooping in and placing a hard kiss on her lips. All around them the kingdom erupted into cheers again, and Brian only pulled Lyndsey closer.

...And they all lived happily ever after.
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ZOMG THE END. I should have posted this ages ago but I've been super busy >.<

Thank you so much to every single one of you that read this story, commented, subscribed, and enjoyed it. It means a great deal to me that you took time out of your undoubtedly busy lives to read something that I took the time to create.

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