I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

Hey There Delilah.

Alex, don't wait around for me. Get out there, fall in love, make music, just be happy. There's no positive chance we'll meet again, but I'll never stop loving you. Remember that, please. -Delilah.

I clutched onto the tiny sheet of paper as I read over it as I had everyday. Nearly four years ago, she had left, and I hadn't talked to her since. Farah talks to her sometimes, and Zack. They both tell us how she's doing in California. I missed her like crazy, and hadn't even bothered trying to get a new girlfriend. All I had were one night stands and making out in clubs and bars. Jack and Rian didn't really mind, but I could tell it bothered Zack.

I didn't care. I could be selfish. Delilah told me not to wait on her, so I wasn't going to. Zack wasn't the only one hurting from this, but he also had Farah with him. I didn't have anyone. No one to kiss in the mornings after waking up, the hold going to sleep, or to talk to when I was feeling down.

Our band got signed to Hopeless Records, and we had just went to tour with Fall Out Boy and other amazing bands. Jack, Rian, and Zack are still my best friends, along with out tour manager, Matt. Farah and Zack were still going strong, along with Kara and Rian. No one ever expected them to break up, though.

"Hey bro, Keith wants us to go start planning shit for the new CD," Jack said, walking into the recording studio's lounge. I nodded my head robotic-like, and followed him into the office.

Delilah's Point of View

"I have a new assignment for you to do," my boss said, coming into my office.

When I came to California, I attended UCLA for journalism, and got an for an internship at Alternative Press. After a year or two, I got a serious job as a journalist, and became one of the best writers on the West Coast for the magazine.

"You know I'm going back home," I stated, zipping up the bag holding my laptop.

"Yes, I'm well aware of that. But this one will help get that promotion you've been reaching for, and probably a higher salary."

He smiled at me, placing a blue folder on my desk. Meaning it was a story/long interview for the magazine. Great. "Don't open it until you get on the plane home. I hope your father's okay. I never did understand why he went back.."

"He likes Maryland better than Cali. Said the air was 'less contaminated.' Plus with his heart condition, all the California rush hours, people, and other shit got to him. Maryland is just.. home," and it was.No where was home without Alex.

About two years ago, Carl had a heart attack. So, he moved back to Maryland and was currently being treated by a family doctor there. I hadn't had time to visit, but I called every single day. His shape wasn't improving much like everyone had hoped, and he had a home nurse there quite a bit. She called me the other day, telling me that my father's condition was getting worse. That's the reason I was going back.

"Well, be safe Delilah. I'll see you soon," I nodded my head, let him pull me into his signature bear squeezing hug, and left the building.

I pulled the folder out of my carry-on bag, deciding to go ahead and let my non-existent patience take a rest. I had a few good hours ahead of me before I was home anyways. Flipping it open, and a page from the lastest AP Magazine was the first thing. I hadn't read it like the others; I hadn't had time. It was talking about band of the year, an who was nominated. All Time Low was on there, of course. Turning the page, I saw a typed out note from the Manager of the magazine.


I'm sorry to hear about your father, my condolences. But, you are the companies best writer, and I didn't have anyone else qualified enough for this story. I'm sure you would also like a raise as well, which will most likely come with this on the short-notice.

I need you to do a story with All Time Low; they were voted band of the year. This is an amazing offer, and I'm sure you'll do great with it, like all other columns you've completed over the years.

I certainly hope your father gets well. And take your time with this, please. The issue for this isn't due for a while.

I shouldn't be surprised, really. I knew I would end up meeting with them somehow; I planned on meeting Zack and Farah anyways. But Alex, on the other hand, probably doesn't want to see me. I told him that there's a change we would never see each other again, and boy was I wrong.
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yay, first chapter! :D i know it might be bad at first, but it'll start moving along soon.

i already have 120 subscribers, yayayay. :D thanks so much, you guys! i expect a lot of you to comment! good or bad - I want to read your opinion!