I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

I'll never let you go.

We got to Keith's office, which wasn't like the one in Cali, but we still came here when we were home to talk about records, recording, or anything concerning the band. I threw myself on the couch he had, Delilah's face still going through my mind. She was constantly there, though, so I don't understand how I should be surprised. Delilah had officially taken over my soul, again.

"Good to see you guys again. But, I got a called from one of my buddies, and he works for Fearless Records. But, he's putting together a small west coast tour, and wanted to know if you guys would be interested in tagging along. You would be the main show, and The Maine would be opening. I think he mentioned There For Tomorrow and The Friday Night Boys, too," he explained to us.

Everyone looked at each other, and a smile broke out on Jack's face. Of course he would love the offer. He doesn't have a "significant other" to worry about.

Neither do you, stupid. Delilah's not with you, she's just back.

I listened to that little voice in my head that I desperately wish would stay back in my mind.

"Alex? What do you think?" Keith's voice broke me from my thoughts. I looked around and noticed everyone starring at me. Zack's was more curious, however.

"Oh, um, I'll have to think about it. When do you need a final answer?"

"Not until a few more days. I'll call you up."

We all got up to leave. I hesitated momentarily, before heading to the doors myself. Zack slowered his pace so he was next to me, his head tilted slightly.

"You don't want to leave Delilah, do you Alex?" He asked, all knowing.

I sighed, knowing there was no use in denying it. "I just got her back, Zack," I whispered, bowing my head.

"I know how you feel, bro. I honestly do. I don't want to leave Farah, either. She's was so happy when she heard Delilah was coming back. Now, she never stops smiling unless I make her angry. I love seeing her smile," he grinned to himself. Then it dawned on me.

"Wait, she knew she was coming?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"For another time, dude. We have other things to worry about now," he told me, patting my back and leading us towards his car, since I rode with him.

Delilah's Point of View.

Farah stayed in the kitchen with my dad, talking about the band and anything else they could come up with. They hit it off easier than what I had figured. Fiona had asked to speak to me outside in the living room for a moment, so I followed her.

"Que pasa?" I asked her, with the little Spanish I knew.

"Well, chica," she mocked jokingly, "Carl has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. They're going to run some test, make sure that his heart is regular, nothing extraordinary. I just wanted to let you know and not to worry. Carl's trying to go without his wheelchair, though, and I'm trying to persuade him not to," she explained, her accent thick.

I moaned lowly, running a hand through my thick hair. "I'll try to talk to him. But, he's always been stubborn. You know how he is," she nodded her head, and we both returned to the kitchen getting glances from Carl and Farah.

"Hey dad," I greeted as I walked into his bedroom. He was getting reading a book, while having the All Time Low CD collection playing that Jack and insisted he listen to.

"Hey Delilah," he mocked slightly, placing a bookmark in the book to mark his page, naturally.

"I came to talk to you," I said, shifting my weight around uneasily before taking a seat on the bed.

"What about?" He said, pursing his lips.

"Fiona informed me you want to go without your wheel chair to the doctor's tomorrow. Dad - you know you need it. Please, just go with it."

"I knew she would tell you," he groaned, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, don't be getting ill with her. She's just looking out for you, dad. But give me some peace of mind and go with it tomorrow," I pleaded. He sighed, nodding his head. "Thanks," I patted his calf, before telling him goodnight and going to the guest room I was occupying to get some rest.
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I hate AP English.
With. A. Passion.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I'll be trying to put out more!