I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

I'm Coming With You.

Zack's Point of View.

I watched Alex pace across his living room, burning holes into the carpet. I sighed, rubbing my face with my calloused hands. He had been doing this for the past twelve minutes and twenty-seven seconds. Not that I was counting, of course. I leaned back into his suede couch, ready to yell at him and tell him to calm the fuck down before he stopped suddenly. I looked at him curiously, watching him withslight interest.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I have an idea," he smiled for a second, but then frowned. He ran upstairs, and I didn't bother getting up, I knew he would be out soon anyways. Keeping my eyes on the TV, I laughed as someone fell from a platform on that ninja warrior show. Alex appeared about twenty minutes later, completely changed and hair in a neat mess on the top of his head.

"Where are you going?" I asked, shutting off the TV and standing up quickly. He headed towards the front door, picking up his car keys on the way. I followed him, running out the door and shutting it behind me.

"Out," was all he said.

"Out? That's your magically plan? I thought you were going to tell Delilah we were going to go to tour?" I exclaimed, jogging in front of him to make him stop.

Last night, we had a band meeting, consisting of alcohol, Guitar Hero, and Jack's Pokemon Game. We came to the conclusion that we need to go on the tour, get more publicity before we realized our new album in the next three months, then hit it off with Warped Tour, which we were beyond excited about.

"No, I'm going to get Delilah, and take her out," he explained.

"I'm coming along!" I urged, letting him pass and heading to the passenger side of his car.

"Dude, you're going to be a third wheel," he insisted. I knew he was trying to get me out of going at all, but I wasn't having it. I hadn't been out in a while, and I could take Farah too.

"Bro, I'll get Farah. Don't worry, we won't stay up your ass," I promised, laughing, and turning up the volume if the Fall Out Boy CD as Alex peeled out of his drive way.

Delilah's Point of View.

I waited anxiously for the return of Carl and Fiona, bouncing my foot up and down. I was letting my nerves getting the best of me, wanting to know what the results of his test were. I heard a car pull up into the driveway, running to the window to see who it was. I shriveled my face up in confusion when I saw Alex's car. I walked to the front door, stepping out onto the front porch, and tilting my head curiously. Farah and Zack also got out, making it seem like I was about to get gang-banged.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We're going out," Farah stated. "And you're coming with us."

"Wait, no. I can't. I've gotta wait for Carl and Fiona to return so I can get the results of the tests he had done recently," I explained, sulking slightly.

"Then, I guess we're waiting too. You're definitely coming out with us tonight," Alex demanded.

"Fine, fine. But if the test comes out good, I'm totally throwing a party tomorrow for celebration," I informed them. "And you're all coming. Including Rian, Jack, Mattie, Kara, and whoever else you guys can gather."

"Deal," Zack laughed, extending his hand to shake. I laughed, taking it with my own, and making the agreement with them.

Another car pulled up in the driveway, and I turned around everyone to see Fiona helping my father out of the car. I smiled slightly, telling everyone just to go inside and head into my room so they weren't in the way. Alex scoffed, then waved his hand nonchalantly and skipped into the house.

I don't know why I ever dated him.

Because you loved him, doofus.

God? I joked, pushing my inner thoughts to the back of my head as they came up the ramp onto the front porch.

"How'd it go?" I asked, anxious.

"Let's go inside," Carl replied, motioning with his head towards the front door. I glanced at Fiona, getting a weak smile from her, and followed them into the house.

"Delilah, sit down," he instructed. I did as told, worry running though my head. It was probably evident on my face as well.

"What's wrong?" I rushed, not wanting to he hushed. Fiona smiled at me, while Carl grinned.

"They looked over the test, and they came to the conclusion that everything with me is going great. They said my heart wasn't abnormally sized any longer, nor was this beat irregular" he explained slowly. I starred at him for a moment, before getting up and hugging him.

"That's fantastic! I'm so happy!" I gushed. I hugged Fiona, thanking her for taking so much great care of him. There was a loud thump upstairs, and everyone glanced up at the ceiling.

"Oh yeah! Uh, Farah, Alex, and Zack are all up stairs. They got here just a few seconds before you two did," I answered their questions, which I got from their facial expressions.

"So that's why that car is in the drive way. Okay, I understand. Well, go out and have some fun, Delilah," Carl instructed, before wheeling off in his chair into the kitchen. I squinted my eyes slightly, baffled, and looked at Fiona. She only shrugged, and walked into the downstairs bathroom. I made my way up the stairs slowly, wanting to take my sweet time.

I pushed open my "bedroom" door to see Farah and Alex sitting on my bed with their backs towards the door, watching Zack skip around. I focus on him, before I noticed what he was doing. I rolled my eyes, stepping into the room and slamming the door. Farah jumped, Alex did too, but he tumbled off the bed. Zack squealed, eyes growing big when he saw me.

"How old are you Zack, eleven?" I joked as he looked down at himself before unlatching my bra form around his chest. He tossed it to me, which I just threw on the floor.

"I'm not eleven," he weakly protested and smiled sheepishly. I merrily just nodded my head and laughed, walking to my closet.

"What are you doing?" Farah questioned while Alex got up from the floor.

"Getting ready," I replied simply.

"How did the test go?" Alex asked. I stopped before entering my walk-in closet, turning around to face three faces looking at me expectantly.

"The doctor said that he's doing fantastic. There isn't much wrong with him now. Carl didn't stick around much longer to inform me on anything else, but it's good," I smiled.

"Aw, that's great honey," Farah smiled, walking up to me and pulling me into a hug. Alex grinned, shooting a quick glance at Zack, who was looking at him two. There was something going on between those two, I was certain. "Let's go get you ready." Farah urged, pushing my into my closet.

"I can get myself ready," I insisted. She only shook her head, closing my closet door behind us.

Oh god.
♠ ♠ ♠
AP English has been kicking my ass.
I'll get updates out when I can!

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