I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

There's A Story At The Bottom Of This Bottle

Delilah's Point of View.

I sat down, relived, and gave Alex a grateful look. Farah and Kara both constantly made me dance, and occasionally Jack forced me to. Alex finally came into the crowd of mostly drunken, dancing bodies and took me away. I sighed, holding my cool glass of water up to my sweating forehead.

"Hot?" Alex asked in a joking manor. I scoffed, then vigorously nodded my head.

"Just a lot. I hate dancing," I told him, closing my eyes and letting myself melt into the cushioned bench chair. Alex was across from me, laughing slightly. "Stop laughing at me." I whined.

"I'm not. You just look so- wore out," he told me. I stuck my tongue out playfully at him, sipping from my glass. "Can I ask you something?" Alex asked.

"You just did," I laughed. He looked at me with a sour expression on his face, clearly not wanting to joke around anymore. "Go ahead," I reprehended, shifting slightly.

A squeal, which amazingly was audible over the thumping music through out the club was heard. I looked at Alex, who had huge eyes.

"You're Alex Gaskarth, right? Can I please have an autograph?!" A petite, red head asked him. He smiled and nodded, signing the All Time Low purse the girl had with the Sharpie she had provided. She thanked him multiple times, than ran off towards what I imagined were a group of her friends. I laughed at him slightly in a mocking manor, knowing he was on the brinking point of dragging me out of here just to talk.

"Anyways, I need to ask you two things," He said, stirring the umbrella I had made the waitress put in his Jagger. I could easily tell he was nervous, I knew him too well.

"Good or bad," I stated.

"Depends on how you look at him," he replied, not helping any.

"Go on," I sighed. Everything got quiet. Well, not really. But now, it was just Alex and me. I was only concentrated on him and only him. A magical unicorn could've waltzed into the club and I wouldn't had noticed. Unless it had candy.. lots and lots of ca-

"I was wondering, maybe.." Alex started, cutting my dreams off. He sighed heavily, just wanting to say what he wanted to. "Maybe if you would consider going on a date with me," he heaved his chest, clearing relived with his accomplishment. I sat there, biting my bottom lip, thinking.


Alex is still that sweet, loving guy he used to be.
I had dated him once before, it wouldn't be TOO awkward.And I still unconditionally loved the man.

He's famous now.
Still slightly cocky, in a hot manor though...
Girls swoon just at the sight of him, there's no way I couldn't get jealous and annoyed.

"Sure," I replied, smiling. He grinned happily. "What was the other thing?" I asked.

With that, his smile dropped.

"Oh yeah, that," I nodded my head, urging him on. He shifted uncomfortably, starting. "Well, there's this tour we'll being leaving for in about a month. I was thinking at you could.. tag along?"

But, with that, my heart stopped.

"Tour, like, traveling in a bus, sleeping in small bunks tour?" I asked, dumbfounded. He nodded, looking at my face for any type of emotion. I'm sure it wasn't showing any. It was all in my head at the moment. "Alex, I don't know. I just got back two weeks ago, I've gotta finish this story up, and what about Carl?"

"We won't be leaving for a month, Delilah. And you can finish the story on the bus and email it. Plus, Carl's test came up fantastic, didn't they?"

"But what if-" I tried making up. Truth is, I would absolutely love to go on tour with them. It was be the most exciting, fun experience I've had.

"If something goes wrong, I'll buy you a ticket myself for you to come back home. Just, please consider going," he begged. I sighed, nodding my head.

"I'll think about it Alex," I told him. He smiled weakly at me.

"Want to head out of here?" I eagerly nodded my head, letting him take me by the hand and leading my away. I texted Farah while we were in Alex's car, letting her know I was gone with him.
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opinions? (;