I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

Not one of them involving you

Have you ever had a best friend that loved dressing you up? I mean, going through their closet and just making you put on clothes for no reason?

Well, I do. His name is Jack fucking Barakat.

And I hate his soul.

Currently, I'm sitting in his bedroom of his downtown apartment, having clothes with the label 'JAGK' thrown at me, along with Glamour Kills. He's trying to get me to be some 'walking build board'. And to tell you the truth, I hate it. A lot.

We had planned a ‘friend day’ together (more like Jack had) and we were going to see a movie and eat afterwards. He decided that my outfit wasn’t socially acceptable, so he was my new stylist.

“Jack, I don’t feel like wearing this,” I whined, pulling at the shirt attached to my stomach.

“You look hot girl. Just wear it, I promise you’ll be getting guys left and right,” he told me while straightening my hair with his straightener.

“I don’t need guys, Jack. I have Alex,” I replied, huffing.

“So, you two are finally a thing again?” He asked.

“Yes, we are,” I informed him. He squealed, hugging me, and nearly burning my cheek the flat-iron. I dodged it, luckily, or else I would have square red marks on my face.

“Come on, you look fantastic. Let’s go watch Final Destination!” He cheered, running out of him apartment, leaving me to shut and lock the door behind him. I sighed, watching his do pathetic excuses of cart wheels down the hallway. He needed a large dose of Ritalin or something.

“Jack, wait up,” I cried, following him at a quick pace.

“I want chocolate covered gummy bears!” Jack laughed, taking my hand and heading towards the concession. I rolled my eyes and laughed, making sure I grabbed the two tickets he had purchased before leaving. We stood in line behind a few fourteen year olds who were heavily debating on what candy to get.

It went from Twizzlers to Sour Patch Kids. Then back to Twizzlers, then M & M’s.

“Just get them all!” Jack hissed, clearly annoyed. They all jumped, looking up and the giant. I slapped his forearm to the best of my ability, since he towered over me easily. “What!? I want my candy, too!” I giggled slightly at his whininess. The kids bought their candy, then scurried off towards their designated theater. I looked around while Jack ordered whatever he wanted, watching the masses of people make it to their movie before it started.

I caught the glance of a boy, looking to be the same age as me, or older. He was dressed in baggy, light washed jeans, a black Jimi Hendrix shirt, and white checkered Vans. I rolled my, latching my arm with Jack’s, earning a curious look from him.

“There’s a creeper looking at me,” I answered his non-verbal question and nodded my head at the dude’s direction. Jack looked up, observing him, before snickering. He was up to something.

“Ah. I told you that you ‘dem boys would be droppin’ like flies,” he said in a slight gangster voice. He got everything he ordered, which turned out to be: chocolate covered gummies, a cherry ICEE, and a soft pretzel, which I stole from his grasp. We left the line, heading towards the theater. As we passed the creeper, Jack started talking about the wild crazy monkey sex I had with Alex last night. I played along, telling him in vivid detail about it. We got to the theater, took seats in the back, and waited for the movie to begin.

I slipped off my flip flops, putting them on the floor by Alex’s front door. Jack was already heading upstairs with Alex into the kitchen. Knowing them, they were getting more food. I jogged up the steps, tossing my purse onto the couch, and going into the kitchen with them.

“You need more beer,” Jack scolded Alex, making Alex groan.

“I know, bro. Rian drank it all last night,” he replied, sitting on the counter while Jack continued to rummage through the refrigerator. Alex jutted his arms out, motioning for me to come to him. I complied with no second thoughts, stepping between his legs and letting his kiss my forehead.

“Oh, last night! When you and Delilah had crazy monkey sex?” Jack asked, shutting the fridge door. He had food in his hand, but I wasn’t sure what it was. Didn’t want to know, truthfully.

“Do what?” Alex asked, confused.

“Some creeper was checking yo girl out earlier, so when we walked by him, I started letting everyone know about your crazy monkey sex,” he told him, taking a mouthful of food and sitting at Alex’s bar stool that was next to the island.

“He better be glad I wasn’t there. Only I can picture you naked,” Alex laughed, rubbing my arms slightly. I shook my head shamefully, not completely embarrassed, but I’m sure my cheeks were pink.

“And Jack!” He cheered, fisting the air.

“And Jack,” Alex joked, rolling his eyes. Jack finished whatever he was eating, walking to the trash and throwing it away. Alex let his hands wonder down my body, stopping at the edge of my thighs and rubbing circles slightly. I fidgeted, voluntarily moving closer him.

“Alex, how old is this chi- Oh god!” Jack cried, dropping the food, proceeding to scream and run out of the room.

“Can we get him mental classes?” I asked Alex, who only laughed and shook his head.

“I’m leaving!” Jack yelled, before slamming the front door behind him.

“Aw, shit. He was my ride home,” I whined, stomping my foot childishly.

“No, he wasn’t. You’re stay here, love.” Alex told me, whisking me out of the kitchen and heading upstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠

Two pages on Mircosoft. 969 Words.
Gave blood today, and had a tooth pulled. I feel like shit, truthfully.
I'm calling it a day.

Thank you to all my 193 subscribers and commenters. :)