I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

You’re The Ones Who Made It

I groaned as my iPod died, then not coming back on. It had been doing this a lot lately. In its offense, it was three years old, which was amazingly long for an iPod. I put it in the nightstand, planning to leave it there indefinitely. I pulled myself forcefully from the lovely comforter, getting up and dressing. Once finished, I picked up my purse, getting my car keys from my computer desk, and leaving without telling anyone since they were all asleep.

I hated always used to being up early. My job pretty much required it sometimes. Well, I just like to do things all too perfectly. So, I’m working on my stories and interviews for a couple of weeks. I didn’t want to disappoint my readers; they deserved the best for what they pay.

I pulled into a Best Buy parking lot, shutting of my car and going to enter the car. Thankfully, there weren’t that many people out yet, so I wouldn’t have to worry about traffic. I scanned through the iPods and MP3’s, wanting to get the perfect one. Sooner than what I figured it would take, I decided to get a iTouch. I heard they were pretty good from a few people at work. My phone went off in my pocket,
notifying me that I had received a text message.

Lunch with me at eleven? See you then. xx

So, I’m supposing I’m having lunch with Farah at eleven. I looked at the time, seeing it was 9:36 A.M. I decided to go find a new plate of my iTouch; the black was too dull for my liking.

We sat at some outside café, the name completely absent from my mind. Farah led the way here, so I didn’t pay much attention to what it was called. I can tell you they have excellent monkey bread, though.

“Remember when we worked at the old café?” Farah asked me. I nodded my head, smiling slightly. I could never forget. “This is where it used to be,” she told me, motioning towards the building. I gasped, looking towards it. I looked nothing like it used to. I looked around the street then, seeing a few of the same stores that had been here four years ago.

“Oh my god, what happened?” I asked, completely shocked.

“Pete went bankrupt and had to sell it to the bank for payments,” she informed me, sipping on her mocha.

“Dude, that really sucks. Whatever happened to John?” I questioned. I missed that boy sometimes. He was so nice and sweet to everyone. I thought about the café from time to time, even my not so swell times at Delaney High.

“I’m not sure. I think he went back to college for music or something, I couldn’t tell you.”

“Well, that really sucks.” We sat there silently for a few minutes.

“What’s California like?” Farah asked randomly, breaking the silence between the two of us.

“Great. Other than the occasional earthquakes and wildfires, it’s a good place for big jobs. I’m starting to miss it, to tell you the truth. What did you do after I left,” I asked. I hadn’t really thought about questioning her about it until now.

“I lost my job at the café, and moved in with Zack a few weeks later. I decided not to continue my freshman year in college, since I preferred being on tour whenever the guys went. I occasionally go visit my mother, who was hospitalized a few times,” she told me.

“I’m so sorry for not being there for you. I’m a shitty friend,” I apologized.

“Don’t worry about it. You had to do what you had to do. I completely understand,” she waved my apology off with her hand.

“What did Alex do?” I was a little afraid to ask, but I wanted to know.

“Truthfully, he drank all the time. It was a little scary at first, but then we all got used to it. He would sometimes bring a girl onto the bus, fucking her, than leaving for the night. We would have to wake her up, kick the poor girl out, than feel shitty about out. Zack eventually snapped at Alex, and made him get back into shape for a while. Then, he met someone named Lisa, and she was a doll. Cutest thing I’ve ever seen. But, it just kind of… I don’t know.. Fell apart, I suppose you can say.”

I only nodded my head, sorting it all out through my head. I was the reason he turned into that. It was all my fault.

“Don’t blame yourself, Delilah,” Farah said, as if reading my mind. “You had to move. Carl made you. We were all young and scared, and reacted the only way we knew how. Alex went to drinking and sex. You don’t need to worry about that though. Alex loves you more than he loves himself, I’m sure,” she tried reassuring me. I smiled, nodding my head and feeling butterflies dance around in my stomach.
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Anyone else love the fact that Ashley Tisdale has an album named Guilty Pleasure and song called Hot Mess? Really? She pwns all eternal failure. Just saying. Lolololol, ‘The Best Part of Believe is Lie’ was reported because of images and stuff. Man that story is over. I haven’t gone back to it in weeks. :D

This was kind of a filler, but it was late at night when I finished writing it and decided not to go back and change it up, lol. Alright, tell me what you think? ;]