I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

You know it's haunting

Sitting on the edge Zack’s bed, I watched him carelessly throw clothes into his bag. He was packing for tour, and wanted help since Farah had gone to buy him some “necessities.” I decided to help for the first few minutes, been then opted to sitting on the mattress instead.

“Are you nervous about leaving?” I asked Zack randomly.

“Hm, not really. I mean, we’ve toured before with bands we didn’t know, and had absolutely not friends there either. I’m sure I’ll manage fine,” he told me. I nodded my head, crossing my legs and sitting on them.

“What’s on your mind, Delilah?” Zack asked, putting another shirt in his bag then sitting down in front of me. I hated how he could read me like a book; I couldn’t keep anything from him.

“I’ve been really tired lately,” I lied, knowing it wasn’t going to convince him.

“Yeah. And I’m the first lady of the United States. Now, what’s really bothering you?”

“It’s just… Farah told me about Lisa today, you know, Alex’s ex?” Zack nodded. “Well, she just seemed really great. The way Farah described her made it seem as though Alex and Lisa were made for each other,” I finally admitted.

“Oh, don’t worry about that Delilah,” he told me, patting my kneecap. “Farah only made a description like that because Lisa and she were friends in their freshman year in college. They met up again, and Farah introduced her to Alex. Then, Alex broke it off because he always thought about you,” Zack revealed to me.

“Well, I guess that sort of explains it,” I said, slightly relieved. I wasn’t sure why Farah hadn’t told me she was friends with Lisa. Maybe it wasn’t important anymore. I don’t know.

“Sure thing. Now come on, help me pack up. I have two days to be finished and we know how we all love to procrastinate.”

I sat on Alex’s living room couch, knees pulled up to my chest watching television. He was taking a shower since they had band practice earlier in the day. I couldn’t help but think about tour. Of course I was going, Alex just didn’t know I was actually going the same day. There is absolutely no use in lying to it, I was scared shitless. I heard of crazy pranks, antics, and other things that occurred on tour. Including, the annoying, hyped up groupies. Those I could live without infinitely.

Alex opened the shower door, steam rolling into his bedroom. He smoothly strolled in with a white, fluffy towel hung on his hips loosely. I rolled my eyes and laughed, not surprised by his actions.

“Alex, why don’t you put clothes on?” I asked him nonchalantly.

“Because I was too lazy, that’s why. Don’t pretend that you aren’t gawking,” he laughed.

“I’m not pretending,” I replied, rolling my eyes once again.

“Good. Now, I’m going to change clothes and going to go Jack’s house for his going beginning of tour party. You in?” He asked, looking at me expectantly. I puckered my lips, thinking, then nodded my head yes. Everyone had been talking about it lately, and I had been invited. I planned on going, but not sticking around long so I could go home and talk to Carl about going on tour some more.

Alex disappeared into his room, singing loudly to a song I had heard them play before, but couldn’t put my finger on the name of it.

Sitting on the couch in Jack’s living room, Kara and I talked about anything and everything. We were basically the only two that weren’t drinking much; I only had only plastic cup of Smirnoff, which hardly even counted as alcohol, really. Old Blink songs rang throughout the air, and our friends dancing around and goofing off. I realized a few of them from high school, but they more than likely didn’t know me at all. I was more than fine with that, to tell you the truth. None of them made my time in Delaney High the best, so I had no intentions to utter a word to them.

“So, you’re going to tour with them?” Kara asked, sipping her water.

“Yeah, Alex doesn’t know I’m going the first day, but I’m totally going,” I smiled.

“I went for a few days last summer. It’s so much fun. Farah and I would stand backstage and watch. Just seeing all the energy radiating off the all the guys was phenomenal. A lot of other bands play fantastic as well, but watching Alex, Jack, and Zack bounce around stage and Rian Playing his heart out on the drums made me so happy for them. They really love playing,” she told me.

“Are you going to go as well?” I asked, being bumped slightly by a random person trying to get through the crowd of people.

“Not in the beginning, but I’m more than likely going to go when I get a break from work,” she explained, a slight frown on her face.

“Oh, that sucks. I’m sorry,” I apologized, knowing she was going to miss Rian.

“I just can’t wait to see them play. Alex is going to have such a different aurora while on stage.”

“Why do you think that?” I asked.

“Because he’s happier now, that’s why. Now that you’re back, I’ve noticed that he’s so much vibrant and glowing. You’ve made him himself again, frankly,” she replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“You think so?”

“I know so, Delilah. Now come on, let’s go find our men and have some fun,” she laughed, standing up and offering her hand out to me. I smiled, but shook my head no.

“I need to leave soon. I haven’t talked to Carl much about going out no tour, and I want to make sure that he’ll be fine without me. I’ll help you find Alex and Rian, I need to say bye anyways,” I told her. She frowned slightly, but nodded nevertheless, and led us through the packed bodies that were dancing the night away.
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I'm not dead, I promise, lol.
Sorry for the crappy filler, but I've been hella busy with school and other things.
Again, my bad. D: