I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

Into Your Arms

Carl was more than happy with the fact that I was going to be going out on tour. He thought I needed the break, since all I had been doing for the past for years was work. Even though I would be working on tour, too.

As of right now, I was sitting in my room with Farah tossing things into my bag of doom, as she called it. It was only things I was going to need for tour, things like that.

The guys were taking the bus to get the first show, while Farah and me would be taking a plane that way we would get there quicker. We were going to get a hotel room, stay the night, and the boys would be in the same town as us the following day. Then, we would be going to the show, and I was going to come up with a creative way to surprise him.

“Excited?” Farah asked me, folding a few of my clothes to put into my bag.

“More along the lines of nauseous,” I admitted to her.

“It’ll pass, I promise. I remember when I was going with them to tour for the very time. I got sick on the plane and ran to the bathroom to vomit. It was so humiliating,” Farah recalled, shuttering slightly. I laughed, shaking my head. Like that would be making me feel any better.

“I’m going to miss you,” Alex mumbled into my hair as he hugged my tightly. I sighed, taking in his scent and allowing myself to be absorbed into the hug. The bus was here at Alex’s, and since everyone met up here, they would all be leaving together. I noticed that Kara was saying bye to Rian, Farah was saying bye to Zack, while Jack just somewhat stood there awkwardly. I felt a tinge of sadness and sympathy in my heart. I had forgotten that Jack was still single. I pushed Alex away from me, and ran over to Jack, giving him the biggest bear hug I could manage.

“Bye Jackie!” I sang, having him laugh and swing us back and forth cheerfully. Everyone laughed, shaking their heads in a joking manner while Alex pleaded for me to come back to him. Matt came off the bus, telling the guys they had to leave now or they wouldn’t make it on time. I felt Alex, since my head was against his chest. He kissed my forehead, whispering ‘I love you’ to me and parting ways.
Once they were on the bus, Rian pulled a curtain back from a window and started waving like a maniac. I rolled my eyes, while Farah turned around and started talking towards her car, and Kara waved back, blowing him a kiss. The bus pulled off, and about thirty seconds later, they were gone.

“Let’s do this!” Farah cheered, giving me a high-five and running towards her car.

After saying my farewells to Carl and Fiona, Kara drove Farah and me to the airport. We had our tickets already, so we wouldn’t have to wait too long. I hated airport terminals, anyways. Kara waited with us, talking nonchalantly until our flight number was called to board. She hugged us both sadly, made sure we would tell Rian we loved him for her, and then went to get on the plane.

“Welcome, my dear love Delilah, to the life of touring. Hope you don’t get motion sickness too easily.” She joked, causing me to chuckle lightly and smile.

“We’ll see, now won’t we?” I stated, making her chuckle but squirm in disgusting slightly. We boarded the plan after going through security and all that lovely stuff. Getting directly in our seats, we prepared for our three hour long adventure.

“These beds look so fluffy!” Farah yelled, running through the door, nearly knocking me over and then tossing herself onto one of the beds in the hotel rooms. I shook my head, locking the door behind me, and putting my bags at the foot of the bed I would be using for the night.

“Jet-lagged much?” I joked, stepping out of my shoes and heading towards the bathroom to wash my face off of make-up then shower. I heard Farah mumble something, then what I figured to be the balcony door open and close. After a refreshing shower, I walked out to see Farah sitting on the balcony, phone pressed to her ear and talking. To Zack, more than likely.

I searched for my phone, finding it in my purse, and immediately dialing Alex’s number. He answered on the second ring, surprising me because I was singing along to his ring back tone.

“Hello, beautiful. I miss you.” Alex whined into the receiver.

I laughed into the phone, rolling my eyes. “It hasn’t even been a full day yet, Alexander.” I joked at him, tossing myself onto my bed, letting him talk about what had happened to far. Apparently, Jack had managed to tumble out of his bunk, hitting his head on something hard, and had to get an ice bag already.

I had a bad feeling that this tour was going to be hectic.
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Ah, almost on tourrrr. XD
Kind of crappy, I'm working on AP english atm and it's killing me, lol.

But, check this out for me, please? And comment? :D