I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

This Love, This Hate

Pulling on a plain, grey v-neck, a pair of skinny jeans, and my black chucks, I rushed to the bathroom to finish my make-up and hair. Thankfully, Farah finished her stuff while I was coming to start, so I would have the bathroom alone. Straightening the curls out of my hair and pulling a black beanie of it, I was satisfied with the hair portion of getting ready. To keep it simple, I only applied light eye shadow and brown eyeliner for make-up. After hearing Farah complain about not making it on time, we left in a mad dash to the rental car, making sure to grab our bags, since we wouldn’t be staying here anymore.

“And, here are you tickets.” Zack said in his hushed voice, handing one each to Kara and me. Then, he gave us backstage passes with our pictures on it. He managed to find one of him and myself, put it on there, and laminated it.

We were hiding behind there buses, where Zack had taken our bags onto the bus and hidden then in the pantry. Why? I don’t know. But he did, so I suppose it worked.

“Alright. When do you guys start?” Farah asked him.

“At six.” We have sound check in a few minutes, and then we’re going to play about thirty minutes afterwards. You guys get backstage when we’re on, then when we do the meet and greet at the merch table out front, you know what to do.” Zack instructed us. I stood up straight, saluting him playfully while Farah mocked my actions. He laughed and shook his head at us. He hugged me and kissed Farah goodbye, then left us to do something random.

“What to do...” I asked, shifting my weight to another foot.

“I have an idea.” Farah grinned, grasping my hand in hers and leading us out from behind the buses.

“Dude, what are you doing?!” I all but yelled, knowing we would probably end up getting caught.

“Like, I said, I have a plan.” She snuck onto ATL’s bus, someone managing to find a Pepsi in the pantry, and got a pack of mentos from her purse.

“Do you always carry mentos with you?” I asked her. She grinned, and nodded her head. Shutting the pantry doors, she headed towards the bunks and reached into Zack’s bag, which he showed us earlier. She pulled out a condom without much effort in trying to find it.

“He’s always kept them here.” She told me, laughing.

“Right. Now, what are we going to do.” I asked. She snickered, leading us off the bus and into the middle of the parking lot where the buses stayed during the shows. Ripping open the condom packet, Farah stuffed about five or six mentos into it, then took the top off the Pepsi, sitting it on the ground.

“Get ready to run.” She informed me, crouching down to the drink and fitting the condom around the top of the nozzle, then holding it up, allowing the mentos to fall in. She backed up quickly as we both watch the condom swell with fizz and the liquid. It continued to grow quickly, and Farah took off running. Meaning only one thing; it was going to blow. I took off running after her, soon hearing a loud pop and a few people screaming what the fuck. They were probably soaked with Pepsi and pieces of latex.

“Fucking let me go.” Farah fought the security guard that held both of us by the back of our t-shirts. They said they say us ‘creeping’ around backstage, so we were being kicked out.

“Wait! Just wait a fucking minute!” I protested, causing him to stop. “Take us to Zack Merrick, you know, of All Time Low? Yeah. Take us to him and he’ll tell you that we’re allowed to be creepy around backstage.” I argued. He sighed, turning around and taking us in another direction. Eventually, we found Zack, who looked up when he saw us being lead by a security guard.

“What did you guys do now?” Zack complained, walking to us.

“You know these girls?” Thejerk security guard asked him.

“Yes, I know them. Now, please release my girlfriend and Alex’s.” He told him.

“Alright, I was just doing my job.” With that, the guard left us, and Zack shot us a scornful look. Farah giggled slightly, making me laugh.

“We’re about to go on stage. What have you guys been doing during the time I left you?”

“We may or may not have caused a condom Pepsi bomb.” Farah stated with a straight face. I bit my lip, trying to hide back my smile.

“That’s why people were bitching about stuff being sticky.” Zack laughed, shaking his head at us.

“Zack, come on!” I heard Alex call of Zack. My eyes grew big, and Farah jerked on my arm and pulled us off in the opposite direction.

“Well, that was close.” I laughed, earning a nudge in the gut from Farah.
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Random titled, lol. Hollywood Undead<3

it's amazing. ^.^ & I almost put 'whore' instead of who. >.^
I'm really hyper, lol. Sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy. Being sleep deprived does this to me.

I'm going to watch The Last House On The Left or whatever and finished my AP English essay. o:
Opinions and comments are greatly appreciated! :D

Edit: Go read this please? I love others input! :D