I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

You're Always Here

You've got me poppin' champagne
I'm at it again
Caught up in the moment
But not in the right way
I'm falling in between
Tearing up at the seams
We're just aiming to please
And aesthetics don't hurt one bit..

I crept around in the crowd, dodging through people left and right. I stayed towards the back of everyone, while Farah was backstage “moderating” the food supply for the bands. Alex sang out to Poppin’ as I reached the merch table. I got a random ATL shirt and threw it over my shoulder, then headed towards the back of the venue to wait for them to come out for the meet and greet.

I watched as Alex jumped around on stage, and Jack ran over to the same mic as Alex and sang into it with him to the lyrics. Kara was right – they loved performing so much. He glowed so much; and it wasn’t just the stage lights.

Alex was swarmed by fan girls once the band reached the merch table, causing me to chuckle. I guess this was all in the package. As in, being his girlfriend and having to watch girls drool over him constantly. I’m more than sure that I could handle it, though. I know he loves me a lot.

I heaved a sigh, and walked towards the slowly depleting crowd of underage girls. There were only around five or six left, so I stayed towards the back. After a minute or two, a few more girls came and waited behind me, giggling about how cute Alex was and how good he probably was in bed. I couldn’t help but snort with laughter; the thought of sixteen year olds wanting him under their sheets cracked me up.

Having his back turned to me, Alex was signing something for someone that was behind of him. I noticed him sigh heavily, probably extremely tired from performing. I smiled, and stepped up, tapping his shoulder.

“Can you like, sign this for me?” I asked in a fake, high pitch voice. When he turned around completely and realized it was me, his eyes nearly bulged out of his head.

“Delilah?!” he yelled, swiftly picking me up into his lanky arms and twirling me around. I laughed, clutching onto him tightly that way I didn’t fall to the ground. He pulled away from me slightly, kissing me on the lips. From the way he was acting you would think that he hadn’t seen me in months. I heard a few people around us ‘awing’ and things of the sort.

“Are you two dating?” one of the chicks that was behind me asked. Alex responded with a ‘yes’ and all I did was nod.

“You two are so adorable together,” another one commented. Alex grasped my hand, leading me away from the now re-growing crowd. When I passed the chick that was talking about how she thought he would be good in bed, I whispered into her ear “don’t worry hun, he’s fantastic.” She blushed a deep red and scurried off in a different direction while Alex dragged me away.

“So when did you get here?” Alex asked me as we sat on the bus.

“Yesterday, actually. We stayed in a hotel room a few streets over from here. Then, Zack gave us our tickets today and we caused some chaos around here, than watched the show and now I’m here!” I explained in a nutshell.

“We as in you and Farah I’m guessing?” he questioned. I simply nodded my head, smiling slightly. I was just glad to be back in his arms, even if we were only separated for a day. We now spent our time watching a re-run of Family Guy and waiting for some of the others to get back. Jack was back in the bunk area, changing clothes. Randomly, we heard a ‘mother fucker!’ and something clatter onto the floor.

“I’m okay!” Jack yelled, emerging from the doors and heading towards the couch.

“This is going to be one crazy tour.” Alex laughed. I nodded my head in agreement. I didn’t know how tour was, but I figured that it was going to be something I would never forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: I'm Yours Tonight - The Academy Is... (NEW FUCKING SONG! WOOT!)

Short, I know.
FRAMING HANLEY ON SUNDAY! WOOT WOOT! :D (if you don't know them, please check them out! www.myspace.com/framinghanley)
Plus, the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Cage The Elephant and Silversun Pickups Saturday. ^,^
Maybe WAR and Village People Friday?

My weekend, apparently, is going to be reallyyyy busy. I'll update when I can, but I can't guarantee anything. :\

Edit: Regarding comments on my one-shot for the songfic contest I entered. I didn't intend on making that a story, unless you guys just want to see what happened BEFORE that whole episode? Let me know! (: