I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

There is nothing wrong with you.

Zack paced back and forth, still utterly nervous about asking for Farah to marry him. He had been pacing for the past few hours; Alex had finally gotten annoyed with it and left a few minutes ago. Farah was back on the bus while Zack stayed back to “help” put things away for the road. Alex and I stayed with him like loyal friends – that is after Zack told Alex what was on his agenda. This ended up being…

1. Taking Farah out to a restaurant tomorrow since they didn’t have a show.
2. Then, heading out towards Times Square, getting her favorite ice cream at a pretty famous parlor there.
3. Finally, proposing under the full moon at midnight.

I helped him plan it out, of course. I knew what she liked best, after all. When it came to stuff like that, at least.
“Zack, dude, chill. Farah’s going to completely freak when you ask her. I know her, she’ll love it.” I told him, getting up and stopping him from pacing. He looked at me, smiling slightly and laughed.
“I am being ridiculous, aren’t I?” He laughed, shaking his head.
“Yes. Yes you are. Now, get out there and make romance with your girl!” I cheered, slapping his chest, turning him around, and pushing him towards the exit with my little might.


Jack busted out laughing, pointing at a video of Alex he had found on YouTube. They were extremely bored since they didn’t have a show tonight. Instead of going out tonight and partying, they decided to stay in and wait for the answer Farah would be giving Zack (unless he chickened out, of course). Taking Rian’s laptop, they had started googling themselves and the band to found out what people said behind the comfort of their computer screens.

They had moved onto Youtube now, watching videos fans had taken or made for them. It was rather interesting, really. There was a video of Alex screaming “where’s the laundry” and running around butt-naked. There was another of Jack dancing out in the middle of the street shirtless. These guys really did have too much spare time on their hands.

“Let’s make a video for Buzznet.” Alex commented, picking up Jack’s iphone.

“Why do we have to use my phone?” Jack complained as Alex slid it over to me across from the table we were at.

“Because Delilah took mine earlier and I don’t know what she did with it.” Alex stated simply, looking at me for a split second and shooting me a smile. I had taken it outside with me earlier to call Carl since mine was dead. I put both of them on charge, so they were in the back room.

“Fine.” Jack huffed childishly. I started recording, putting it on Alex as he all but screamed ‘sup buzznet?’ into the camera. They began talking and sometimes doing random things, making me laugh slightly. After a few minutes, Rian stood up and took the phone from me.

“Why don’t we get Delilah in the footage, yeah?” He asked in a random mock British accent.

“Great idea. Come here girl.” Alex said, pulling over to his side and protectively wrapped an arm around my waist carelessly. “Everyone, here we have Delilah. Show your face, sweetheart.” He laughed, shaking me slightly. I had my face covered with my hands, not wanting to be seen. I hated pictures, and videos were no excuse either.

Eventually, they finished their video. Edited it around some, and then posted it onto buzznet. It was a cute video, except when they added me into it. I had finally showed my face, but not for too long before Jack’s phone started dying. I suppose we all needed to charge them up every now and then…


Since I had claimed ownage rights for Rian’s laptop for a few, I decided to get on buzznet and be creepy. I wanted to see how quickly fans actually responded to their videos. Clicking on the video link, I let the video play, the audio flowing into my ears via ear buds. I laughed at my own voice, not knowing I actually sounded like that over a recording. I scrolled down using the mouse, wanting to see what people had been saying.

When did Alex get a new girlfriend?!” Someone had asked. I merely laughed, shaking my head slightly and continued to scroll down.

Jacks such a weirdo! Poor guys havin to deal wit him. ;) Couldn’t argue anymore.

Where’s Zack and Farah? I love her, she’s so pretty. Someone else commented. I read a few more, seeing more that related to how many people loved Farah. Guess she was a commodity to them.

I read one that caught my attention. It said: Alex needs sumone prettier. Lisa is definately bettr lookin. I tilted my head to the size, reading it again. Other than their terrible grammar skills, the fact that they didn’t like me was evident.

But, what had I done to make them mad? Because I was dating Alex? I continued to read more comments, some of them much nastier than the one before. It bothered me, a lot, to read such hateful and disrespectful inputs people tossed in carelessly.

Eventually, I was fed up, and exited out of the window and closed Rian’s laptop out of frustration. I hadn’t done shit to these people, and the fact that they hated me only because I was with Alex was ridiculous. Jack looked at me curiously as I gathered my notebook and iPod from a counter on the bus. Alex and Rian were in the back, and Farah and Zack had yet to return. I tossed myself into Alex’s bunk, turning on my iPod and setting it onto ‘shuffle.’

Why did people think Lisa was better than me? Sure, I was new to them. And maybe I didn’t know Lisa. But I sure as hell know that they were truthfully speaking their thought. What if Lisa was better than me? I mean, I didn’t know anything about her. Her personality. Looks. Thoughts. Anything at all. Other than many people loved her, along with my own best friend.

I sat on Alex's bunk, my headphones blasting Blink into my ears. I had my notebook in my lap, attempting to edit the story I was going to be typing up and emailing to my boss tomorrow. All I could think about over and over again was the fact that "I wasn't good enough for Alex." and "there was definitely something wrong with me.” I huffed, shutting my phone was as it vibrated with a 'twitter' update from one of the hating fans.

I huffed, too annoyed to work on the story any longer. I threw my notebook across the bunk, letting it collide with the wall. I groaned, leaning back into the pillow, feeling tears run down my cheeks. I don't know why I'm letting this get to me so much. I knew what I was in store for, but it's still bothering me.

"Delilah?" Someone asked, pulling my ear phones off my head. I casted a look at them, seeing Alex with a worried look spread across his face. "Are you okay?" He inquired.

"Do I look okay, Alex?" I spat, annoyed still at the world.

"Stupid question, sorry," he apologized, looking down and shutting the curtain back.

"Alex- wait. I'm sorry. I'm just- I don't understand what the hell is wrong with me. Why do all of your fans envy me so much? I didn't do shit to them and they just treat me like gum on the bottom of their shoes," I whined, pulling him to me so I could clutch onto him. He pulled away slightly, brushing hair out of my face and the tears off of my cheeks. He managed to scoot me over, fit into the bunk with me, and close the curtain.

"There is nothing wrong with you, Delilah. All the so called 'fans' that don't like you, aren't fans. The true fans are happy for the both of us. Happy that I've found someone that makes me so happy that it's unbelievable. Just, don't worry about everyone else, love."

“If you say so.” I whimpered into his chest. I was overly emotional about this.I bet Lisa would’ve handled it differently.
♠ ♠ ♠
Farah’s Ring. (I meant to post that last chapter. Oops, lol. >.^)

:) Back from Flordia.
Told you I would give a big update.
Well, big for me at least. ^.^

Opinions via comment makes me smile :D