I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

And watching all my friends slip away..

Many times in my life, I allowed my mind to bend and stretch around different types of situations that either myself or God had forced me to face. Sure, some where easy and simple. But others? Not so much. ‘What ifs’ and ‘maybes’ constantly ran through my head at times of adversity, knowing that either something good or bad would be the outcome of the journey.

As of right now, sitting on the bus alone has made me think about where I am in my life. Yeah, I have a fantastic boyfriend, two great best friends, and many people around me that cared for me more than they did themselves. But, where does that put me? I mean, I’m more than happy. It just… feels like something is missing. Like a chunk of my life has broken off and yet to return graciously to my side.

I don’t know what – but it’s bothering the hell out of me.

Farah jerked open the bus door, interrupting my thoughts and scaring the shit out of me. I jumped nearly five feet in the air and onto the bus floor, causing a fit of giggles to erupt from mydarling friend.

“Not funny dude,” I groaned, grabbing a hold of her hand that she stuck out to me.

“Say, I couldn’t help it,” she giggled slightly.

“It’s chill. Just, was in thought and you scared me,” I replied, shaking my head due to dizziness.

“I just decided to come and tell you the story of last night,” Farah told me, sitting down on the couch beside me.

“Oh yeah! I want to hear all about it,” I said in a high pitch voice, glad she didn’t ask what I was in thought about.

“Well,” she started, “we went out to dinner, some fancy Italian restaurant. We didn’t know what exactly to order, so Zack wound up with snails and I got really good pasta. We ended up sharing it, though, since I couldn’t eat it all and he refused to eat the mollusks. Afterwards, we walked down to the city and to the park. We talked a lot, some other things, et cetera, than he proposed,” she grinned, sticking out her left hand, showing me the ring I had picked out.

“I’m glad it fits. Do you like it?” I asked, observing it.

“I absolutely love it. Zack told me you helped him pick it out. You have superb taste,” she commented, laughing.

“Good, good. I’m glad you’re finally going to get married.”

“Me too,” she said in reply, admiring the ring on her hand.

“So, where is everyone?” I asked, unaware.

“They guys have sound check in twenty minutes, I came to tell you about last night and then drag you to the show with me,” she answered.

“Alright, just let me pull on some shoes and we’ll be good to go.” She nodded her head in the ‘yes’ motion as I set off to get my shoes. After calling Farah in to help me find them, we had a ten minute search for them, and she found them in Jack’s bed.

I would have to question him about that later.

I came back into the venue through the back, stuffing my phone into my pocket and flashing the security guard my pass. I had just finished talking on the phone to Carl, checking in on how things were going back home and telling him about tour. I walked around, watching much more people than normal bustling around. I saw Farah standing up against the wall, talking to the lead singer of Hey Monday. I had met her yesterday, and she seemed pretty cool. Plus, she had a wicked voice.

I walked to the side of the stage, watching the guys perform. They were as lively as ever; singing and playing like there wouldn’t be a tomorrow. I made my way towards Farah and Cassadee, bored with being alone. They both welcomed me with saying hey and waves.

“What’s with the influx of people?” I questioned.

“The Maine made it to the tour finally, since they couldn’t come at the beginning,” Cassadee told me. I nodded my head slightly, but shook the thought. I would probably listen to them later, since I hadn’t heard of them before.

“How much longer until the guys set is over, I’m getting bored,” Farah whined, shifting her weight around on her feet. Cassadee and I laughed at her, shaking out heads slightly. She probably wanted to spend time with her new fiancé.

“I think it’s only a few more songs, they’ve already played four,” I answered to her.

“Alright. I’m going to head towards the dressing room, I want something to drink and I left mine in there earlier,” Farah said to the both of us. Cassadee informed us that she was going to their tour bus since they didn’t have to show tonight; they were only opening on certain nights that The Friday Night Boys weren’t.

I decided to follow Farah, not having anything else to do anyways.

They boys piled into the dressing room, all hot and sweaty. Truly disgusting, to tell you the truth. Alex thought that it would be hilarious to nearly pounce on me, getting sweat onto my clean clothes.

“Gross, Alex!” I whined, shoving him off of me.

“Aw, you know you want me on you,” Alex teased, making me roll my eyes at him.
“Not when you’re all hot and sweaty.”

“I thought that’s when it’s best to…” Alex joked. I merely shook my head, tuning into the other conversations everyone was having until Alex tapped on my leg, grasping my attention. “I’m going to get in the shower, than I’m taking you to meet the new band that joined tour today. That cool?” I nodded my head yes. He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room, leaving me alone with the weirdo’s we refer to as friends. Everyone went to watch the new band play mid-show a few minutes afterwards, but I decided to hang around and wait for Alex.

Alex returned about twenty minutes later in aprobably unclean GK shirt, basketball shorts, and a pair of flip flops.

“You ready?” He asked, sticking his hand out towards me and helping me up. He protectively wrapped his arm around my waist, letting me stay close to him. The new band had finished playing already, and most of the people had started clearing out to get on the road. I noticed Rian standing with a few guys that I didn’t recognize, probably the new guys and their techies.

We got closer, and I noticed a tall, lanky boy that looked vaguely familiar. When we reached them, a few gave Alex the whole ‘man-hug’ thing, then Alex pulled me to them.

“Everyone, this Delilah. Delilah, this is Garrett, Kennedy, Pat, Jared, and-“

"John?!" I asked cutting Alex off, completely shocked.

"Delilah?" He mocked, shocked too.

"Oh my god!" I cheered, running towards him. He picked me up and twirled me around as I hugged him. Everyone looked at us curiously, then mobilized and finished up packing.

"It's been so long! What are you doing here?!" He inquired, amazed, and setting me onto the ground.

"I came back home to take care of Carl and do a story for the magazine I write for. I finally got a great journalist job. I see you got your dream job.” I laughed, smiling.

"Yeah, my band I told you about finally hit it big. You've completely changed." He laughed, observing my outfit.

"I know, trust me." I glanced back at Alex, who looked completely dumbfounded.

"So things worked out between you two?" He asked, looking over my shoulder at Alex. Alex glanced down at me, looking even more confused. God, he was too cute.

"I'll explain later." I directed towards Alex, patting his chest lightly. "And yeah, things are going pretty fantastic. But hey, I'll see you later, alright?" I said, earning a nodded and returning to Alex.

"Is it later yet?" Alex asked simply.

"Wait until we get back to the bus, silly." I laughed as he pouted. I stood on my tip-toes and lightly pecked his lips before making him skip to the bus with me so we wouldn’t be accidently left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Long? Seems like it.

Watching Two and A Half Men and studying. Blah. :\