I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

Tonight I've Fallen.

"I hate to say I told you so," I mumbled to Farah as I looked down at my feet. Alex had just walked out, and Zack chased after him. Meanwhile, Rian and Jack hugged the fuck out of me.

"What have you been up to? Where do you live? How's your dad? Do you have a boyfriend? How about your kick ass job?" Where a few questions I actually managed to pick out from the outrageous rambling.

"Guys, chill the fuck out and give her a break," Farah finally yelled, making the two of them shut up.

"Sorry," they both mumbled. Wow, she had them whipped.

"Hun, I'm sorry about Alex. He'll come around, you know," Farah told me, hugging my side and leading me over to the couch to sit.

"Yeah," I murmured, crossing my hands over the journal I used. I knew this would happen. I knew he was going to hate me. It's not that I'm surprised, it just bothers me. I didn't have much of a choice, and he's pissed because I had to leave. He wasn't the one who had to give up everything they had going on to move half way across the damn country. Just thinking about it pissed me off. I rolled my eyes, my jaw popping slightly.

"You alright?" Rian asked. I glanced up, noticing everyone was looking at me oddly. I looked to my hands, noticing I had nearly snapped my favorite pen in half.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Just a little stressed out is all. Just the whole.. move thing and all," I lied.

"I know what you mean. Why don't you come out with us tonight. We were all going out to a club, you're more than welcomed to join," Farah offered.

"I don't know Farah. I mean, what about helping my dad and the story and-"

"Yeah, you are definitely going out. Someone with that many excuses needs some time off. Plus, your father would understand. Being out with reunited friends when you get back. Now let's go upstairs and get your fine self ready."

I gave in, knowing it was useless to argue with her. She jerked me off from the couch, nearly running up the stairs. Rian and Jack laughed, and I'm sure I heard them leave the room.

I hadn't a rotten feeling about this.

"Well look at you," Jack joked, spinning me around once we came back downstairs.

"Since when did you start showing off your goods?" Rian laughed. Kara had now joined us about ten minutes ago. I scoffed, slapping his arm and she did the same. "I was joking!" He complained.

"I've changed in the four years I was gone, Rian."

"Obviously," I heard Alex muttered, but I brushed it off and ignored it. I always tried to avoid conflict if I could. I still think that violence isn't the answer, even if I punched Carly in the face senior year. Other than that, I really hadn't resorted to making trouble anywhere else.

"Come on, let's go," Farah urged, hooking her arm with mine and pulling me towards the cars. We got in hers, while Zack got in the backseat. Rian, Kara, Jack, and Alex all piled into Alex's car.

When we got to the club, we didn't have to wait in line long, thank God they were famous. We got into a both and everyone ordered a round of drinks while I just had water.

"Why don't you drink?" Rian asked, looking slightly shocked.

"Uh, I just know how it made my father, so I don't want to drink and let him see that, ya know?" I replied. When the waitress came with our drinks, I graciously took my water. I sucked on the lemon; one of my favorite parts.

"So, how's California life? We've been out there, but not permanently," Jack asked before gulping down his drink.

"It's definitely different, but it's not home. So many more people, places, and the lifestyle took a while to grasp. But, I like it a lot."

"If you like it so much, why did you come back?" Alex snarled. Everyone looked at him surprised, other than me.

"Well, if you must know, I obviously came here to do this story. And, my father had a heart attack and is getting worse. If you're going to be such a fucking douche you should know why I really came back besides being to God damned pissy about everything. Now you see why I didn't come back sooner," I snapped, not caring about being confrontational. Luckily, I was on the outside of the booth, and got up and walked to the bathroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is why I don't write when I'm pissed. But I needed to update.
o: doona kill me?


Since you guys are the fantastic readers that you are, could you please check out this kick ass story? It's Alex Gaskank, of course, and it definitely deserves more comments than it has! :D