I Miss the Lips That Made Me Fly

Choke On The Drama

"Delilah?" I heard Farah ask as I starred at myself in the mirror. I wasn't thinking. I was just glaring at myself.

"Here," I nearly growled, but closed my eyes and shook my head.

"You alright?" She asked, concerned.

"Peachy keen," I said through my gritted teeth. "Ugh!" I whined, pulling the hells off my feet. "I'm going to have killer blisters tomorrow."

"I'm not sure why Alex reacted that way, though. He's probably in shock or something," Farah told me.

"Look, Farah. I really would rather just not, talk about this. Please. Now, let's just go back out there and I'll be nice. Really, just forget it," I begged, trying to not sound annoyed.

"Fine. Com'on."

We walked back out, and I noticed that Alex and Rian were gone. I sat back down, Zack looked sympathetic and Jack slightly dazed. I looked around the club, watching people dance to the beat of whatever song was playing; I wasn't paying attention. I loved how their dancing just seemed so at ease, like there wasn't a problem in the world. I glanced around, catching the glance of Alex at the bar with a blonde bimbo, who was running her hand up and down his shoulder and arm. I bored holes into the back of her head, since that's all I could see, envying that she was even able to talk to him that close.

Like I used to be able to.

"Delilah?" Zack asked, shaking me slightly.

"Hm, what?" I asked, He was looking at me, eyebrows raised slightly. I glanced at Farah, who was arguing with Jack over something random. "Sorry, spaced out there for a minute."

"Right," He laughed slightly.

"I'm pretty tired, I'm just going to get a taxi or something and get a rid home. I'll talk to you guys later about the story. And hopefully a less tense atmosphere. Bye," I kissed Zack's cheek, hugged Farah, and got squeezed by Jack.

I exited the club, dialing the taxi number I had gotten from Farah before leaving. I waited patiently by the entrance, that way if anyone creepy came around, I could attract the attention of the bouncer. A few minutes after I rushed out, so did someone else.


"Dude, what the fuck is your problem?" Zack cursed me, leaning forward so he wouldn't have to yell loudly.

"What do you mean?" He looked, slightly taken back.

"I don't fucking understand why the hell you're being such a fucking dick to her, bro. She HAD to leave, her father made her," Zack snapped. "If you would stop being so full of yourself and realize that you weren't the only one who was hurt, maybe you would see that. Get your head out of your ass and get over it," Farah nodded her head slightly, and got up to walk towards the bathroom. I glared at Zack for a second, but I wasn't angry at him. I was pissed at myself. He was beyond right, and I hadn't payed much attention.

I got up, walking over to the bar and ordering a shot of Jagger. I hadn't even been sitting down for a few minutes before a blonde bimbo looking girl came up beside me, ordering a dirty martini.

"You alone here?" She asked me curiously.

"No, I'm with a few friends," I muttered.

"Well, do you mind if I keep you company here?" She asked in a seductive voice.


"Alright then," she laughed, placing her hand on my shoulder "what's your name?"

"Alex." I told her, still uninterested.

"I'm Karlise," she said. I turned slowly, gaping at her.

"Did you, perhaps, date a Carl Clark?" I questioned, and I'm sure the look in my eyes wasn't pleasant. It went along with my mood.

"Uh, yeah. Why? And, how did you know that?" She looked completely confused. I jerked away from her, not that I wanted her to be touching me in the first place.

"Because I happened to be his daughter's boyfriend. And you treated her like complete shit. Then, Carl had some type of epiphany because of your sorry ass and they moved. You're half the reason why I lost my first love, you low-life bitch," I tossed some money on the bar to pay for my drink, and got up to leave. I didn't bother telling the guys, they were pissed at me enough anyways.

I pushed my way through the swarm of drunken clubbers, who either tried to get me to dance with them or were too busy grinding onto another wasted human. Of course, I would automatically decline their babbling attempts and proceed towards the door. Eventually, I reached the doors, and was planning on heading to the parking lot to my car, until I noticed the shadow of a petite woman leaning against the brick building alone.

Delilah. How am I not surprised about this one?
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i'll update tomorrow, promise?