Trying to Escape the Inevitable

"You aren't the only one who lost him!"

I guess I had so many other things on my mind, I didn't notice the first of the month was approaching until I woke up with a wetness between my legs and a slight cramp in my stomach.

The first of the month is always a dreaded time for me. Everyone always treats me differently when I'm... like this. I don't see why. I mean, the same thing happens to them. They know what it's like to be hit on by every other vampire in the mansion (Which is a lot). There's even been fights before. It's all really pointless since you don't even get to choose your spouse. I guess they're all just so horny they forget.

I slowly got out of bed, muttering 'fuck' a few dozen times. I was not looking forward to the next two days.

It's impossible to hide it from them. They can smell it. But I figured I could atleast try and make myself less... appealing. I didn't shower, I didn't shave. I didn't put deodorent on. I wore a baggy hoodie and loose-fitting jeans.

Why is it whenever I want to avoid someone, they're always right in front of my face? I accidently walked into a room that held the two horniest bastards in this place. Pete Wentz and Quinn Allman. both their heads snapped in my direction when the door opened. Probably smelled me from down the hall.

I turned to leave the extravagently decorated room but, moving remarkably fast, Quinn caught my wrist on the doorknob.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked, false innocence dripping like acid from his smirking mouth.

His hand tightened around my wrist. "Um, I, uh... was looking for...."

Quinn gently tugged at my hand, which was holding onto the doorknob for dear life.

"Ah, I'm sure they won't miss you. Why don't you come sit next to me and Peter-panda over there and I'll tell you all about your fiance's past."

I froze. My grip on the door loosened and Quinn let out a small giggle.

"Oh, yes. I know everything. You see, me and Bert," The shower lunatic with the icy eyes popped into my head, for a split second. "we were the best of friends. Such a shame what happened to hi-"

He was cut off by the door opening.

"Frank, there you are," Gerard said, taking the hand that Quinn wasn't holding captive. His hand was cold and smooth. "I've been looking all over for you, Babe."

"Ah, Gerard! How great of you to join us." Quinn said through clenched teeth. "Frank and I were just talking about you. And Bert."

Gerard gasped, and his eyes grew dark and cold.

He yanked me out of Quinn's grip. (Oh yeah, don't worry about me I'll be fine, ya'know, once my shoulder is popped back into place.) Pete's eyes were wide and he attempted to not draw attention to himself by not moving or making any kind of noise.

"You have no right!" Gerard said through clenched teeth, his hand turning into a white-knuckled fist. (Around my wrist. How much more of a beating am I going to take today?) He slowly moved toward Quinn. He was so close, his breath was moving a few strands of Quinn's bleach-blonde hair. "If I ever hear of you talking about that again, I will rip your cock off of your body and shove it down your throat."

He then turned and dragged me out of the room with him. I didn't want to be anywhere near him when he was this angry, but at the same time, I was kind of relieved he saved me from Quinn and Pete.

"You can't keep your secrets bottled up forever, Gerard! You aren't the only one who lost him!"

Gerard didn't pay any attention to what Quinn had to say, he just continued to drag me at a quick pace down the hall. And then another, and another. Until we came to a stop at a room I'd never been to before.

The door was heavy and squeaked as it was opened. The room was three times larger than my own, it was filled with such beautiful things. Everything seemed to have a golden glow.

"Where are we?" I asked once Gerard had closed the door and started pacing around the room.

"Why were you in that room with him?!" Gerard asked, angry still.

"I-I..." I was scared shittless of him.

"I don't want you ever going near that no-good Quinn Allman again. Do you understand me, Iero?!" e was as close to me now, as he was to Quinn ten minutes ago. He was breathing hard and grinding his teeth. "Especially when you're like this!"

I nodded quickly and lowered my head. I tried to hold myself together, but the estrogen flowing through my body dissagreed. Salty liquid built up behind my eyelids and my lip started to quiver. I let out a small sniff and the tears began to fall.

"Oh no. No, Baby... don't cry. Please don't cry." Gerard said softly, placing his hand on my shoulder. I jumped when I felt the small pressure and me took his hand away momentarily.

He led me toward the hugs bed in the center of the room and sat me down on the feather soft pillows. "Say something." He whispered, pulling me into a hug. "Anything, just don't cry."

"I-I'm so-rry." I choked out. My words were muffled against his shirt and I honestly had no idea how he could have heard me.

"You're sorry? Sorry for what?" He asked, petting my hair down.

"F-for making you mad." I said, sniffleing at the end. His shoulder was covered in snot and tears.

He hushed me and pulled my left leg over to the other side of his body, making me straddle his lap. "Look at me, Baby, look at me." I did what he said and lifted my head from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. His warm caramel eyes. How'd I never notice how inviting they were before? "You didn't make me mad. You could never make me mad."

How could I never make him mad? I've fucking judged him and avoided him the best I could, when all he wanted to do was get to know me. His future husband.


"Yes, really. You silly goose." My lips turned upwards into a small smile and I let a half laugh half sob out of my throat.

I'm sure I looked fucking great just then. Greasy hair, unshaven face, red teary eyes, a runny nose and a crooked smile.

"Quinn made me mad. He know's I don't like to think about... it.... And the best way is to not talk about it. And no one does. Except him."

"Why does he want to talk about so much?" I asked, my voice rough from crying.

"Let's not talk about this right now." Gerard countered.



I nodded. I still wanted to know, but the look in his eyes told me not to push it.

I learned a lot of things while in Gerard's room. I learned he was the exact opposite of all the rumors. He's very secluded. The only person who really knows him is his brother. His birthday is on April ninth. His favorite color is green. And, he's a major nerd.

Gerard and I were now laying together on his bed, our legs tangled together and our faces inches apart.

"Why were you looking for me earlier?" I whispered, rolling up one of my hoodie sleeves. It was quite warm in the room.

"What?" He asked, his face half conceiled by a pillow.

"Earlier, with Quinn and Peter. You said you had been looking for me. Why?"

He didn't say anything for a few moments. He just kind of shifted uncomfortably. trying to hide his face. The blush evident against the pale skin.

"I-I know what happens at the first of the month for you, Frankie." He started, his voice muffled by the pillow. "I was just keepin' a close eye on you. To, uh, assist you if you came into some trouble. I know how they can get when they haven't been laid in over a month."

While that sounded very stalkerish, it was really sweet that he cared enough about me to make sure I wasn't bothered.

He glanced at me with one eye and the blush on his cheeks darkened.

"Gerard, that... that is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. Thank you." I said, softly.

He looked into my eyes, lips parted slightly.

Our faces grew closer and closer until our noses were smushed together. Gerard let out an airy laugh and I pressed a quick kiss to his chapped lips.

It only lasted half a second, but afterwards was still awkward.

My internal clock was telling me it was getting late.

"I... I should go." I said, moving from the bed.

"Don't." Gerard said, voice husky.

I turned to him with a confused look on my face.

"I mean, I'm not stopping you from leaving, but, I'd like it if you stayed here. With me." He sounded small and desperate. "I won't try anything, I swear. I'd just, really like you to stay with me tonight."

"I... don't have anything to sleep in."

"I could find you something."

"I usually sleep in my boxers, really."

"Me too. I swear I won't touch you or anything."

"What if I start menstrating in the middle of the night and I get your sheets all bloody?"

"No big deal, I'll wash them."

"I... guess I could stay here tonight. But don't try anything!"

"I won't." He smiled.