

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked getting the rest of his clothes on. Although it sounded more like a statement more then anything.

I layed there until I heard the door slam, before letting the tears flow. I know I'm being used and should end this but I can't. I finally decided to get up and went to my safe haven. I walked into the kitchen and reached for the jack daniels. Just as I was taking a sip the doorbell rang out in my small apartment.I sighed and set down the bottle before making my way to the door.

"Hey." I slammed the door shut in shock. It couldn't be. He couldn't be back.

"You might as well get off your high horse Princess." Nick said.

"Why don't you fuck off Nick? I wish you never would have come into my life in the first place!" Tears were going to break through any minute.

"Well same to you baby, but that's the way it is. What happened, happened. It isn't my fault that you can't understand I'm getting a chance to live what I love to do. The one thing I've always wanted!"

"Well so what?" I asked, "So traveling the world is more important than me? So asking you to stay, just one day is too much for me to ask when you say you love me?"

"How many people that don't have the money get the chance to travel Kayla? Don't you understand how huge that is for me? Why can't you just come visit? Or come with?" Nick asked.

"I don't want to spend my any other day in the scorching sun in only God knows what state!"

"You want me to just stop everything and I can't!"Nick explained.

"So thats it then huh." I said biting my lip, narrowing my eyes.

"Good," Nick laughed bitterly, "Whatever. If you can't do this, fine. I don't care, I can't try any harder. You won't understand and I'm not going to waste time making you. I'll see you later."

That was the last time I ever spoke to Nick, much less saw him. I took a few deep breaths, and opened the door again.

"Hi." Nick said again. He was smiling like nothing ever happened. But the look on my face made it drop.

"Hi? That's all you can say to me?" That's when I finally started getting mad.

"What do you expect me to do?" I asked, my voice rising. "Just take you back and then wait for you to hurt me again?"

"I would never – "

"You did it once, Nick, and that's enough," I snapped. "And you knew what my parents did to me.How they left me. You did the same exact thing. You're no better. You don't deserve me anymore and you know that."

"But it doesn't mean I don't want it," He replied. "Kays, I promise I'll never do anything like that – "

"You're promises don't mean anything anymore, okay?! Just – just let me go," I yelled, and pushed myself out of his arms.Some how he came in and got me in a hug. "I'm going to Paris and I'm leaving all of this in my past. Goodbye, Nick, and good fucking riddance."

And then I turned on my heel and stormed off to my room after slamming the door in his face.


Nick's POV

I knew what type of guy she hangs with. His name is Josh and he's just using her. I'm sure its quite obvious. I just wish Kayla. She's choosing lust. Ugh. And now she's going to Paris with that jerk. I have to get her back.

I didn't ask what time Kayla's flight was leaving.

"Shit!" I cursed loudly and tumbled down the stairs, out side to my piece of crap car. It better not stall today, I don't have time. There was no way I was that lucky. It started.

A surge of delight flowed through my veins, and that feeling mixed with a surge of adrenaline caused me to feel giddy and light-headed. But I suddenly felt powerfully energetic, and this helped me get to the airport faster since I was speeding my ass off.

I made my half-assed parking job and sprinted into the airport, out of breath despite the short distance of running. A security guard looked at me suspiciously. I must have looked psychotic.

I listened carefully to the overhead announcements, trying to hear anything that might have to do with a flight to Paris. My dark eyes scanned over the giant list of flights, searching every word for any mention of France – And then there it was.

JetBlu – Paris – 6:00a.m.

But would Kayla and Josh be getting on the plane this early? Maybe they had a later flight. I glanced at his cell phone – 5:50. There wasn't any time for maybe's. There was a possibility she was leaving now, and I had to find her before it was too late.

Now boarding, JetBlue flight to Paris," A woman's voice boomed from the loudspeakers as if on cue.

"Damn it!" I cursed and began to ran. I had no idea where to go at first – which plane would they be getting on? – but then I saw a giant mass of people, who were once sitting, all stand up and start moving in the same direction. That must have been the flight, then. I'd bet on it.

"Agh!" I yelled as someone grabbed onto the back of my shirt, almost choking me with my collar. Whoever had a grip on me was strong and no matter how hard I pulled, couldn't keep moving. Finally I turned around angrily, about to curse this asshole out, but stopped short as at who it was.

A security guard. Double shit.

"Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" The man asked in a deep, menacing voice.

I tried to pull away, but his grip didn't falter. "Listen, I'm just trying to see this girl – "

"Do you have a plane to catch? A ticket, information?"

"Well – no, but does that – "

"I saw you come running in here," He growled. "I'm not stupid, kid, I know you're up to something. You're going to need to come with me, now."

"What? No way, man!" I yelled. "I'm not gonna try to hurt anyone or do anything stupid – "

"The gates are now closing."

The loudspeaker cut my words off and I twisted away from the cop to stare at the diminishing group of people that were boarding the plane. Maybe, if I was really that lucky, this wasn't the flight –

Oh who am I kidding? I'm never that lucky. But what can I do now? I was just about to look away when I saw a familiar head of brown hair. It was Kayla andJosh Jerk. She was just about to hand her ticket to the lady.

"KAYLA!" I bellowed, ignoring the several people that turned their head and stared. Kayla heard his yell (who didn’t?) and she spun around, shock and surprise written all over her face.

I didn't waste any time. If she was looking at me, if she was actually paying attention to me, I needed to tell her what had to be said. I had to try and stop her before she was out of my life forever.

"Kayla, you can't leave!" I continued, fighting against the cop, who was now trying to pull me back. "I need – "

But my words were cut off once again as the cop yanked as hard as he could, choking me so much that he couldn’t breath. "Let's go," the man growled roughly and began to drag him away.

No ones POV

Nick took one last look over his shoulder – wait, where was Kayla?! She had disappeared from sight. Had she boarded the plane? In a sudden surge of strength he tore away from the security guard,nearly ripping his t-shirt in the process, though he hardly noticed. Before anyone could catch him he jumped over the counters, making the female attendants scream. He hastily picked up the microphone and pressed the red button, and his words came booming over the loudspeakers:

"Kayla! Kays, I hope you can hear me right now. Don't get on the plane. You can't leave because I need you here, and without you I would – I don’t even know what I would do. Don’t go to Paris, please, because I'm selfish and I love you. I – "

The microphone was grabbed out of his hands by the security guard, who was so furious his face was practically purple. "You're coming with me! Now!"

This time Nick knew better, and got off off the counter, and went with the security guard. Besides, that was the best he could do. He knew Kayla heard him – everyone did. It was all up to her, now. She had to make her choice: Paris, or Brody. Lust or love.

As they went to the hall he strained his neck to see over his shoulder, to where Kayla should be – to where Kayla wasn't. She was still nowhere to be seen. So she had gotten on the plane then. She made her choice.


The single word rang out into the air and Nick's heart jumped. He was shocked – and so was the guard, apparently, because he had stopped in his tracks. He hadn't expected a girl to actually come after this psycho.

Nick took advantage of his surprise and tore out of the grip. He turned around and there she stood, her bags hanging loosely from her arms.

"The JetBlu flight to Paris is now departing."

"You…you didn't get on," Nick said. Although he was stating the obvious, it was all so dreamlike to him. He couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"I couldn't," She said, shaking her head. She was clearly just as surprised about her decision as he was. "Just as I was about to get on, I realized that I just…I can't leave. I don’t belong in Paris. I belong here, Nick. With you."

In a flash he had her in his arms. He entangled his hands into her silky brown hair and tilted her face up to his, and without a moment's hesitation, completely ignoring the fact that there were hundreds of people laughing right now, he bent down and kissed her.

A few cheers broke out, and he felt Kayla laugh against his lips. "We're insane," she mumbled. He threw his head back and laughed.

" I love you." Nick said, clearly.

"I love you too." Kayla's eyes watered. " So much."

"Well you did choose me." He smirked.

" I chose love."

"I'm ok with that."

Kaylas's POV

I smiled and shifted my weight so that I was closer to him. "I'm okay with it too," I said. Yeah, it was true we had a lot to work out; But I wanna stay with Nick for a long time. A long time was the exact amount of time that I was planning to spend with Nick. And I was definitely okay with that.

'This is love and this is lust
I'm in it to be the best
And if I were not be the best maybe you would trust
This is love and this is lust
Now which one do I trust?'
♠ ♠ ♠
My One-Shot <3