Supernaturals Academy

Chapter One

I started running – why? There was a girl – injured maybe. Light poured from my hands – I had to heal her, save her.
What happened? Panicking, burst of light, and blood – lots of blood. The girl is – no she can’t be . . . I fell near her. The light – it heals? The light ran away from me, healing this stranger. Panic turned to confusion – because of me, what I did.
Voices pound in my head - oh my . . . is she alright? . . . I need to – wait, she’s fine? . . . What just? . . . That girl’s alive? How? . . . This makes no sense. . . Who’s that other girl? . . . What did she do? . . . What? She can’t be a – I think she is one of them, those damn Supernaturals.
I spun around, scrambling to get off the cold carpet. My head snapped up. A man was there, holding his large hand out for me. Something told me to trust him, but I’ve never seen him before. I grasp his warm, muscular, and firm hand. My eyes struggle to see his face – I saw his silver eyes and his dark bushel of hair, but that was it. Nothing else was clear
“Who are you?” I whispered, using his hand to get up. Before I could straighten my legs he started to pull me away from the girl. “Tell me who you are.”
Who’s that man? . . . What’s happening to my school?. . . Of course when I run to an injured girl there’s nothing for me to do. . . What happened . . . the board fall on me? Who? How am I alive? I was dead wasn’t I or at least unconscious. I’m so confused.
“The voices; make them stop.” I tugged on the man’s arm to no avail. He was pulling me out of the main entrance of the library. He was moving too fast for me to see anything around me. I started to get dizzy and faint the further I got from that injured girl. Something weird was happening.
A door slammed shut and I was pushed up against a wall in a small storage room. “My name is William Atlee.” He took a deep breath. “What happened in the library wasn’t good for our kind. We aren’t . . .”
“Wait. Our kind?” I asked, looking into his sparkling silver eyes. The small room we were crammed had one small window, letting in light to shine down on William.
He sighed and looked away from me. “Yes our kind.” Then he looked back at me, lowering his hands from my arms. “We, among others, aren’t like your friends at this school. We’re different – powerful, immortal. . .” His voice trailed off, well to me it did but he was still talking.
Where could she have gone? . . . I have to find her; she’s in danger of this school. Why did that happen to her? . . . She’s skipping my class now, I have to writer her up. . . Morgan. Where is she? Morgan. . . I’m so confused. Morgan – she saved me? But she wasn’t in here.
“The voices!” I yelled, without control. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed William’s wrist. “Make them stop.” I let go of his wrist and grabbed the sides of my head, bending over.
She’s somewhere . . . I swear she’s one of them.
“Someone knows . . . Supernatural? They know,” I whispered, falling to the ground. My head pounded like a giant heart working too hard. “The voices. William, make them stop. Please.” The voices kept pounding in my head like they were knocking down the Berlin wall.
William reached for something in his pocket. A small bottle filled with a silvery, almost clear liquid laid in his hand. “Drink this.” He knelt down next to me, his voice blanketing me like a fire on a cold night. “It’ll make the voices go away.” His words floated around me like a soothing melody, calming the voices but not stopping them.
I reached for the bottle as best I could, trying not to spill a single drop. It was hard for me to keep it steady since the voices were almost controlling me by now. William reached out his hand to help me drink the silvery liquid. He guided the bottle to my lips and made sure that every drop reached my mouth.
The voices stopped. My body stopped shaking. I was in control.
“Thank you,” I whispered, staying on the ground. “What was that stuff?”
William stood up and paced the small area that we had. “It was um . . . some of . . . well you see it was my um . . . blood.”
“What? I just drank your blood? Am I some sort of vampire now?” I stared at him, waiting for him to turn around. He spun around and looked at the ground to avoid any form of eye contact. “Blood? There wasn’t another way?”
He sighed and kneeled in front of me. “You needed it. That was the only choice you had.”
“And were there other choices?” William nodded. “Which were?”
He straightened his legs, standing up tall towering over me. “We don’t have time to talk about your other choices. We have to go if you want to make it in time for the plane.”
“What plane? What are you talking about?” I asked, flabbergasted. He tried to reach for my hand but I pulled it away before I could even feel his skin. “You just told me that I drank your blood and now you want me to leave with you on a plane? I don’t know who you are. Heck, I don’t know who I am.”
“You’re Morgan Anne Summers, the only surviving Sorceress. You’re Princess Summers the last surviving leader in the Supernatural world. I’m William Nigel Paul Atlee, first class protector, set to serve the royal family – which has diminished to you and you’re father.”
“But I was adopted. My parents died in a plane crash over the pacific ocean when I was three months old,” I claimed, using the wall to stand up. I stayed as close as the wall as possible to make sure that William couldn’t tear me away from it and steal me out of the school. “Are you telling me that the life I’ve been living is a lie?”
William took a few steps back, leaning on the door. “No, I’m not saying that. I’m telling you the truth that has been hidden from you for the past seventeen years for your own safety. Your mom did die in a plane crash but it wasn’t in the Pacific Ocean. She was shot down in Russia on her way to the Supernatural Headquarters in Asia. It was her time to go; not even the most powerful magic could have brought her back.”
“What about my father? He’s still alive?” William nodded. “Then why haven’t I been living with him for the past seventeen years? If I’m some sort of Princess shouldn’t I have known?”
His eyes closed. I let go of the brick wall and took three steps toward him. The room was starting to get hot in the humid California air. “I’m sorry Morgan.” He shook his head from side to side. “Yes, you’ve been living a horrible lie since you were born. But now you have to live in reality or else you will die.” He opened his eyes, looking up at me. “I’m not trying to scare you. I’m telling you the truth.
“Our world isn’t a friendly place when you’re alone. I took a great risk coming to get you today – traveling unprotected, not knowing where I was going. If we stay here, hidden in this supply closet they will find a way to get us. I’m sorry for the lies, but now isn’t the time to get over a grudge.”
William reached his hand out to mine, not all the way. He left a few inches for me to reach to complete the bond. Those silver eyes of his were painted with a sad yet uplifting tune of hope and fear. There was no doubt in my mind that he was real and not part of the elaborate lie that was set up for me to live in.
I lifted my hand and placed it in his palm. “Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. I trust you,” I whispered, pulling myself a few inches closer to him. Heat poured from his skin all the way to mine. It didn’t feel uncomfortable like it should have but it felt soothing – like he was a soft beach for me to lie on in the sun. “What do we do next?”
“We leave. No one is looking for you anymore – everything has been taken care of.” William reached behind his back grabbing the doorknob. “Someone I didn’t expect to be here took care of what had to be done. They’ll forget about everything that’s happened.”
I reached behind him, holding the door knob to stop him from opening it. “I want to know about you. What are you? Why are you my protector? Why were you chosen?”
He smiled, wrapping his arm around m y waist that was holding my hand. “I am a werewolf.” He took a deep breath and sighed. “I was chosen to be your protector because . . .”
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It's unedited. I know there's typos. I would love comments <3
Note: This is a new version i just rewrote it for like the hundredth time lol