Heartbreak Is Falling in Love Again.

Harder Then You Know

I watched as Justin entered the court room, and I knew that he’d being going to jail. That everything he’d been hiding had been revealed because of Morgan. She did the right thing though. She knew she would be getting it 10 times more then Justin. The good part about everything is that if she was in the U.S she and Justin would be getting the death penalty. I shuttered at the thought.
I just sat there until it was my time to talk, I had gotten off easy. I had known about the crime and never said anything. I only got stuck with donating to my favourite charity. Which made no sense to me at all, but it was better then jail so I was okay with it.
Justin got stuck with 3 years in jail. Morgan killed 3 people while she was gone as well with a total of 4 people. So she got 20 years. I wish she had gotten longer.
I started to think back to that day a month ago now, when she had tapped on my window. She looked panicked and at first I was no way about to let her into my house. But Dakota also sensed something wrong. So we opened it.

She walked into my room and sat on the bed looking around at the untidiness of it. Like I cared what she thought about my messy room, why she was here was the more cared for question. She sat in silence so I spoke first.
“You’re here because …?” I asked annoyed. She looked up from the floor and then she spoke.
“I’m here to let you know that Justin might be going to jail.” She said this so calmly, but so quietly that even I could tell she was scared and that there was more. I started to panic. Justin couldn’t go to jail he wouldn’t last.
“Who told the cops?” I asked. It was the most reasonable question I could think of at the time. And her answer was something I didn’t expect.
“I did.” I was shocked and then I started to laugh. And then yell. Loudly.
“Not everything’s about you Kimberly. I do feel bad. I liked the feeling of someone dead. Now I really don’t, a big heat of guilt just washed over me and I broke down and told the cops.”
“You’re a sick person. You’re a murderer and you actually liked the feeling of someone dead. Gone forever.”
“I know, and I owe you an apology. I’m really sorry Kimberly for everything. Courts in a month. Justin will be getting a call tonight and I called them so I have to get home for my arrest. They’ll be coming for him too.” Dakota hadn’t said one thing and so I had forgotten about her.
“Get out.” I said and she for the last time before going to jail obeyed my orders.
Dakota and I broke down in tears and we cried even more when the phone rang and my mom answered the phone and broke down in tears too. Justin was then taken by the cops later on that day and I haven’t seen him since. He’s in this crap hole that doesn’t let you see him.

Justin and Dakota said goodbye and she promised to come visit him. It had taken her a lot to accept the fact that Justin helped killed someone. More then it had taken me too. She was still upset about it, but she still loved him.
Morgan didn’t even go to court; she’s already been put into jail. Poor girl. That will teach her for being a bitch. Sleeping with my boyfriend. Kissing Justin. That reminds me. I haven’t talked to Drew since we broke up. It hasn’t been that long just a couple of months.
He told me to meet him today, but I didn’t really want to. I went home and just laid down on my bed thinking about everything. I wanted to see Justin. I didn’t want my twin in jail. What am I going to do without him? I need him.
I stared at my floor and noticed something that wasn’t there before. A little folded piece of paper with my name on it. I got up and opened it. It was from Morgan, and I read each word carefully.

Kimberly, we aren’t friends and I get that. And nor do I really want to be. No offence, but I just needed you to know that I didn’t sleep with Drew. He and I had done nothing except talk. Chris had wanted you back and I gave him an idea. I found out about Drew’s past from Cole and told him about some ex girlfriend drama with Drew and his best friend. I told the guy to come up. That Drew wanted to see him and he did, and that’s why Drew had gotten mad that night and drank. I knew he would do something stupid because of old stories Cole had told me and I knew that he would probably end up going home drunk. I told Chris to go to his house and help him in. That maybe you would call and if you didn’t he would call you. We set you up. And you needed to know that. I’m sorry about the idiotic shit I did to you. Morgan.

I folded the piece of paper and started to think about the hell she had put me through. Fausto was right. Drew had said all of that out of anger. I suddenly felt bad for accusing him of sleeping with someone else. I went to go meet him at the time I was supposed to.
Our forest, our special place. He looked handsome as he always did, and I probably looked like shit. I tried to smile, but I just couldn’t and this wasn’t going to go as expected. We both knew what was about to happen.
I walked up to him and we stood there awkwardly. “I’m glad you came.” He said. I nodded. “I didn’t sleep with her.” He blurted out.
“I know. And I’m sorry I accused you.” He nodded.
“I love you.” He said. And I repeated the truest words back to him. “It’s not going to work is it?” He asked.
“I don’t think so.” I said. “I want it to, but I don’t think it will.” He nodded and I hugged him so tightly I never wanted to let go. I forgot how good it felt for his arms to be around me.
He kissed me so urgently and passionately and we fell to the ground together. We both cried and we kissed. And we spent the rest of the day together before saying good bye. He told me it wouldn’t be hard at school next fall or anything because he was moving back to California. We talked about everything. And it was a good goodbye.
He left first. And I watched him walk away, before I knew it he was out of site and I broke down crying. It was like breaking up all over again. Except it hurt more knowing it was really over. It wasn’t like the date at the beginning of the year, where I could run and take him back whenever. It was really over.
I stayed in the forest for a while remember old times with him. Remembering everything that had happened. The good and the bad. I hated Morgan; I hated everything that had happened. This year sucked.
Cole and I talk once in a while now, but we aren’t close anymore. It’s actually kind of awkward with him. The last time I had talked to him things with Drew and him were a lot better.
I ran home and locked myself in my room. I broke down in tears; I had no one except for Dakota. But even she was leaving for the summer. It was just my mom and I. No best friends to celebrate my summer with. Then the phone rang.
“Hey.” He said before I could even say hello.
“Oh hey Fausto. What’s up?” I said remembering that I still had Fausto.
“I thought you could use some cheering up. Let’s go down to the beach.” I smiled and agreed to go. Maybe my summer wouldn’t be that bad after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tried my best.