Heartbreak Is Falling in Love Again.

I'm So Sorry

The death of Kelsey Warner was all over the news the next day; she was murdered by a guy named Jason Chad. They say she was drugged, and pushed off the roof top of the “manican’s.” – I’m guessing that was Drew, Trevor, and Cole’s last name. – she had just enough time to scream before she hit the ground, and the guy was an idiot, and drugged her a minute before he pushed her, not giving the drugs enough effect for her to be out of it yet. He’s in jail for murder.

I didn’t know what to do, but I knew that she was Chris’s girlfriend. So I went to her funeral – almost everyone that was at the party did – the funeral was a week after her death, a lot of people were crying, I didn’t know her much so I just walked up to Chris as soon as I saw him, and hugged him. I liked the feeling and the warmth of his body heat and his arms wrapped around me, I never wanted to let go, but I had to.

“I am so sorry about Kelsey Chris, I know you guys were together, and I know how hard this must be for you. I don’t even know what to say to you, I wish that stupid party never happened.” He didn’t say anything he just nodded and swept me up in another comforting hug. Again I never wanted him to let go, I held on for five minutes until the priest started talking. All I could think was is Chris going to be okay, what about her family?

After the burying everyone leaves, except for me. – Dakota couldn’t come because she had come down with the flu, she must have caught it from her Dad. – I walked over to one of the benches right outside the cemetery and sat down. I guess I was wrong because Trevor came and sat down beside me. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, and then Trevor starts to talk.

“Did you know her?” he asks.

“Not well, but a lot of people did, and I just can’t believe someone would do something like that, kill an innocent person.” There was a long pause and then I spoke. “Did you know her?”

“No not really, but I feel responsible, because I was the one who had begged and begged for my mom to let us have the party while she was out, she said no more unsupervised parties.”

“You shouldn’t feel responsible it wasn’t your fault. It was some idiot’s fault who goes around pushing people off of roof tops. And isn’t your brother able to supervise you, I mean he was at the party, and isn’t he around 20?”

“Well yeah Cole is 20, and he does count as supervision, he left just after you went up stairs for the second time. He was only there for not even a quarter of the party, so he wasn’t there to supervise.”

“Yeah, now that I think of it I never saw him the rest of the night.”

“That’s probably because you were upstairs with my brother the whole time.” Trevor said flashing a smile that looks like the big amazing smile Heath Ledger always gave.

“Well your brother is good at talking.” I say smiling back.

“I’m sure that’s what you were doing.”

“What? Nothing happened.” I say laughing a small laugh.

“Oh I’m sure.”

“Nothing happened, nothings going on with us.”

“So you’re telling me that you were up there for 5 straight hours talking, and that’s it?”


“hmmmm, that sounds a little unbelievable to me. There hasn’t been one girl he hasn’t been able to get in bed after an hour of knowing him.”

“Well he never tried to get me in bed, and I’m still a virgin. I’m not giving that up to someone I just met. Besides he and his girlfriend just broke up like a week before the party. I know he’s not that kind of guy.” I say probably giving a little too much information about the virgin part.

“Well like you said, you don’t even know him, you don’t want to get involved with someone like him, he may have just broken up with his girlfriend, but that doesn’t mean he never cheated on her while they were dating.”

“Oh my god wow, look at the time, I’ve got to go, and maybe I’ll see you around soon.”

“Yeah maybe, and Kimberly?”


“Just consider what I said before you go off with him okay, he’s my brother, I love him, but I know him better then anyone.”

“Okay, I’ll think about it, but I wasn’t going to go off and date your brother, like I said, I just met him.”

“Okay well I’m just saying, I guess I’ll see you around then.”

“Yeah, bye.” I say and then walk away.

I can’t even believe that Drew could be that kind of guy. His brother does know him better then anyone else, which was one of the things Drew mentioned that night, in our long conversation.

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?” Drew says looking me straight in the eye; his eyes have that sort of sparkle to them, they get to me.

“Yeah, I have a twin brother. What about you and your brothers?”

“Well out of everyone I’ve ever known, Trevor knows me the best. We fight, but that’s what brothers do. As for Cole, we’re close but he’s got better things to do then chat it up with Trevor and I. Did I tell you about the time …”

The conversation went on a bit more on the subject, I remember it very clearly. It was only last week. Wow I didn’t think he would be such a player, he never tried anything on me though, I guess I’m not as pretty as everyone else he’s met.

Once I get home Chris is standing at my door waiting for me.

“I have to talk to you, I figured you were still at the cemetery and no one was home so I just decided to wait till you got home.”

“Oh.” I say kicking my feet at the dirt.

“So about earlier when you said that Kelsey was my girlfriend.” He says giving a little pause before speaking again. “Kelsey was never my girlfriend. She was my cousin.” Wow that took me by surprise.

“Oh.” Pause “I’m so sorry about your cousin’s death. I didn’t know, I thought she was your girlfriend, because you were always with her.”

“Yeah well it was just because her family moved here this summer, and I was showing her around. It was my fault for bringing her to that party. I can’t believe how incredibly stupid that was. She told me she didn’t want to go.”

“But another thing, when I was talking to her when I bumped into her at the mall, when she was going to meet you, she didn’t say cousin, she said she was going to see her boyfriend.”

“Yeah her boyfriend was supposed to be with me when she went to meet him and I at the mall that one day you saw us. He was supposed to drive down from Toronto to see her, but he couldn’t make it. So it was just her and I.”

“Oh.” A long silence occurred after that and I felt him come closer to me, and wrap his arms around my waste, so that his hand was just above my ass. I looked up and he was staring into my eyes, he leaned in closer but I pulled away quick. He didn’t let go of my waste. But he did say something.

“Okay well I see that things with us didn’t turn out the way we wanted them to the last time we went out. But I mean we can still be friends right? Tomorrows your birthday, would you like me to stop by?” I had to give the friends thing a little thought. After a while I spoke.

“Um okay friends.” I say with a little bit of a smile. “And I don’t care if you stop by tomorrow, I’m having my sweet 16, of course Sunday. You can come if you want to; it’s from 7-1.”

“I have to help pack up the rest of Kelsey’s things so I might stop by for a couple of minutes.”

“Okay. Well I guess I’ll see you then.” He let go of my waste and said bye as he started to walk down the driveway.

Once I get inside I run up to my room, and look at my clock. 7:30pm. I start to think about how much I still love Chris. And how he’s still on my mind a lot. Except this past week ever since I talked to Drew that one night, I haven’t thought about him quite as much. My next thoughts go to Drew. Without thinking I grab my cell phone – where I programmed his number into it, just before I washed it off my hand ­­– and call him.

“Hello?” I hear someone say into the phone.

“Um hi, is um Drew there please?” I say awkwardly.

“Yes he his, one moment please.”


“Hello? May I ask your name?”

“Oh um Kimberly.”

“IT’S A GIRL NAMED KIMBERLY.” A few seconds later drew comes to the phone.


“Hi it’s Kimberly. Are you doing anything tomorrow?”

“Um no actually I’m not, why? You want to hang out?”

“Well it’s my birthday tomorrow, and I’m having my sweet 16, well my brother and I are, and I was just wondering if you and your brothers would like to come?”

“Ugh yeah sure I’ll come, I’ll get back to you on my brothers though I’m not sure if they have plans or not.”

“Okay, well do you want me to give you my number so you can call me later?”

“Ugh yeah sure, just let me grab a pen first … okay got one.” I tell him my number and we say bye and hang-up.

I’m bored and Justin’s at hockey, so I decide to call Dakota.


The next morning Justin comes into my room, and wakes me up, he tells me to go downstairs to eat, so we can go out shopping after and pick out some outfits. I know he sounds gay right? Anyways I go down stairs and eat the pancakes with icing sugar and syrup that my mom has put out for Justin and I.


“I don’t know mom, it’s the first day.” Justin says laughing. “But I will as soon as that party gets started.”

“Already rushing into that party. Sounds like my Justin. Alright well you guys go get ready upstairs, and I rented you a limo for today, to take around with you anywhere, since we have all this extra $4 million, Grandma gave us when she died, we might as well do something with it.”

“Yeah, well I’m going to get ready now, and Justin and I will call you if we need anything.” I say.

“Okay well don’t forget your credit cards, okay kids; I’m going to go shopping, I’ll be back in time to set up for the party.”

“Yeah we got it, and okay make sure not to let anyone in unless we’re here. Bye mom, see you later.”

Justin and I run upstairs and go into our separate rooms. I go through my drawers and grab my favourite pair of low rise blue jeans and a pink polo shirt. Then I make my way over to my closet and grab my favourite guess purse and put all my stuff in it. I blow dry my hair because I went to bed with it wet, and it always stays wet when I do that. After I’m done I curl it a bit, but I make sure not to do my usual fancy hair do because I know I’ll be going to get my hair done professionally anyways. I leave my nails because I’ll be getting them painted with a pretty design after. For my dress I’m thinking yellow, maybe black too, and I really don’t care if anyone thinks that I look like a bumble bee.

When Justin and I get into the limo, which to me, my mom got way too stretched. We have big flashy smiles on, and I can tell that he is just as excited as I am. The first place we go, once we get into the mall, is the fare weathers dress shop, Justin and I try on a bunch of different things. In the end he decides on buying his usual jeans and a tuxedo jacket, polo shirt to wear underneath and no tie of course. And I decide on this amazing Yellow and grey dress. It’s a pretty yellow that has a silver waste band and a small bow at the end. My shoes are silver pumps and Justin’s are classy ballroom dancing shoes. We spent 5 hours picking out our clothes and shoes, and it is now 4:00pm. 3 hours until the party. I go and get my nails done, painted with a black back round, and silver and yellow lines. Justin watches with fascination and then asks me why girls go through so much time on everything – I was the one who took 5 hours getting clothes and shoes, he had his stuff picked out and bought after 5 minutes – so I answer, girls just like to have fun. And he laughs. The limo takes us to the hair dresser next and Justin and I get our hair done, Justin gets a little trim, not even an inch shorter then what it was, you can’t even tell the difference, and I get and up do, a bun where the curls hang out of the ends of it, with pretty beaded jewels in the bun. And then after words they do my makeup.

We arrive at home at exactly 7 and people are already lined up the long pathway to my house, wearing pretty dresses, and tuxedos. Justin and I get out of the car and make our way up to the door, everyone moves out of the way and after a few minutes everyone comes pouring into the house, my mom cleaned up pretty good, and since our house is so big she made it look like a stage and a ballroom, except more for concerts then ballroom dancing. In other words it was amazing. Justin and I separated and searched the room for different people. The first person I went to look for was Dakota, she told me last night on the phone she was coming. So why isn’t she here? The music’s really loud now and more people are arriving, I look to the left and right beside the stage I see Chris. His brown eyes are set on mine, and he starts to make his way over to me. He looks so good tonight. His dark brown hair, and his nice tuxedo, makes him to die for.

“Happy Birthday!” Chris says as soon as he reaches me.

“Thank - you.”

“So ugh how has your birthday been so far, and the party? do you like it?”

“The birthdays been great, I got to spend the whole day with my brother, and the party is good. I never expected it to look this good, everything’s moved around and I never noticed how big my house was before.”

“Yeah well I helped your mom with it, I saw her at the mall shopping for you, and Kelsey’s things were all packed up yesterday night, so I decided to come to the party, the full thing.”

“Oh, how are they?” I ask but Chris understood what I meant immediately.

“They’re handling everything pretty well, for me, I still cry every now and then. I just miss her so much. And I hate that sun of a bitch that killed her. If he ever gets out of jail I’ll be the next to go in.”

“I’m so sorry Chris, but at least he’s in jail, even though he deserves to be dead.”

“I know, but ugh it’s your birthday lets not talk about this anymore okay?”

“Yeah sure.” He leans in and kisses my lips softly. This guy just doesn’t know when to quit. The only difference is that I let him, and after a few seconds I pull away.

“Ugh I should ugh go and see the um other guests.” I say awkwardly.

“Um okay, I’ll catch up with you later then, I guess.”

“Yeah okay.”


After a few hours I still haven’t seen Chris, or Dakota, and she said on the phone last night, she was feeling better and was going to come. And speaking of Dakota, she and Justin have been closer then usual lately, so maybe she came and saw him first. I look around the party and grab a few drinks as I go, but still I don’t see ether of them. Just then I bump into Trevor.

“I’m so sorry.” He says.

“No it’s okay, um have you seen Dakota around?”

“Um the last time I saw her she was going upstairs with some guy. But, er, happy birthday!”

“Thanks. Are your brothers here?”

“Drew has been here for about an hour, and Cole was here but he had to go, he told me to say happy birthday to you for him.”

“Oh okay tell him I said thanks. And where is Drew?”

“Er, he is around the stage somewhere looking for you.”

“Oh okay, well um if you see Drew again, tell him to meet me up stairs in 20 minutes.”


“Okay well, I’m sorry but I have to go now, I need to find Dakota, I’ll talk to you after okay? Bye.”

I walk away and make my way upstairs. Justin’s room door is closed and I remember it being open, so I figure he’s with Dakota in there. Hopefully not kissing. Who am I kidding of course they are in there making out. I go to the door and open it quickly. The first thing I notice is Dakota striped down to nothing but an unclipped bra and underwear.

“JESUS!” I scream. Dakota clips her bra back up and sits up immediately. The next thing I see it Justin but naked. Ew! I throw him the blanket that has fallen onto the floor and he to sits up. “Um I should go.” I say and then I open the door and run out quickly, and just sit by my door which is at the other end of the hall.

A few minutes later Dakota comes out wearing a spring dress – she never over dresses, or gets to fancy – and she sits down beside me. We sit there in silence and then a few minutes later she speaks.

“Um did I tell you we’re official?” She says trying to laugh but realizes that this isn’t a laughing matter.

“No, because I’m guessing you just became official two minutes ago when I saw you half naked on top of my completely naked brother.” I say back, angry and frustrated.

“Okay look, I’m sorry if you’re mad at me, but I really like him and when he asked me to be his girlfriend I got excited, and the moment was just right.”

“I actually don’t care about what you just almost did with Justin. What I care about is that you never told me you liked him enough to do that, and you never told me you were thinking about having sex either. We tell each other everything Dakota”

“I know I know, but Justin’s your brother, and that would be kind of weird, well at least that’s what I thought.”

“I know it is weird, but you were supposed to tell me this before it happened. That is what pisses me off.”

“It hasn’t happened yet though, you walked in on us remember?”

“So it’s my fault you didn’t get to go all the way with my brother, because I expected you to be here for me, and when I heard that you went upstairs with a guy I came to find you, and you just happened to be in the process of doing my brother.”

“No that isn’t how I meant it.”

“Whatever.” The conversation ended at that when I ran down stairs, and ducked into the crowd.

I checked the clock. 8:30. SHIT. I was supposed to meet Drew upstairs 5 minutes ago; it was only 15 minutes ago that I walked in on Justin and Dakota. They came downstairs after my little bit of Drama. I walk up stairs and find my bedroom door open, but I remember closing it so I could sit against it while Dakota and I had that conversation. I walk in and see Drew sitting on my bed, looking at some of my pictures from my scrapbook.

“So ugh you got my message from Trevor?” I say, as he looks at me and puts the book down.

“Yeah, Happy Birthday!”


“So how do you like the party so far?” I say a bit awkwardly I never really thought it through of what exactly I needed to talk to him about.

“Um it’s actually pretty amazing; I’ve never seen anything like it.” Drew says flashing his amazing smile and taking away some of the awkwardness. I sit on my bed beside him and we sit there silently for a couple of minutes looking into each others eyes.

“W-w-well you have my mom to thank for it.” I say snapping back to reality and continuing our conversation.

“Well when you see her, tell her I said she did a good job on the party.”

“Okay, I will.” I say smiling.

“So I want to ask you something. Is that alright?”

“Yeah sure, ask away.”

“Would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?” He gets up and I follow, and then he takes my hands into his.

“Yeah actually I would.”

“Okay well I’ll pick you up at 7?”

“Okay.” He kisses me on the cheek, and then takes me down for cake, and ice cream.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU …” The whole crowd starts singing.