Heartbreak Is Falling in Love Again.

First Dates Can Be Confusing

HONNNNNK. I hear Drew’s car outside. I walk outside of my house, wave to him, and then make my way to his car and get in. He looks so good tonight; he looks good every night though. But his green eyes stand out more amazingly tonight. Maybe it’s just me. He turns down the stereo that was playing Memory by sugarcult, and gives me an apologetic look because he knows that, that’s my favourite song. It was one of the things we talked about at that party.

“So where do you want to go?” he says flashing me a devastatingly gorgeous smile.

“You can choose its okay.” I say smiling back.

“No. No. No. I’m taking you out, for your likings not mine.” I could tell he wasn’t going to let me win this.

“Okay fine. How about.” I pause to think. “Moose Winooski’s?” I say, looking at him to see if I can find some sort of approval.

“Moose Winooski’s? Out of all the expensive fancy restaurants in Barrie you want to go to Moose Winooski’s?” he says letting out a little laugh.

“Well you see, I’ve only been there once or twice, but it’s nice and homey in there, I like it. And you usually get privacy in there too.”

“Okay well Moose Winooski’s it is then.” He says laughing yet again.

We walk into the restaurant and immediately the waiter speaks.

“Hey Kimberly how’s it going, do you want your usual spot?” ugh snap I didn’t want drew to find out I came here often. I look at him shyly and point to it. He nods and then says whatever works for you. Flashing another great smile.

“Yeah sure Alex. Thanks.” I say smiling at the tall blonde waitress with pretty blue eyes and a stunning smile standing in front of me. How can someone be so pretty, anyways she usually comes and sits with me when I come here, which was usually when I was feeling down. She always knew how to cheer me up. I’ve been coming here since I was 13. I used to walk here everyday after school and only order a Shirley temple. Alex seats us and then tells us she’ll be back to take our orders in a few minutes.

“So ugh I thought you only came here once or twice?” Drew says keeping his eyes set on me, and smiling.

“Okay you caught me.” I say adding a little bit of a laugh after. “I actually come here a lot, like two to 3 times a week. I always sit here because it gives the most privacy.”

“I see. But why do you come here so much?”

“Well I’ve been coming here since I was 13; I mean I have been here a few times before that but only with my dad. My dad died just after my thirteenth birthday, we used to sit at this very spot, and we’d have the best times here with our plate full of chicken wings and Shirley temples. I come here when I’m feeling down and I need to think.” I say fighting back tears.

“Oh I’m so sorry about your dad, if I knew I wouldn’t have said anything.”

“I know. It’s okay.” Alex – the waiter – comes and asks us what we would like to drink. Drew looks at me I order the Shirley temple and he orders one too.

“You like Shirley temples?” I ask a little surprised.

“Yeah. I know a lot of people, guys in particular think it’s not “manly” but they do taste really good.” He says smiling, and showing a little hope that I won’t think any different of him. Which I won’t why would I, it’s my favourite drink, and it makes me like him even more.

“Well I think it’s cute.” I say shying away and looking down instead of at him. When I finally look up at him, he’s smiling at me.

“What?” I say smiling back.

“Nothing, just you’re cute when you’re shy.” He says keeping the smile on his face. I start to blush, I can feel it. Just as I was about to open my mouth to tell him, I’m shy because I like him, and he makes me nervous. The waiter – Alex – comes to our table and says “what can I get for you?” I didn’t even look at the menu and neither did he, but I pretty much know everything that was on it. He looks at me and I nod to him to order. He doesn’t instead he says, “Could you give us a moment?” in a nice voice. The waiter nods and walks to a different table. I look at him very confused.

“I don’t know what’s on the menu.” He says. I give him an apologetic look.

“Well you can always order the steak, with fries on the side. Most guys I know love that sort of thing.”

“What were you going to order?”

“Fries with a side salad.”

“Alright, do they have burgers?” he asks, he seams a little awkward now, and he’s never made anything seem awkward before.

“Yes they do.” I answer, but he seems a little distracted.

“Alright I’ll have a burger with a side of fries then.” He says, finally getting undistracted from whatever he was distracted by in the first place, I think he was just concentrating. “Waiter, we’re ready to order.” Alex comes right over and we order our food, then she looks at me and puts her hand on her hip and scratches her head a little bit. THAT’S THE SIGN! Okay well the sign is when she’s confused about me and a guy, she’ll give me the sign, she’s used it a lot with Chris when she didn’t know what the hell was going on with us. Anyways I ask Drew if I could be excused, and then I head off to the bathroom, which is our meeting place.

I see Alex and she motions to me to follow her quickly… this is new. She grabs me by the arm and grips it tightly and then brings me to the back basement, if this was a movie, you’d be sure that I was heading towards my death right now, but it’s Alex and I’ve known her since I was 13, she’s 22, and she always gives me the best advice.

We stop in the middle of a big room and she flicks on the lights, which hang on the ceiling.

“What the hell are you doing here with that boy?” Alex says with a bit of panic in her voice. This shocked me.

“Well I was on a date.” I say back, still stunned.

“That boy had brought three girls here last week, each individualized.”

“So they weren’t all together?” I say wanting to cry a little.

“No, and I would have did the sign sooner, but he told me to go away for a minute so he can talk about the menu, which he also did last week with the three other girls.”

“Oh.” I say. “What did these girls look like?”

“I don’t know, one had blonde hair, she wore it straight and boring, and her eyes were blue. The other had black hair, she wore her eyeliner thick so I couldn’t see her that well, and one looked older then him. Around 30, But he held her hand, she had nice blonde hair, and pretty green eyes.”

“The older women must have been his mother, he showed me pictures of her when I was at his party.” I say wanting to just run out the back way and never see Drew’s face ever again. “But the other girls, I have no clue who they were.”

“I’m sorry Kim, but I don’t want you to run off with another Chris, okay. You’re too good for boys like that.”

“It’s okay, but I better get back to him, it’s been around 5 minutes now, I’ll see what is going on and call you and tell you all about it, it might take me a while though, so I might just stop by when school starts, I have lots to do this week.”

“Alright, hunny, take care, I’m done working now, so I’ll see you next week then.”

“Okay, but one more thing.”


“Why did you take me down here? And not into the bathroom to talk.”

“The boss hides in there now, to see if I go in there too much.” She says with a little bit of laughter.”

“Oh alright, I’ll just find my way back, and try to keep out of sight.”

“Okay hunny, see you later.”

“Bye” I say and then make my way back to the table. Drew is still sitting there and looks happy to see me. I guess it’s just an act though.

“Hey sunsh –” He starts to say but I cut him off.

“Hi um I have to go now.”

“What why?”

“Were you here with three other girls last week?”

“Yes, but it’s not ...” I cut him off again.

“Alright, so I have no business being here with a jerk.” I say starting to build up my anger. “I don’t know why I always attract the assholes. But I do, and now I’m going to just go home, away from you.” I run out of the restaurant, and keep running. Behind me I hear Drew shout. “I PROMISE YOU, IT ISN’T WHAT YOU THINK.” Then I’m pretty sure he trips, because he was running after me, and then I hear. “FUCK!” he’s still running after me, so I pick up the paste. It’s been about five minutes and I’m pretty sure I lost him. My house is only a few minutes away now. I keep going, and I finally reach it, with tears running down my face I walk into my house and run up the stairs.

I enter into my room, it looks cozy how I left it. And start to cry into my pillow. I cried myself to sleep.

In the morning Justin walks into my room and wakes me up. I open my eyes, in one hand he has a coffee cup, which obviously had tea in it, and in the other a muffin, chocolate chip I believe. He hands them over to me and I sit up. I take a sip from my tea and then put it down on my side dresser. And begin to eat my muffin.

“So Drew called last night. About 10 times.” Justin says.

“Oh, did you answer?”

“No, but he left a message saying to call him back ASAP.”

“Well that’s not going to happen, did you delete it?”

“Yeah, you came home at 8 last night; I figured the date didn’t go to well.”

“No it didn’t.”

“What happened?”

“Alex gave me the sign, which you already know about, and then she told me that he had been there last week with three other girls. I don’t know, I just panicked told him he was a jerk, and ran out of the restaurant – Moose Winooski’s.”

“That a bummer, no one should treat you like that, but here is my question for you. Is it alright if I ask?”

“Yeah sure, go ahead.”

“When you ran out, what did he do?” This was an odd question.

“He ran after me, yelling I promise you it wasn’t like that.”

“Okay well, usually when a guy runs after you, and calls you 10 times after he gets home, it means he’s into you. I don’t know if he actually went on another date with three other girls before, but you guys hadn’t even made plans to date yet, you guys hadn’t even talked much, it was obviously right after the party.”

“Oh, wow I’m stupid I never thought of it like that, I hadn’t even tried to put everything together, if I had, I wouldn’t have made such a big deal about it. But still his brother said he was a player, and so he probably has a girlfriend, even though he told me he was single.”

“Yeah, but we all make mistakes, and I don’t think he has a girlfriend, usually guys don’t take so much energy running after a girl when they don’t like them.”

“Yeah I guess.”

“Okay well I have hockey practice now.”

“Really this early, that’s a first.”

“Yeah well, the coach says he dragged on the season too long now, we were supposed to end in April. But he wanted to keep us going, all the games we’ve had have been just practices, nothing big. A lot of the coaches have decided to do what he’s doing. Anyways the season ends tonight at our actual game; this whole summer has been a practice for us, at the end of the summer hockey won’t start until November.”

“Oh. I see. Well I’ll be there tonight, and after we need to talk, we still haven’t yet, because you haven’t been home.”

“Alright, whatever, fine, but I have to go now.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later.”

“Alright bye.”

A half hour later the phone rings, it’s Chris.

“Hey Chris. What’s up?” I say into the phone.

“Can we meet?” he says in a quiet voice. Tired? “I know it’s early but I really need to talk to you.”

“Alright, where do you want to meet?”

“Um, I’ll meet you at the basketball court and then we’ll walk to my house, if that’s okay.”

“Yeah, it’s fine, see you in 20?”

“Yeah, I have to shower and stuff, call before you leave.”

“Alright, bye Chris.” I hung up the phone and jumped right into the shower, mmmm warm.

After I got out of the shower and blow dried my hair as quickly as I could, I put on some makeup called Chris and went to meet him. I was almost at the court when I saw Chris walking toward me. My stomach got butterflies, how could I still love him, and what was I saying, how? Of course I still loved him, and I think I will for a very long time.

“Hey Chris.” I said and then gave him a hug. He kissed me on both cheeks.

“Hey Kimberly.” He said in a nice raspy voice, I never noticed his voice was like that before. It might just be late puberty but whatever. He took my hand, and I let him as we walked 10 minutes to get to his house. Once we got there he opened the door and led me to his room. My stomach butterflies started up again. He opened the door to his room, and we walked in. He motioned me to sit on his bed, so I did. We sat there silently for a second, but I think I knew what he wanted. He wanted me back. He always asked me over and over and over again for me to take him back, and now I think I was going to. I motioned for him to sit down beside me. He leaned in and kissed me passionately, never before had he kissed me like that. It started to heat up, but I stopped him, then I told him I needed to freshen up a bit, and went out to the bathroom and called Dakota.

“Hello.” She answered into the phone.

“Dakota, I’m still mad, and we still have to talk about this, but I’m doing what you never did, I stopped him so I could call you, but I’m going to do it. Alright.”

“WHAT!” she said and then paused to take a breath. “WITH WHO?”

“Chris, but whatever I wanted to be a good friend and tell you. Talk to you later okay? Bye.” And then I hung up and went back to Chris.

I smiled at him and then he started again. The kissing became stronger and more intense, and then I felt him going up my shirt. I pulled his off, and he was now on top of me on the bed. You can guess the rest.

I guess I fell asleep for a bit, because when I woke up it was only 4 in the afternoon. I guess I slept for more then a bit. Chris walked in the room a few minutes later with some lemonade; it’s one of my favourites. And he always remembers.

“I love you.” He said to me while handing me the lemonade. “Always have, always will.” And then he kissed my for head. I love it when guys do that, it makes me all tingly and everything inside!

“I love you too.” I said back. “But I want to know where we stand, and what’s going on with us now.” I said a little scared he might not want to be more then friends anymore, because he got the good part already.

“Well, I’m trying to figure that out too. I mean I want you to be my girlfriend, but I don’t know if you were just using me. You seemed into drew the last time, at cake and stuff at your party.” Oh my god I can’t even believe he thought I was using him, but I do remember the tiny kisses on the lips Drew would give me, only because he was drunk though. As was I.

“I was a little bit, but I wasn’t sure with him and me, I wanted something, but he just all of a sudden became a jerk.” I said in a rush of words even though the jerk part was just a misunderstanding, and that he hadn’t even known me that well at all.

“Alright then. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” this question made me happy, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make anything official. I guess I would try to be with him again, I loved him too much to not give him another chance, and see where we end up.

“Yes I would Chris. I love you.” I said and I kissed his lips softly. “Sorry to break up the moment, but it’s almost 4:30 now and I need to get home, so I can work things out with my brother and Dakota. Let’s celebrate tonight okay?”

“Okay, call me baby.”

“I will.”

“Love you.”

“You too.”

And then I walked out of the room and went straight to Dakota’s house. It didn’t take me that long, I just had to walk through some people’s yards to get to her quicker, but I still made it there fast.

I took a look at her little brick house – really nice little brick house – and walked up the little stone pathway to her door and rang the doorbell. She opened the door and then didn’t say anything, but swung her hand inside the house as to say, come in, let’s talk about this.

I walked in and took off my black stilettos and made my way to her room, I could here her footsteps quietly behind me as I turned left ahead of the staircase and opened her white door with the words “My Wonderful Hoe.” Written in big graffiti like letters with a heart in the top right corner, by me of course, and sat down on her chair that is used for when she’s on the computer. I took a look around at the small bluely painted walls, and the writing on them written by mostly me, but others too, and smiled to myself at the memories I shared with Dakota and knew right then and there that this wasn’t going to ruin our friendship.

It was silent for about 10 minutes and then we both shouted “I’m Sorry.” At each other in sync, if anybody was there they probably would have thought that we had spent all day and night rehearsing the line.

“Wait why are you sorry?” Dakota asked questioning her thinking on why I might in the world be sorry when she thought she was the one in trouble here.

“Well I thought about how I acted a little bit on my way here, and I ruined something that was supposed to mean everything to you, and I really shouldn’t have. It was just really unexpected and I was mad because I felt like you only came there for him. That may have been true but –” she cut me off mid sentence.

“That isn’t true at all, and you know that Kimberly. You know that I didn’t just go there for him. I just happened to see him before you, and then it just felt right you know? I was going to tell you right after I promise, it’s just it was your brother and I didn’t want to know your opinion until after because I thought you might not approve, and I like him a lot.”

“I understand that you didn’t want to tell me because it was my brother, but you should have known I still would have let you be with him, whatever makes you happy I won’t keep you from.” I paused for a second and Dakota opened her mouth to say something but I silenced her by saying what I needed to say first. “But as I was saying before I’m sorry that I kept you from your happiness, I was being selfish and only thinking about my own feelings. And I am deeply sorry for that.”

“You don’t have to be sorry I know how awkward that might have been for you, and shocking as well.” She paused and then started again. “I am so, so, so, sorry about not talking to you before like we both promised each other so long ago. And I know that I should have thought about that, and so I guess that after you forgive me, this subject will already be done for us, and we will both have talked about everything and figured things out.”

“I forgive you, you whore, but do you forgive me?”

“With all my heart, except I didn’t really like that phone call I got earlier.” She said giving me a look that says you bitch I hate you, and I love you no matter what happens. “You know that wasn’t what I was expecting, and I’m a little pissed off about that Kim.”

“I guess I have to be sorry about that too.”

“Yeah and don’t try and lie to me and say nothing happened, because before you left his place did you even think about what your hair and makeup looked like? It’s a mess, a big ratty mess. You really need to get that fixed up.”

“OOPS I guess I should have thought about that. Sorry I feel bad about that now.”

“Oh whatever I don’t care anymore, just tell me this … how was it? … What happened? Were you scared? Are you two like together now? Do you regret it at all?”

She was shooting all these questions at me that I didn’t even have time to answer the one before she continued onto the other.

“Wait up there Dakota. I don’t regret it … I love Chris. And we’re official again. It was good. And oh my god …”