Heartbreak Is Falling in Love Again.

The Night Before, And The Morning After

Walking into this party at 8:30 pm seemed like the best thing I had chosen to do all week. Chris picked me up and took me out to dinner at 5 at this placed called East Side Mario’s – a nice diner with the best Italian food – to bad I couldn’t enjoy it with him yapping in my ear about how he didn’t want Drew to be there at the party and blah blah blah. On our car ride here I finally told him to shut up about it so he did, but I knew tonight was going to be a long night and I really didn’t care if I came home drunk. Tonight I was putting everything aside and having fun. Everything is so loud in here, I know parties usually are loud, but this? This was way way way to loud. The house was pretty big though, so that was probably why. It was neat; the kitchen was set up as a bar for whoever wanted a drink. I wonder whose house this belongs to. But I guess it really doesn’t matter. I grab Chris buy the wrist and drag him towards the bar wanting to get there before all the good stuff was gone, but I guess that was a bad choice standing there 6’2 with a girl attached to him at the arm was Drew. The girl was tiny, no figure, but definitely had a pretty face. I have to admit, I was kind of jealous. “Hey Kimberly.” Drew says immediately after he sees me. He looks over at Chris who has weaved his fingers through mine and was full of anger. “Chris.” “Hey Drew.” I say in a joyful party mood, ignoring the tension between the two guys. “What’s up?” Chris, now let go of my hand and crossed his arms. “I thought you said you guys weren’t friends.” Chris snapped. I looked over at Drew and gave him an apologetic look, and then looked back over at Chris again. “We weren’t, but we talked a bit and worked things out. Why does he bother you so much? He never did anything to you.” I said trying to defend myself and Drew all at the same time. “Talked a bit? When? In your house? Doubt it, I dropped you off after school and you sure as hell weren’t his friend then. You’re just making up lies. You obviously have been talking to him for a while now. And yes I have a problem with him. He’s” “If you have a problem with me, you take that up with me. Don’t stand there in front of everyone and humiliate her. I was the one that came and talked to her after school and worked things out. She didn’t know I was going to be there at her house, it wasn’t a planned thing.” Drew said cutting Chris off short. “So you were at her house eh?” By now I had already had a few drinks – strong drinks – and just wanted to forget the whole thing and pretend like I didn’t know who they were. “What? Did you think you were going t get some action, because I wouldn’t be surprised if that slut gave you exactly that” He had finally snapped in half. And on his way called me a slut, and no way in hell was I taking that from him. Everyone was crowded around now waiting for a fight. “Excuse me?!” What did you just call me? I’m a slut now? Just because I’m friends with him? The last time I checked you were the one that cheated on me. So how about you get your dumped ass out of here, because no one wants you here anymore.” I said getting more pissed off by the second. “Fine I will, have fun with all the boys lined up for some action and nothing more when I’m gone.” This time I couldn’t control my anger. I clenched my fist and punched him right in the face. Everyone started cheering then. Chris’s nose was bleeding and he was holding his jaw with his hand. Finally taking one last look at everybody, and realizing no one really did want him there he turned around and left. I turned to Drew, tears in my eyes, said thank you, grabbed a bottle of 40% vodka and ran to a different room no body was in. It looked like some sort of off limits living room. The mom of the house probably loves this room. Nice creamed coloured walls, pink couches, coffee table with a big bouquet of flowers on it, hard wood floor, and in the corner a big 52 inch plasma TV sat. So probably the man of the house loves this room too for sports on TV. I took a seat, opened the bottle of vodka, and drank up. When there was only a few more sips left in the bottle, and I was totally wasted Drew came in and took the bottle out of my hands. “That was mine, and you took it, that wasn’t very nice.” I said complaining with slurred words, and a big smile. I got up and reached for the bottle, but he pulled his hand away. “You’ve had enough for tonight or for the rest of your life.” He says placing the bottle on the coffee table beside the bouquet of flowers and then coming back and sitting next to me. “It’s your fault for everything that happened tonight.” I said, and then shushed him by putting my finger to his lips when I realized he was going to talk. “But it – it – it’s alright. I promise I forgive you.” I get up, stumble, and then land in his lap. “Okay it’s time to take you home now.” He gets up and I feel his arms wrap around me ready to pick me up. “NO! Let me go!” I squirm my way out of his grasp and run out of the room, tripping on every little big of nothing as I make my way to where the real party is happening. The main room is crowded with people, looked like I was about to have a good time, all the fun one person can have in one night. In the morning I had a major hangover. I opened my eyes slowly and realized that I wasn’t in my own room, in my own house. I looked around; dresser with trophies, wall shelves with trophies, and not just any kind of trophies. Volleyball Trophies. I knew exactly where I was. I looked towards the big comphy couch/chair thing in the corner of the room, and fast a sleep, legs and feet resting on the foot rest, was Drew Manican. I quickly looked away because it was rude to stare at people while they were sleeping and started thinking about what had happened last night. What I have so far is that Chris and I broke up, I grabbed the bottle of vodka and drank it in another room, got wasted and then blank. What happened in-between? Did I do something I regret? This is what happens the morning after you drink, you never remember what you want to remember most, and you also end up with a big hangover. Looking towards the bedside table, I noticed a piece of paper with my name on it, and some Tylenol with a glass of water. Popping the drugs in my mouth and washing them down with some water I unfolded the piece of paper and read it.

My writing may be messy, I’ve been told it really isn’t before, but who knows. Anyways, take the Tylenol and drink some water when you wake up, you were pretty wasted last night, and I’d suspect that you have a really big hangover. If you remember anything about last night, I’m sorry for pushing you away. Wake me up when you get this.


Folding the piece of paper back up and placing it on the desk I read the time. The digit clock that also sits on his dresser. 12:55 pm. I’ll let him have his sleep, I can only imagine how much trouble I was for him last night, and another thing I remember is puking on his shirt, and he having to change it using some random person’s clothes he found in the drawers in one of the bedrooms upstairs at whoever’s house that was. Wait, we were upstairs. Did we do anything? Or did I try to do anything? That’s embarrassing. What did he mean by pushing me away, did I really come on to him? How stupid could I have been, I had just broken up with my boyfriend and Drew and I had just become friends again. Pulling something like that would ruin everything. But hey, I was here in his room wasn’t I? Wouldn’t that mean that I didn’t ruin or anything, or did he just feel sorry for me, and didn’t want to leave a knocked out wasted girl in the middle of a party with a bunch of guys? I have so many questions, but my only answers are with that adorable sleeping guy right in that corner, and I wasn’t going to wake him up, so I guess I would have to wait. A few more minutes passed by, and I was really bored, and then all of a sudden I heard a ring. A cell phone was ringing, his cell phone. I could have easily went over there so quiet that he wouldn’t have been able to hear me and snoop through his phone, but I was in no mood for stalking right now. The phone was still ringing and he was still asleep. My head ache still hurt and I really wanted some more Tylenol, and that stupid ringing cell phone wasn’t helping the situation either. I was bored again, and the ringing stopped so I looked at the clock again. 1:10 pm. All I wanted was for Drew to wake up so I could hear his nice voice again, even though I knew it would hurt if he spoke to loud. I hadn’t ever slept over here; I have been here for a while, until morning, but never overnight. I had only been here once before, 3 months ago at a party that was held here, and that was also the day Kelsey died. It sent shivers down my spine just thinking about her, and how she died so young. I heard a screechy noise come from Drew’s closed door. And the knob slowly turned and the door slowly opened. How could Drew still be asleep, he sure is a dead sleeper. The person walked in and it was Cole, the older one of the bunch. He looked at Drew and then at me, and held his gaze. “Do you want to have a shower or anything? Some breakfast? He usually sleeps for a while so you’re probably bored.” Cole says giving me a nice big smile. “I’ll shower when I get home, but breakfast doesn’t sound bad.” I say also smiling. “Alright, well we’re having pancakes with icing sugar, and syrup, scrambled eggs, and some bacon. Weird combination but it works for us.” “Is there ketchup for the eggs?” I ask. “Damn straight. What are scrambled eggs without the ketchup to top it off?” “Exactly.” “Alright, so do you want to come now, or just stare at Drew some more in his sleep.” He says giving me a wink, and a smile. “I’ll come now.” I say ignoring the joke. I make my way down stairs on Cole’s heals and follow him and sit down at the table where he points to me to sit. No one’s there just Cole and I. “Where is everyone?” I say a little surprised no one else was there to eat this enjoyable breakfast. “Well my mom had to go out on business again, Trevor’s out playing some tennis with his friends, and Drew is sleeping.” “No, I thought he just liked the view better with his eyes closed.” I say sarcastically. “But I didn’t know your brother played tennis.” “Yeah, he’s on a rep team, been playing for a while now.” He said ignoring my sarcastic comment. I guess he isn’t the joking the type? “Oh that’s really cool.” I said having no interest at all, I honestly couldn’t care less if he played tennis, hockey, la cross, it really didn’t matter. He could probably tell what I was thinking by the dull expression on my face. “So how’s the head?” He spoke quieter this time. “It’s fine. Hurts a little still, but what hangover doesn’t hurt more then 5 minutes?” I said hating him for bringing it up, because now that I was reminded of it. I could feel the thumping in my head again, hurting 10 times more then I thought it did. I started to rub my temples wishing that I hadn’t drank as much as I did. “I really need to stop drinking so much.” “That might be a good idea.” He said and then winced. I was about to ask for some more Tylenol but the phone rang, long and loud in my ear. He answered it with hello. “Oh hi mom.” He said a little surprised for the call. “Alright, see you soon then.” And then he hung up. Looking towards me he spoke. “So this is your story, listen carefully. She’s going to ask you what happened last night, pretend she’s clueless. She’s going to find out if we lied to her last night, we did, and that’s why you need to listen so you can have your story straight.” He said his voice very stern and serious. “Okay.” I nodded. “Okay, so last night you got locked out of your house and you were supposed to call Drew and you never did, and that was “unusual” for you. So he went to check on you and then he found you asleep on a lawn chair, and brought you home.”
“Alright, I take it as the mom doesn’t approve of drunken girls?” I asked questioning a little even though I knew it was true.
“She’s kind of strict; she thinks it’s wrong for a teenage girl to get wasted, that she should take care of herself.” He said.
“I’m not usually like that, honest.” I said the expression in my voice sounding a little upset.
“No, don’t beat yourself up, I know you aren’t. It’s just my mom has high expectations. Anyways it doesn’t matter; I just hope that you aren’t a bad liar.”
“Me too.” I said in agreement.
Cole handed me more Tylenol and then spoke.
“Drew might just be getting up now. Eat your pancakes, and then you can go upstairs.”
I ate my pancakes and then went to wash my dish. I turned the water on at the sink but I felt a pair of arms touch the sides of my arms, and take the dish out of my hands.
“Since when does a guest wash dishes?” Cole asks. I didn’t expect him to come so close to me, I didn’t even think he ever touched anyone at all. I turned around so that his arms were still around me holding the plate and stared at him with a Blanc expression.
“Well this guest doesn’t need a maid.” I said smiling. He smiled back. Our faces were moving closer, but we hadn’t realized. He held one hand on the plate and freed his other hand so that I could go. I walked a few steps up the stairs and then turned.
“What time is your mom going to be here?” I asked.
“A few minutes, stay up there as long as you want.” He said smiling.
“Oh and I thought she was out on business.” I said questioning.
“She was supposed to be, she left last night after you were brought home, early I know, but oh well. It was a last minute cancel.”
“Oh.” And then I continued my walk up the stairs.
I walked into Drew’s room. I didn’t even think to knock which might have been a good choice since he was but naked just out of the shower about to put his boxers on; he was facing me, but looking down. Slowly he looked up and his jaw dropped, so did mine. I quickly ran out and closed the door behind me, and waited.
He opened the door awkwardly, and I walked in. I was so stupid, but I hadn’t even heard the shower go on. He was wearing lightish darkish blue American Eagle pants – nice ones – and a light blue collared aeropostale shirt. This made his green eyes stand out and his wet dark brown hair – now jet black – look super sexy.
I sat down on the chair he was sleeping on and started to talk.
“I am so sorry! I should have knocked. I hadn’t even heard the shower on and I didn’t know you were awake! I’m so so so sorry Drew, I don’t even know what to say.” I said the panic in my voice getting worse as I continued.
“That was awkward. And it’s alright, I should have known that you were just downstairs; I should have come down and told you I was taking a shower. It is completely my fault.” He said very awkwardly.
“No I should have knocked. It was my fault.” I just wanted to forget what I saw and continue on with my day. Suddenly I thought of Chris and immediately started crying. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess, I should just go. I’m sorry I always ruin everything, with Chris, now with you.”
“This doesn’t have anything to do with Chris, he’s an idiot.” He said the anger in his voice very noticeable. “Please don’t cry.”
I rubbed my eyes and then I felt his warm body come closer to me. He lifted my chin with his hands and gave me a long passionate kiss. I was not expecting that, but I didn’t stop it. I liked it, the way his soft lips moved swiftly with mine. Suddenly I pushed him away.
“I’m sorry.” I said “It’s just Chris and I just broke up, and I don’t want to rush into anything. I hope you understand.” I said this even though I did want to rush, but I knew what rushing could do after a few short months. I wanted him to kiss me again, I wanted his arms around me and I wanted him to hold me forever. I wanted all of him, for him to be mine. This was a feeling I had never had before. I started to cry into his arms because I was so frustrated with myself, and my feelings.
“It’s okay.” Drew said. My head was pounding now, how much I hated hangovers.
He knew why I was upset, he knew it was because of Chris, but he knew that I was upset because I was angry that I wanted him so much. We never said anything but I knew he knew.
I wiped the tears from my moist eyes and looked at him long and hard. He looked at me too. Without thinking I grabbed him and pulled him closer to me. He didn’t protest he just wrapped his arms around me lifted me up, sat down and then cradled me in his arms. I couldn’t control the tears again I was crying. Because of Chris, because of Drew, because of last night, and because of right now.
My cell phone went off and I tried to figure out where I put it. I listened carefully and saw it sitting on Drew’s dresser I got up and answered it. It was my mom.
“Honey where are you?” She said her tone desperate.
“I’m at Drew’s why?” I asked confused. Drew looked at me with a surprising look.
“Come home now okay?”
“Will you tell me what is going on?” I pressed further.
“It’s nothing I just need you to come home.” I was getting mad now that she wasn’t telling me anything.
“Alright.” And then I hung up. I turned to Drew. “I have to go home now, my mom needs me.” I said my tone more sad then it had been. “You don’t have to drive, I’ll walk. See you later.” I turned to leave but he grabbed onto my wrist.
“I can walk you, my mom’s home now anyways I don’t want to be here.” I looked at him strangely. “I have good hearing, her car just pulled up.” He said answering my questioning thoughts. “Okay.” I said nodding. I grabbed my bag and quickly went to the washroom to clean up a bit. There were two sinks side by side and a big mirror. I pulled a hair tie out of my bag and my brush and tied up my unnaturally curly messy hair. Then I grabbed my makeup and applied a little amount of cover up and some eyeliner. I placed everything back in the bag and walked out. My clothes weren’t the cleanest and I smelt like vodka but I didn’t bring anything to change into. I heard my name being called from downstairs, so I walked over to the railing and looked down. Drew walked out of his room and told me he’d meet me down there in 10 minutes. I guess he wanted to clean up a bit too. I walked downstairs and discovered that it was Cole who was calling my name. He looked at me and smiled. “You’re mom is outside.” He said. The expression on my face turned to horror, I was looking forward to that walk. “Thanks for the breakfast.” Was all I said, and then I walked out. I saw my mom’s yellow sports car sitting in the driveway and I walked over and got in. She looked mad. “I heard about the incident last night.” She spoke. “How you and Chris broke up and you drank that whole bottle of vodka.” She pulled out of the drive way and started making her way home. I just listened while she talked. “I’m sorry mom, I was just upset. I know I shouldn’t have.” I said trying to apologize. “You shouldn’t do that, you aren’t even of drinking age. And your brother and I certainly don’t want to lose another family member.” She said her voice getting louder. “Mom I know, but could you keep it down, you’re talking way to loud.” “Well you know what that’s you’re fault for drinking a whole bottle of vodka and then drinking some other crap after.” She said her voice not even getting lower at least a little bit. “I know Chris hurt you, but please try and be careful. You worry me.” She pulled up into our driveway and took the key out of the ignition. “You’re brother got into an accident.” And then she got out of the car.