Heartbreak Is Falling in Love Again.

An Unexpected Expected To Happen

Chapter 9

“DAKOTAAAA YOU WHORE!” I shouted across the park at her. Winter was finally gone well most of it anyways. Its only April, but the snow has cleared up a bit, like it usually does this time of month. The air was still foggy though and it was still cold enough for a jacket, but at least you don’t have to trudge your way through the snow.
Dakota kept running and then I started to run after her. She turned around and stuck her tongue out at me and I returned the favor. “RUN BITCH RUN!” she screamed and we both laughed. This all started with a bag of chips.
I bought a bag of ketchup chips and like always she ate the last one, for such a tiny person she could sure eat a lot. Anyway I got mad because it had a lot of ketchup crap on it, and I love those ones the most. And so I got up and told her I was going to kill her, and that’s when she started running around the swing set while I chased her. And I almost caught her too, but she fit through more then I did. And that is how we ended running around the park we both loved to go to so much.
Dakota continued running and so did I, and then finally she tired out and so did I and we both fell hitting the grassy ground with a thud. We started laughing so hard that people were opening there windows or doors and peeking there heads out to see what all the commotion was. “Next – time – I – swear – I’ll – kill – you!” I managed to say through uneven breaths.
“That’s – if – you – can – catch – me.” She said back also out of breath. I got up and then reached my hand out to her for her to grab. She grabbed it and then I helped her up making her do most of the work, which she deserved. And then we started up to the nearby neighbors. The convenience store we both loved to call our favourite.
We walked up the hill pathway and walked past all the nice houses lined up and looked at their perfectly put together lawns and the neat organization of the bricks. The houses were nice up here, I have to say my house was probably better then all these houses. But these houses looked nicer.
It kind of reminded me of when Cole and I used to walk past these houses just for fun making fun of how these people seemed to be neat freaks. A tinge of sadness washed over me as I thought this. Cole was gone; he hadn’t even come to visit me yet. I was wrong about what I thought. Cole moved in with his girlfriend a while back, the week after Morgan left to go back home. The only good part was that Morgan was gone, and things seemed to be back to normal. Things with Drew and I are better then ever; ever since that one night I’ll remember forever with a smile. Justin and Dakota are super close now and Justin hasn’t had any depressed moments later. It was almost like all that happened with Morgan never actually did. Like it was one big dream, and I was fine with that. The only problem that I was still trying to grasp was Justin killed someone.
I pushed all those memories behind me as Dakota and I turned onto rush hour traffic … at the stop lights. I hate it when it’s like this all you can hear are the engines and beeping horns of the cars. It’s just so noisy. We crossed the street and walked into neighbors. We passed the magazines and went straight to the hot beverage area of the store. I poured myself a chocolaty hot chocolate, and so did Dakota, and then we headed towards the candy area.
There was candy everywhere in packages and in cups. There were also bins full of candy and little shelves full of it too. It was heaven in this place, and that’s mostly why we loved it so much. I grabbed some fuzzy peaches, and a cookies ‘n cream chocolate bar, and Dakota grabbed a reeces peeces bar and we headed to go pay for the stuff we grabbed and the lady rung us in and we paid for it. We walked out of the store already unwrapping our chocolate bars and eating them. I knew Dakota wanted a coke but she had already poured the hot chocolate.
I looked over at her and she smiled at me and then stuck her tongue out. I did the same. “We’ll come back later for that coke.” I said smiling. She smiled back.
“Damn straight we will.” She said. And then we walked back to my house to order pizza and eat some more.

“I’m so-oh tired.” Dakota said breaking the word into two syllables.
“Me too.” Eating all day and staying up all night really wasn’t working for us, especially when it was junk food and then after our sugar rush we’re tired and so we go get more. It’s a repeated cycle and the sugar rush doesn’t last that long, so the last time we went to the store it was 4 in the morning and we bought as much junk as we could and some red bulls. Now we have stomach aches and we’re tired. Again. And we just ate up the last of the junk we bought and it’s only 6. We still have a long way to go.
“Let’s go get more food.” She said to me stretching out the word food like she always does, especially when she wants it. So that’s what we did. We went to Sobey’s –which was the closest grocery store to us – and we bought more food. Boys in there cars coming back from parties would whistle at us, but we’d tell them to screw off and continue walking. When we got to my house we drank the energy drinks and ate a bag of chips and we started on our sugar high again.
This time, we had a glow stick fight. We broke the middle part of the glow sticks and since we switched the sleepover to Dakota’s house we slept in the basement with her blow up bed and the sheets were black, there was one window which provided no light so we kept the light off and started whipping the sticks around so that the glowing gel of the sticks would fly everywhere leaving a bunch of glowing lights. It was a lot of fun.
We laughed and laughed and jumped on the bouncy blow up bed like we were 2 and we were basically just idiots together. And that’s why I love my best friend Dakota, because she loves to be an idiot, and I’m free to be one with her. It’s so much fun! Anyways, her brother – who is 17 and the king of weed – came down and told us we should clean it up because her dad might get mad. And we’ll most likely not be able to get the glow out of the fabric and the washer machines and basically her whole basement.
So we got to work on trying to put out the glow, dabbing our fingers on every pieces of glow we saw. It left our hands slimy, but hey even the clean up was fun. Trying to find all the pieces of glow gel and put it out became our mission and it was a really fun one. When we were done we sank into the sheets and fell asleep.
We woke up at 7 in the evening and immediately started to get ready for our movie date with our wonderful boyfriends. I personally didn’t like scary movies but Dakota talked me into seeing the uninvited with her. And overall it seemed like it would be fun to see.
Scary movies kind of reminded me of when we went to see one a few years ago, when we were around 13/14 years old. We went to see a scary movie, which again I let Dakota talk me into, except this time it was with one boy. He – I guess I could put it this way – was kind of into Dakota and after that movie he wouldn’t stop texting and I. Ming her and so she avoided him until he stopped, and then still she hesitated when he would message her once in a while on msn asking her how she was. That was one month I would never forget, mostly because when she was ignoring him he would be bugging me about telling her to call him and stuff. It was annoying.
We both took our time using the makeup we both loved to share and changed into some decent going out clothes. Then we went out and bought hair die for Dakota and she died her hair getting all the routes that had grown out over the weeks while I checked my email and facebook on her computer.
When we were all done and ready it was about 9:30 and the movie started at 10. The guys came at 9:35 and we ran out and into Drew’s car. I was kind of excited for tonight. Dakota and I hadn’t been out with guys al together in a few weeks. And I missed it. A lot.
When we got to the theaters the guys paid for our tickets and we walked into the movie we were going to see and sat down at the very back row in the corner where no one in the theater could see us unless they chose to sit beside us, which fortunately nobody did.
The commercials came on and Dakota and Justin were already making out. I turned to Drew and smile and then he kissed me on the forehead. We both like watching the movies a bit first and if they turned out boring then we would entertain ourselves but with Dakota and Justin there was no waiting. I have to say it was my brother so I tried to ignore the two of them bumping Drew’s chair which evidently bumped mine.
The opening credits came on and I watched the movie intently, it was actually pretty good, and when I looked over at Dakota and Justin they were too watching the movie with a lot of interest. I guess you couldn’t really make out in a movie where the noise always gets loud and some times stuff pop out and sometimes it doesn’t but you never know when it’s going to make you jump. And this movie definitely made you jump every five minutes.
It was almost the end of the movie and I found it so confusing that I watched it very carefully. And when the end came things became clearer. The girl was put into a mental home for slitting her wrists and accidentally killing her sister. But when her dad brought her home and introduced her to his new fiancé, she believed her sister was still alive and with her.
Her sister – who was just in her hallucinations, told her that her dad’s fiancé was out to kill them both and that she had killed the last family she was with. They accused her of being an old killer named Mildred Kent. And at the end of the movie the girl ended up killing the fiancé thinking it was her sister that did it, and she was sent back to the mental institute and she reunited with her room neighbor in the hospital Mildred Kent.
So basically her neighbor made her insane so she believed that her dad’s fiancé was her. It was a really confusing movie near the end, but over all it was really good.
We all got up and walked out of the theater, Drew placed his hand with mine and we all walked over to the slushie place right outside the theater. I ordered a blue raspberry slushie and Dakota ordered a raspberry one. Drew and Justin claimed to not want anything so we bought them for just us two and then we all left the mall and walked over to Drew’s car.
“So do you guys want to come back to my place with us?” Dakota asked. It was going to be Monday tomorrow but we had the week off school. We didn’t get our March break so they gave it to us in April. Hey! It’s still spring break.
“Sure.” Justin said. And Drew nodded. We got into the car and Justin drove over to Dakota’s and we all went downstairs to her basement.
“So Drew, you’re staying the night with us right?” Justin asked looking over at Drew who seemed a little bit uneasy about something. I looked at him and decided that I would talk to him later about whatever was bothering him.
“Yeah sure. Do you have any alchohol to drink?” He asked. It was weird for him because he hardly ever asked for a drink, unless he was at a club. Dakota nodded.
“Um yeah we have some Smirnoff upstairs in the fridge. Help yourself. I know you guys don’t like drinking what you call “fruit juice” but I’m pretty sure it’s all I’ve got. Don’t worry my dad bought it for my brother, and I already paid him for it so it’s all good. There’s a lot of it.” Drew didn’t say anything he just nodded and then walked upstairs. I figured that this was my time to talk to him.
“I’m going to go with him.” I said and they both nodded. I walked up the stairs and into the kitchen and I saw Drew digging through the fridge for the alchohal he was promised would be there. He looked so angry, so … scary.
I walked over to him and stood there for a second while he rattled the bottles in the fridge until he pulled out one that was flavoured wild berry. He still hadn’t noticed I was there, or he did, he just didn’t acknowledge it. I watched him as he opened the bottle and started to drink. This wasn’t like him. “Drew.” I said softly at first, but he continued to drink. “Drew!” I said again more loudly. He still didn’t look at me, so I went to grab the bottle from him. This wasn’t one of those 24 pack bottles this was a full fat 40% bottle.
He turned to his side pushing me out of his way. What was wrong with him? “Drew!” I said my tone harsh. “Stop drinking, this isn’t like you.” I went to grab the bottle from him, but this time he pushed me harder and I flew into the counter and landed on the floor. “WHAT THE HELL!” I said screaming at him this time.
He finally looked at me with warmth in his eyes. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry Kimberly!” He went to help me up. “I shouldn’t have acted that way.” I declined his offer and got my self up off the floor. He looked at me and I could tell he was shocked and scared with himself. And frankly I didn’t blame him, this is the scariest I had ever seen him. This wasn’t even him. At all.
I heard a rush of footsteps coming up the stairs and I started to walk toward Dakota when I saw her. “Kimberly, you’re bleeding!” she said. “What happened why are you crying?” I hadn’t noticed I was crying until she mentioned it and I put my hand up to feel the hot liquid streaming down my face. I just looked at Drew.
“Leave.” I said and he nodded saying sorry on his way out. I sat on the floor against the fridge my knees trembling. I cried more and then my brother started to talk.
“Did he hit you?” he asked. I could tell that if I told him he would be more then pissed off, and would go after Drew so I lied and shook my head no. “What happened? Did you fall?” I nodded. I felt so pathetic and small. I can’t even believe that this happened. I looked at Dakota, Justin may be my twin brother and best friend, but he wasn’t Dakota, who had known the minute I said know that it was a lie.
“Kimberly. Do you want to go home?” Dakota said hugging me. I wiped the tears from my eyes and then I got up.
“No I’m fine.” I said quietly. Just and Dakota took either side of me and wrapped me in a secure group hug. “Drew and I just got in a fight and I fell.” For the first time I looked at my arm where blood seemed to be dripping from, to the ground. And I remembered my arm scraping off the handle on of the drawers attached to the counter.
“Lets get that cleaned up and then we can go down stairs and talk. Okay?” Justin said, and I was starting to see the panic in his eyes and I knew that he never believed me when I said he didn’t hit me. But he knew there was a reason so he would listen to what I had to say and then make up his mind about kicking Drew’s ass later.
We cleaned up my cut and Dakota provided me with a pink neon Band-Aid and then we went down stairs and I told them everything. There was much to tell though, just that he grabbed the bottle and started drinking and when I tried to get it from him he pushed me out of the way and then I went for it again and he pushed me harder and I fell. Justin was already at the door by the time I had finished telling them what happened but I told him to give Drew some time because I know that he didn’t mean to hurt me.
“So what are you going to do about it?” Dakota asked. “Are you going to break up?” I didn’t like her question but I knew that they were important; did I really want to stay with Drew after this? What if he gets out of control again and pushes me or worse?
“I don’t know.” I said and then I took a minute to think and continued. “I’m going to ask him about it and see what he tells me and then I’ll go from there.” I said and it seemed reasonable enough, I mean there had to be some reason why Drew would push me. I knew him and I knew that he was probably at home laying on his bed thinking about his mistake and how he’s going to fix it. If anything I knew for a fact he didn’t mean to hurt me. It was written all over his face. He was upset with himself; he never knew he could ever hit a girl. And I knew that because I know him enough to know that he knows himself and that he would never do anything like that.
I’m confused though, what on earth would make him drink and drink and drink and then push whoever was in the way of getting to the alchohal. He didn’t know it was me, I could tell that much. But what would make him want to drink. He had never been much of a drinker. He would drink now and then and sometimes get drunk when we were at a party, but he would try to guzzle a whole bottle down in 20 seconds.
We were in the kitchen now because that’s where we ended up when Justin had gone to the door. I looked around the room and knew that I would always remember this day whenever I came here. Everyone would. My eyes glanced over to where the more then half drunken Smirnoff bottle was and then I panicked. Drew walked over to his house a lone or he drove. I don’t know, but he drank all of that alchohal there’s no way he didn’t get drunk before he reached his house.
What if he was wrapped around a tree or got into a fight? What if he was hurt, emotionally and physically? A million thoughts ran through my head and then I felt my heart start to pound out of my chest. I wanted to go see if he was okay.
A thought occurred to me, and even though it was early in the morning now I knew that if he heard it he would answer it. “Dakota can I use your phone?” I asked her. She looked at me shrugged then grabbed the phone tossing it over to me. I dialed the number that came so naturally to me from all the late night phone calls we shared and it rang and rang and rang until I got his answering machine and that’s when I hung up the phone and started to pace around the room in circles. Dakota grabbed my arm and then brought me to the living room and sat me down on the couch. And reading my mind she said. “He’s fine.” But I wasn’t so sure.
I fell asleep on the couch crying and worrying. Stupid boys. That’s what they do to you. All you do is love them and they have you up most of the night crying and worrying. As if us girls don’t have enough to worry about.
I had a nightmare. Drew was running down the streets all wobbly and drunk and a man was chasing him. He had a knife in his hand and was trying to keep his pace with Drew – who was running at a remarkable speed -. I came out of the bush somewhere along the way, but dreams always skip past certain things. I was holding a gun, and I aimed it at the guy chasing us.
I shot the first bullet and he dogged it, and so I shot another one. This time it hit him in the arm but he continued running. Drew and I picked up the pace joining each other’s hands. I looked over at him and he had the same look he had when I had just gone up to see what was wrong with him when he was in Dakota’s kitchen. He looked scary.
I turned my head to look at the guy running and he was getting closer. All of a sudden Drew’s legs caved in and he fell letting go of my hand to make sure that I continued running. I stopped and tried to help him up but it was no use it felt like there was a giant boulder lying on top of him. As soon as I went to shoot the guy again he had already stabbed Drew I screamed.

I woke up with a scream. I couldn’t take that dream, what if that was right what if that was a sign that Drew had been hurt? I checked the clock on the computer it said it was 8am. So much for sleep last night. I walked over to her phone but it was just the base. I looked around for it but couldn’t find it anywhere. Maybe that was a sign that Drew was okay and I needed to stop worrying.
I sat back down on the couch and turned on the TV with the remote. Much Music was the channel it was on and it was playing a really good song. I hadn’t heard of the band before, nor had I ever listened to the song. The music video played on and on until finally the song title and artist showed up. It said it was Summer Girl by Stereos. I made a mental note to look them up when I got to my own house.
I flicked the channels over and over trying to get my mind off of Drew and it was somewhat working. I would sometimes stop to watch some of the show that was playing but after a few minutes I would start to think and worry again so I went on flicking the channels.
Dakota and Justin were still sleeping, probably in her room. I felt bad for ruining their night. I know they wanted everyone to have fun. It was supposed to be a good night for us. We hadn’t had a group date in a while. We’ve all had things planned on different days and there was always one person that couldn’t make it for some reason.
I let myself think about Drew for a second to long and the next thing I knew I was up and scurrying around the house looking for the phone. I was getting frustrated because I knew that Dakota had hid the phone on purpose knowing that I would eventually want to call Drew again and make sure he was okay.
I gave up and went to sit back down on the couch. Flipping through the channels again until I spotted a show I love to watch for its funny attributes and old generation. I kept the channel on I love Lucy until it was over and then I got up and made myself a sandwich. I got two pieces of bread and the cheese and bologna out and put them all together. I started to eat it and before I knew it the sandwich was all gone. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was before. I made myself another sandwich and then once it was eaten up I returned to the couch.
I jumped up immediately knowing where the phone would be. I was so stupid for not knowing before, but it was so ridiculously easy as to where it was. I walked over to Dakota’s room door and carefully opened it. She and Justin were sleeping deeply on her bed and the phone was placed on top of the TV.
I quickly grabbed it and left the room making sure to close the door very quietly as I left to go back to the couch. I didn’t want to wake them. Once I was there I dialed the numbers and hit the talk button and listened to it ring for a while.
After the 5th ring I heard his voice say hello into the phone. I just sat there while he repeated it over and over not wanting to hang up. I was scared and shocked. His voice on the other line was much the same as the last time I heard it.
“Chris?” I said. “Why are you at Drew’s” He took a while to answer but when he did I didn’t like what he had to say.
“Because Drew’s been sleeping with Morgan.” And then he hung up.