Status: writting whenever i can!

A Princess? At Hogwarts?

making fun of Malfoy

So today is the first of September and it’s finally time to go to Hogwarts. You check out the scarlet steam engine while you wonder what on earth to do. You know that some guy named Hagrid had told you that you needed to get onto platform 9 ¾ and then just get on the train and you’d be on your way to Hogwarts. But the problem was, you had never even seen any other wizards in your entire life.
As you ponder what you should really be doing, the train’s whistle sounded so you just got on the train and stood there for a good 5-10 minutes. Then you started to walk down the aisle when you heard something behind you. You turn around and whip out your wand to see no other than … Draco Malfoy.
“Well well well, looks like I’ve found myself some fresh meat.” Malfoy said as he eyed you up and down. “Bug off Malfoy” you replied. You weren’t afraid of the Malfoy’s. They were terrified of you father. He was the only one to ever deny them the right to torture other people.
“So who are you then? You know my name but I’ve never seen you around school before. Who are you?” you laughed at his question. “Man you are blind Malfoy! I’m surprised you haven’t gone running to your compartment screaming. Don’t you remember me? Or at least my father?” *man this is fun* you thought. “No, should I remember you?” Malfoy asked but you heard a tone in his voice that hinted he was scared. “I’m Princess Saramina Brisson. The daughter of the person your father fears so much” you replied and just started laughing at the reaction you got. Just to see his jaw drop open and then his cool tough look disappeared as he ran back to his stupid bodyguards Crable and Goyel. *Man, are they really shallow. They think Malfoy’s gonna save them from Voldemort! Ha*

Just then a door further along the carriage opened up and three kids stepped out. A girl with curly brown hair who looked like she was the smartest one in her grade, a boy with orange hair who had a look on his face that said ‘why are we coming out to see what all the commotion is?’, and another boy with messy black hair and green eyes that looked like he was treated badly at home.

“Hi, umm, did you just make Malfoy drop his cool and run away?” the girl asked. “Umm, yea. I think I did.” You replied, “umm, who are you though?” you asked. “Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Hermione Granger and this is Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter. But you probably know all about Harry, don’t you?” Hermione asked. “Um, no sorry, I don’t. All I know of Harry is that he lives with his aunt and uncle for reasons my father never tells anyone. And Ronald’s entire family has been in Griffendor and their house is in need of a makeover. And you Hermione are a muggle-born. And also thanks to you all Sirius Black is now safe far away from here. And by the way, my name is Princess Saramina Brisson. But you may call me Sara.” “Wait, you’re a princess?” Ron asked you. “Um, I’m pretty sure that’s what I just said.” You replied. “So wait, that would mean that your dad is…
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so i know that some of you might think my story is really stupid and no good but I'm doing my best. criticize me if you want cause i can take it! and if you wish to give me ideas feel free! I'm probably gonna need it! please and thank you!