Status: updateeedd :]

Can't Live It Down

I love you

The sun was just setting and after the rain had cleared from the night before, Jake was out in the field beating at the old machines trying so hard to get Casey off of his mind. His dad would be proud of him for finishing his chores without being asked but all Jake cared about was getting that kiss of his mind. He couldn’t get the thought of her lips off of his mind. He didn’t know what was going through Casey’s mind but when he heard the tractor turn on across the road, he thought that maybe she was thinking too.

Jumping on the nearest machine, which he simply forgot the name of, he decided that maybe if he tried to talk to her while they worked she would listen. The machine started up quickly, it’s long sharp machinery chopped at the ground beneath him and he knew he’d have hell to pay for ruining the ground, but he had to get to her.

“Casey!” he yelled across the field, finally getting her attention. “Please, I love you.”

Their machines were getting closer to each other and finally Casey looked up at him and in his surprise, she smiled. Maybe, he thought, that she spent time thinking about it and wanted him too.


In one second, their machines were closer to each others then he thought and suddenly the hard metal clashed and Jake, who was standing up about to turn the machine off, lost his footing.

Before Casey had time to blink, her body was jerked forward as the machines collided and she watched with a front row seat as Jake was thrown forward between the machines and a sickening snap was heard.

And right after the silence, all that could be heard is Casey’s screams.

“Jake! No, no, no. Please, don’t do this, Jake. Please!”

An ambulance was heard in the background and Casey’s brother was pulling her away from the scene. Crying and screaming, her face had been splattered with a little bit of blood that reached her.

“No! Is he okay?”

In the distance, Casey saw that Jake’s mother was crying over his body and all she could do was watch the scene unfold and feel that it was all her fault.

Her brother smoothed her hair gently and held her to him while she screamed. “I’m so sorry, Casey.”

The moment that those words left her brother’s mouth, she knew that she had lost everything. She knew that Jake was gone and that it was all her fault and she didn’t even get to tell him that she loved him.